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 The Spider's Web

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xP o i s o n - S h a d e
xP o i s o n - S h a d e

Number of posts : 115
Age : 27
Location : None-Of-Your-Business, USA
Registration date : 2011-03-17

The Spider's Web Empty
PostSubject: The Spider's Web   The Spider's Web EmptyThu Jun 02, 2011 11:44 am

Open or Private?

She smiled softly at the unconcious man spralled over the bed, snoring lightly. Sen wiped the sweat off her brow happily, dunking a rag into the cold water of the basin that she'd asked another medic nin to bring her while she was extracting the poison. It was a delicate process; she had to be careful of his body and, of course, she needed to be quick. If not, the man wouldn't live to see the 'morrow. This poison was a very specific poison, working to kill him from the inside out, and she wasn't too sure how he came into contact with it, but she figured she really didn't want to know.

Sen had been called away from Suna to help extract the poison from the twenty-something looking male; while Suna and Hoshigakure weren't allies, they were, however, allies of their allies and that made Suna graciously lend help when needed. Squeezing the cloth of access liquid, Sen smoothed it over the man's forehead to help with the light fever.
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Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

The Spider's Web Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Spider's Web   The Spider's Web EmptyThu Jun 02, 2011 1:12 pm

Well what afflicted the man was more then mere poison. Coursing through his veins was something just as potent but near impossible to find. The human had so been poisoned but due to what lay within him. A second being bent on parasitic nature. Its thinking was rational and its hunger driven by instinct. Extractions would effect him but it was because of this odd type of poison he could not escape the shell. Two minds battling for dominance, when he had been found he was nor more conscious then a dead man. The battle that had occurred witness by no man. Only beast.

Kuvoos Zhyche was currently a resident in this body. Silently waiting for his chance of escape. A failed attempt at symbiosis had left him weakened and even more so by the toxin in the humans blood. A night on the town that turned horrid no doubt. And of course he chose to infect the body of a nobleman at that. Dirty blond hair, dark green eyes and a physic that would make most women fall at his feet. Damn, the chimera was hoping to get some action! But he failed... painfully.

The man stirring, eyes opening slightly though his body could still feel the decaying venom stab at him.
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xP o i s o n - S h a d e
xP o i s o n - S h a d e

Number of posts : 115
Age : 27
Location : None-Of-Your-Business, USA
Registration date : 2011-03-17

The Spider's Web Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Spider's Web   The Spider's Web EmptyThu Jun 02, 2011 1:39 pm

[Well, that was kind of confusing. xD So the guy was poisoned because of Kuvoos in his body? At least, that's what I'm getting from the mildly confusing two paragraphs. XDXD]

Sen smoothed the wet cloth on his forehead once more before pressing her hands to the chest of the sandy-haired man; she let chakra flood her hand and glow a limeish green. Raising her hands slightly from the man's (well-built) chest, she started the process of attempting to remove the toxin from his body. There was a reason for her hatred of poison; it took the longest time to remove and create a antidote for, and she had a feeling it wouldn't come out easily this time.

Ugh, were her thoughts as she stared down at her hands, guiding the glowing green chakra amoung his vains, this reminds me of the time Sasumu poisoned hisself with my senbon; that was hell to get out. Her older brother was a crazy one, that was for sure. How the hell did one poison himself with a senbon? You don't need to know the details of how that happened. The story suspicously included a puffer fish and sharades. Yeah, that's one story she'll never tell...
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Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

The Spider's Web Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Spider's Web   The Spider's Web EmptyThu Jun 02, 2011 2:26 pm

Ok, do there was always two sides of every story. It just so happened this one included... a few more. The long story short, chimera tricks noble, noble falls for trick, chimera steals body, chimera mistakes a certain silk robed spider for a high scale whore, near fatal bite ensued. A terrible luck of the draw for Kuvoos, having lacked enough blood in his brain to tell the different between a female and a highly effeminate male. Then again the beast had been going through a dry spell and anything with two legs, even four, was appealing.

