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 How can anyone love Wrath? (m)

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2 posters

Number of posts : 1288
Age : 32
Location : Somewhere in Washington that sux
Registration date : 2011-05-25

How can anyone love Wrath? (m) Empty
PostSubject: How can anyone love Wrath? (m)   How can anyone love Wrath? (m) EmptySat May 19, 2012 10:36 am

Wrath was sick. He hated it, but what else is new. Now he here was in a fucking cave, and he had to send a damn pigieon for medical help, again! Wrath seethed with a light rage at his situation. He was still more than capable of ripping apart anything, but the sickness was becoming an annoyance.

Wrath heard movement from outside. And a rather large wolf appeared at the entryway.
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Number of posts : 592
Age : 24
Location : Asgard
Registration date : 2012-04-04

How can anyone love Wrath? (m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can anyone love Wrath? (m)   How can anyone love Wrath? (m) EmptySat May 19, 2012 1:18 pm

Yuri waited until she heard Akira bark.
She stepped out of the snow-covered trees and saw Akira standing at the mouth of a cave.
She followed her beloved pet wolf into the cave, finally seeing the man who was inside.
"Hello," Yuri said. "Are you the one who sent the pidgeon?"
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Number of posts : 1288
Age : 32
Location : Somewhere in Washington that sux
Registration date : 2011-05-25

How can anyone love Wrath? (m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can anyone love Wrath? (m)   How can anyone love Wrath? (m) EmptySun May 20, 2012 2:39 pm

Wrath looked at her like she was a moron. "No, the guy next door did," he began sarcastically, "just get the fuck over here and help me." He sat up and leaned against a wall. "Keep the mutt away from me though. Animals dont yend to approve of me."
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Number of posts : 592
Age : 24
Location : Asgard
Registration date : 2012-04-04

How can anyone love Wrath? (m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can anyone love Wrath? (m)   How can anyone love Wrath? (m) EmptySun May 20, 2012 3:27 pm

((dont try looking up the sickness Wrath has, it isnt real. I made it up Razz ))

Akira whined, making Yuri sigh.
"My wolf here, Akira, pretty much likes anybody as long as they arent mean or they attack people. In any case, I should probably get to seeing whats wrong with ya."
She approached Wrath, gently resting her hand on his forehead.
"Well...for starters, you are burning with fever," she said. "Though that is obvious..."
She took a moment to think.
"I dont think you have something caused by bacteria, Wrath," she said. "The cold of the snow here would kill off bacteria, but you seem too sick for it to be just a regular cold caused by the weather here..."
She closed her eyes, thinking hard. "I think you have Colywignos. It's a sickness caused by two main things- drinking contaminated water, or by infected wounds. Now, I'm not sure which one applies to you, but that doesnt really matter. I'll fix ya up."

"Hold still," she said softly. She lifted her hand and drew water out of the air. The water began to glow as she sent in a bit of chakra. She placed her hand gently on the left side of Wrath's face, letting the water being to heal the inner nerves.
A minute later, and his fever was down.
Yuri sighed. "That wont take care of it permanently, I need to go and get some herbs for that. But it should help."
"I'll leave you for a moment. Akira will stay with you while I gather the herbs needed. I wont be long."

With that, she stepped out of the cave, leaving Akira and Wrath alone.
Akira stepped up to Wrath, and tryed nuzzling his hand to get Wrath to pet him.
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Number of posts : 1288
Age : 32
Location : Somewhere in Washington that sux
Registration date : 2011-05-25

How can anyone love Wrath? (m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can anyone love Wrath? (m)   How can anyone love Wrath? (m) EmptyWed May 23, 2012 7:28 am

Wrath lifted his hand and laid it gently on the wolf's muzzle. "You and I were probably a lot alike," he began to say, "but unlike you, Im still a beast." He continued to pet it and laughed a bit. "That girl of your's is quite a beautiful and smart medic. I might need to test her out."
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Number of posts : 592
Age : 24
Location : Asgard
Registration date : 2012-04-04

How can anyone love Wrath? (m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can anyone love Wrath? (m)   How can anyone love Wrath? (m) EmptyWed May 23, 2012 9:15 am

Akira's eyes narrowed slighty but he didn't do anything.