A soft groan escaped the blond's lips, consciousness coming back to him. Parting his eyes enough to see the dark green of his hues but little more. A hand reaching up to try and stop the action on his chest. Even if Sen's hands weren't on him it was just reflex that spurred the guy into movement. A powerful grip holding her wrist... a slight smile crept up on the nobles face. A kuvoos-esque smile. "And what's your name?" Yeah even in the midst of fatality the chimera was still... a charmer..
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xP o i s o n - S h a d e
xP o i s o n - S h a d e

Number of posts : 115
Age : 27
Location : None-Of-Your-Business, USA
Registration date : 2011-03-17

The Spider's Web Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Spider's Web   The Spider's Web EmptySat Jun 04, 2011 6:02 am

Sen's face turned a bright, shocked red. The guy wasn't suposed to be awake!! He was poisoned for god's sake. What the hell kinda tecniques were ninja coming up with these days? I mean, a guy that wakes up after he's been poisoned by a venom that eats at you from the inside? What the hell? And what was with the whole, "And what's your name?" thing? It reminded her of something her brother would do...

Sen quickly yanked her hand from the male's and dropped her face slightly so her hair shadowed her face (and, in the case of her bangs, cover almost half of it) and replaced her hands where they were in the first place, chakra glowing again.
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Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

The Spider's Web Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Spider's Web   The Spider's Web EmptySat Jun 04, 2011 7:07 am

The host was dying and Kuvoos wouldn't be far behind if he didn't make an escape now. But an escape would put him out in the open and he could feel the presence of others. Causing trouble seemed to just be in the chimeras blood. All the parasite could do now was wait and hope this ninja tending to him could heal the poison and slow the decay. And while he had nothing else to do, and dominating the hosts mind, he had to flirt with the nurse! Blame the primal libido!

And how could he not find the girl attractive!? And of course lacking in strength he couldn't keep his hold on her hand. Never letting his eyes wonder from her. "Are you my saving grace? Because you sure do look like an angel." Always the smooth talker... "Or did I die and go to heaven?" A surge of pain from the bite mark made his eyes water. Ah, no, he was alive.
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xP o i s o n - S h a d e
xP o i s o n - S h a d e

Number of posts : 115
Age : 27
Location : None-Of-Your-Business, USA
Registration date : 2011-03-17

The Spider's Web Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Spider's Web   The Spider's Web EmptySat Jun 04, 2011 7:30 am

Sen's eyes widened in shock: the guy was trying to flirt with her? What was she suposed to do to get him to quit it and let her focus? She wasn't equipped to handle these kind of situations! Her brother was the flirt, not her! She'd have to forget about it for now, otherwise the guy wouldn't live. She ignored his words, pushing more chakra into the man's veins. It was corsing all throughout his body, and she had to pull the venom out of his veins with her chakra. Not fun; usually it took a long time.

Sen was running out of time, so she'd have to settle with extracting as much as she could and then rushing to find a antidote. Soon enough, she could see her chakra make the veins glow from under his skin. This the harder part: accually removing the chakra and the poison together. Sen pressed her hands to his chest and then pulled backwards on her chakra and hands both, sucking it back through her pathways and letting the new, venom-filled chakra into a tightly packed ball underneath her hands.

Removing all of it plus as much venom as she could, Sen back away and hit the ground on her knees, let the visicous liquid fill a bowl she'd placed next to her feet. The glowing green chakra dispersed, and she panted, staring at the bowl that was fill with something that was dangerous; she thought back to when she'd been told of all his symptoms. Fever, sweating, shaking, the liquifying of organs...Sen stood and ran out of the door, sprinting to the greenhouse that held everything she needed.

Soon enough she was running back into the room with her arms full of various items, dropping next to the bed and creating the antidote.
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Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

The Spider's Web Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Spider's Web   The Spider's Web EmptySat Jun 04, 2011 8:52 am

They could literally feel the venom being drained from their bodies. The corrosive poison being so careful extracted. It was a tremendous show of skill and one that Kuvoos has to admire. Not many ninja from his home could do such things. Hell his people were more family oriented and village recluses. They would never help out others outside their own cliche. Able to tell she was foreign from this land from both her headband and the knowledge he was siphoning from his host. Slowly his eyes slipping closed, chest rising and falling as if he had fallen into sleep.

Kuvoos Zhyche was cursing his own weakness for pretty faces. It wasn't just being bitten but the fact he got his ass kicked by a male who was two cup sizes away from being called a woman! And suffering in the eyes of others only lowered his ego and scarred his pride. Ah, what pride had done to him over the years.

Stirring awake again when Sen returned with supplies in hand and let the stuff clatter to the floor rather rudely. Both the host and parasite wincing from the sound as it rang in their sensitive ears. Gah, usually heightened sensitivity was a good thing! But paying for it with throbbing pains, ringing ears, itching skin... and picking up the females scent rather clearly in his nose. Turned his head, the golden locks of hair falling over his face and his dark green eyes burning brighter then ever.

"If I wasn't so... caught up right now I'd gladly lend a pair of hands." Wide grin followed.
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xP o i s o n - S h a d e
xP o i s o n - S h a d e

Number of posts : 115
Age : 27
Location : None-Of-Your-Business, USA
Registration date : 2011-03-17

The Spider's Web Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Spider's Web   The Spider's Web EmptySat Jun 04, 2011 9:28 am

She could practically hear the leer in his voice. Bet that flirtatious lilt he had was the reason why he in this situation in the first place...Sen cringed and set to work on the antidote, taking out a kunai and picking up one of the green leaves she'd brought with her. Folding it into quaters, she slashed it in half and the peices dissolve in the venom; it turned the dark purple liquid to a light color, as it should have done. Taking the hilt, she ground up several petals into a fine dust and set it aside.

After a few more minutes of working on it, she dropped the last of the ingrediants, the petal dust, in and watched as it turned the liquid into a clear, silvery color. Sen wiped her forehead and picked the bowl up, carrying it over to the bedside table where she pulled out a small bottle and a syringe. Pouring some of the liquid into the container, she closed the top and stuck the syringe in it to fill it up.

Sen removed the needle and turned to the guy, grabbing his arm and flipping it over so she could locate the vein she needed. She slid the needle in and pushed the plunger down until the liquid completely drained from the syringe. The antidote would neutralize any venom left, but she still had to heal the organs that were damaged. Sen smiled at him, and pulled the needle out gently, throwing it away swiftly in a nearby trashcan before returning to the man's side and pressing her chakra-covered hands to his abdomen to begin healing the damage that had been done.
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Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

The Spider's Web Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Spider's Web   The Spider's Web EmptySat Jun 04, 2011 10:09 am

Kuvoos weaved in and out of consciousness in the last couple of moments. What was minutes felt like hours to him. Again, had he simply jumped from the body when he had the chance he could have avoided all this. But he didn't want to leave the guy to just die, abandoning the host like that. So what if it was just another snobby noble, the chimera had learned from past mistakes and had even gained a conscious. And this guy dying would weight heavily on him.

His eyes trying to focus on the girl and her footsteps. It wasn't until he saw the needle and how it was heading straight for him he panicked! He was scared of those damn things. Oh the painstaking amount of experimentations that were done on him to fine a 'cure' for his ailment.. he'd never look at doctors the same again! Oh, nurses were different. Very much so.

Unbeknowest to Sen the parasitic shinobi renegade had his own tricks to help. After the flesh eating venom was removed it was the mater of focusing and allowing his dominence to expand past the mental hold he had on his host and move it to the next level. Sharing his increased healing, speeding up the process of mending the organs and muscle that had been damaged. What should have taken weeks would turn to hours... but Sen added aid was making this into a medical miracle! She'd be honored, most likely.

Once the first moments of shock were over Kuvoos spoke up again. "Maybe you can lay your hands on something else later?" Yeah, he just wouldn't stop... chuckling right after with that deep, brassy voice of his.
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xP o i s o n - S h a d e
xP o i s o n - S h a d e

Number of posts : 115
Age : 27
Location : None-Of-Your-Business, USA
Registration date : 2011-03-17

The Spider's Web Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Spider's Web   The Spider's Web EmptySat Jun 04, 2011 10:30 am

Sen's eyes widened and her face's color darkened into a cherry red color. This flirt was definately worst than her brother. Unlike her patient, Sasumu wasn't really that suggestive. Sure, he was a guy, so he had his moments, but he wasn't as bad as the male lying on the bed, who's innuedo had her practically stuttering. She wasn't equipped to handle a situation like this! Ducking her head and pumping more chakra into her hands, she murmured, "I don't think so," and turned a darker color, before hiding behind her hair.

Sen cocked her head to the side curiously as she assessed his injuries. The ones that would've taken her all night to heal by herself would be done in less than half that time. It was unusually strange how fast it was all healing; maybe he had a fast healing rate because of a Kekkai Genkai? Or something like that. It was possible. A person's life tended to be strange, but a ninja's was even weirder. She'd seen a lot of crazy shit in her few years as a healer, so she wasn't overly worried about it; however, she'd ask just to make sure something wasn't wrong.

"Do you have a Kekkai Genkai of some sort?" She said softly, smiling slightly down at her patient. "Or anything else that helps you heal faster? You're healing faster than normal, and I just wanted to see if it was normal."
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Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

The Spider's Web Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Spider's Web   The Spider's Web EmptySat Jun 04, 2011 1:04 pm

Loving the expression on the girls face. It was the main reason why he kept pushing and pushing. The cherry colored blush in her cheeks making him grin wider. Closing his eyes again, trying to put his focus into his healing for now. Teling himself, and his host, he would be good and control himself. And he managed! ....for all of six minutes. One couldnt control a beast in mans clothing.

Chest rising and falling slowly, looking so peaceful and innocent... yet once more he had reached up and took hold of her wrist. Both. Pulling them down to press against his chest. It was warm and beat with the soft throb of his heart. Well hearts. "Mmm I think it"s your beauty that's nursing me back so quickly~" Ah such a charmer. Keeping his solid green eyes closed. And she should be lucky he didn't push any more then this. Releasing her hands. "Oh I wouldn't say anything about me is abnormal... if you're counting what's above the waist anyway." Stretching beneath her, feeling better already.

"So, where am I?"
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xP o i s o n - S h a d e
xP o i s o n - S h a d e

Number of posts : 115
Age : 27
Location : None-Of-Your-Business, USA
Registration date : 2011-03-17

The Spider's Web Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Spider's Web   The Spider's Web EmptySat Jun 04, 2011 4:15 pm

The blush was back with a vingance, color her face and her neck, trailing down to her arms too she was sure. If he didn't stop she'd most likely end up fainting. She probably looked like she was sunburned. When the guy yanked her down onto top of him she let out a soft yelp and immidiantly peddled backwards, face turning a even more delicate color of purple-red. What was with him? And where the hell was Sasumu when you needed him, dammit?!?!

When he let go of her hands she fell backward onto her butt, and then she heard his next words and she practically froze, almost completely to her feet. Uh-oh...Sen's world started spinning, and she was sure of what was going to happen. Sen straighted up, and then muttered (quite) loudly, "Hoshigakure. And I'll be really pissed if you don't catch me," before pitching forward into a dead faint, red still coloring her skin. Her last thoughts as she fell toward the ground was, I hope he lets me hit the ground so I have a reason to hit him. It was his fault; I'm not prepared to deal with flirtation patients and their innendos!

It definately hadn't been on the curriculum, that was for sure.
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Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

The Spider's Web Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Spider's Web   The Spider's Web EmptySun Jun 05, 2011 3:30 am

"Ah.. hm.. well didn't think it was that bad. Then again I do have that affect on women~" The chimera purred, this meaning woman often fainted after witnessing his true form and not those oh so sweet words he spoke. Sitting up he clutched his side then lightly ran his hand over the bite mark on his shoulder. It was gone now but it was still throbbing from soreness. The rest of him seemed to work well enough but he could have done with another hour or two of sped healing... but now he was going to have to wake up his nurse. Slipping out of the makeshift bed they rest him on, pulling off the sheet that covered his lower half.

"Great." He nudged her with his foot, scratching behind his ear. Really, he wasn't even that bad! He was just messing around after all. It was simply all in joking manner but Sen had to go and take it the wrong way. But the parasitic rogue wasn't one to bite his tongue around a pretty face. He shrugged and looked down... hm, now where were his pants? Ruffling around for something to slip on. If she laid there any longer he'd feel like he'd have to give her mouth to mouth.... even if she was breathing~ it wouldn't occur to him that his beastly traits were starting to show. The faintest hints of fangs and his ears starting to get pointed. The base of his spine aching.
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xP o i s o n - S h a d e
xP o i s o n - S h a d e

Number of posts : 115
Age : 27
Location : None-Of-Your-Business, USA
Registration date : 2011-03-17

The Spider's Web Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Spider's Web   The Spider's Web EmptySat Jun 11, 2011 2:14 pm

Sen awoke with a snap, flush receding from her cheeks; she sat up, glancing around. Ohkay. Was there a reason for her patient to be up and about, exspecially with no clothes on? She shrugged to herself. That's probably why he was up. The whole naked thing didn't phase her; she was raised by a older brother, after all. Besides, she was a medic nin, too. It couldn't be avoided. It was only the fact he was insinuating them together that made her faint. She was shy, so what? that topic had always made her blush to high heavens.

In a breif flash of irritation, she got up from the floor and through a vase from the beside table at him. "That's for not catching me!" The vase was plastic, so it wouldn't hurt very much if it did end up hitting him. She was too nice to accually throw a glass one at him. Barely glancing at the back of the man, she turned around to give him some privacy, when her eyes caught a glimce of something that was not exactly human, and she spun around to get a better look. "Uhm, there are a pair of sweats in the drawer to your right. And are you sure that that scaled tail of yours is completely normal?"
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Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

The Spider's Web Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Spider's Web   The Spider's Web EmptySun Jun 12, 2011 7:36 am

Hey, Kuvoos wasn't exactly naked! He was in equvilant of a pair of very thin and breezy... boxers. Full on nudity at the start of a relationship was a terrible idea! Snickering as he heard her get to her feet, keen ears heard her grab the vase and the wind whizzing from the toss. Taking a side step to avoid being struck. He didn't need to ad any more damage to this borrowed body. Amused by the girls reaction he couldn't be mad at the fact she openly attacked him. "Tut tut, is this any way to treat a sick and or injured patient? Do you have a supervisor I could speak to?"

When she pointed out where he could get some pants he muttered a quick thanks and slipped the clothing on... then it became rather obvious when he couldn't pull his pants up all the way and the girls comment. Heavy sigh.. "Well." He looked over his shoulder at her, grinning wide. "I did say I was abnormal below the belt." Wiggling his ass and making his tail twitch. Wrapping the appendage around his waist. Now he would need to find a shirt long enough to help conceal his little... problem. Well better the back end then the front. "If you think that's interesting, be glad I have better control of the front." Himself unfaded by all of this. "Where can I find something to eat?" Another wide, flirtatious grin. "Besides you~"
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The Spider's Web Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Spider's Web   The Spider's Web Empty

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