Around a half an hour later, Yuri returned, in her hands was a small brown bag that smelled strongly of herbs and medicine.
"sorry that took so long," she said apologetically. "The herbs werent in the spot I though they were so I had to sort of search blindly for them."
She paused, then added,"Did your fever come back when I was gone?"
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Number of posts : 1288
Age : 32
Location : Somewhere in Washington that sux
Registration date : 2011-05-25

How can anyone love Wrath? (m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can anyone love Wrath? (m)   How can anyone love Wrath? (m) EmptyFri May 25, 2012 9:59 am

Wrath sighed a bit when the girl got back. "Bout fuckin time you got back!" Wrath growled pushing the wolf away from him. "No the fever hasnt returned, but i want to get rid of this fucking sickness as quickly as possible." He punched the ground, and his hand sank into the fist sized hole he had just made in the earth.
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Number of posts : 592
Age : 24
Location : Asgard
Registration date : 2012-04-04

How can anyone love Wrath? (m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can anyone love Wrath? (m)   How can anyone love Wrath? (m) EmptySun May 27, 2012 10:03 am

"Allright, Allright, please dont yell," Yuri said softly. "It's bad for your body when you are recovering from an illness."
She then set the bag on the ground and opened it, removing it's conents.
She crushed the herbs and mixed them in a bowl along with a couple of different liquids, creating a strong-smelling potion.
After a while, she stopped stirring.
"Alright," she said, holding up the potion. "Drink this. I have to warn you though, it tastes absolutley disgusting, but it'll help you."

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Number of posts : 1288
Age : 32
Location : Somewhere in Washington that sux
Registration date : 2011-05-25

How can anyone love Wrath? (m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can anyone love Wrath? (m)   How can anyone love Wrath? (m) EmptyFri Jun 29, 2012 6:44 am

Wrath began to drink the strange smelling medicine. He spit it out the instant it hit his tongue. "What the fuck are you trying to do!!!???" He roared. "Is this poisoned?" She wasnt lying when she said it was disgusting, thats for sure.
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Number of posts : 592
Age : 24
Location : Asgard
Registration date : 2012-04-04

How can anyone love Wrath? (m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can anyone love Wrath? (m)   How can anyone love Wrath? (m) EmptyFri Jun 29, 2012 7:10 am

Yuri sighed. "Why does everyone always ask that?" she lamented.
"Look," she said, getting a bit angry. "If I wanted to poison you or harm you, I would have just struck a vital nerve in your brain when I lowered your fever earlier."
She started breathing a bit heavier.
"Its not fucking poisoned. And I warned you, didnt I? I told you it would be awful."

She decided not to try and make him drink it on his own.

Yuri grabbed the potion from him and slurped most of it into her mouth. She hated the taste as well, but she had needed to do this enough times that she didnt spit it out as a reaction.
In a quick movement she slammed her lips onto his, forcing his lips apart and effectively transfering the potion from her mouth into his.
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Number of posts : 1288
Age : 32
Location : Somewhere in Washington that sux
Registration date : 2011-05-25

How can anyone love Wrath? (m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can anyone love Wrath? (m)   How can anyone love Wrath? (m) EmptyFri Jun 29, 2012 7:15 am

Wrath was too surprised to even note that the potion had slipped down his throat and he swallowed it. He pulled away, slightly aware that the kiss seemed to have a different meaning. "Why is she blushing?" He thought to himself. He then placed his hand on the back of her neck and began to kiss her gently.

(sorry about the blush i made your character have.... I needed it for that moment)
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Number of posts : 592
Age : 24
Location : Asgard
Registration date : 2012-04-04

How can anyone love Wrath? (m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can anyone love Wrath? (m)   How can anyone love Wrath? (m) EmptyFri Jun 29, 2012 7:23 am

Yuri tried to pull away but Wrath's hand on her neck stopped her.
She tried to ease out of Wrath's kiss but it didnt work.
Eventually she gave in and let him kiss her.
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Number of posts : 1288
Age : 32
Location : Somewhere in Washington that sux
Registration date : 2011-05-25

How can anyone love Wrath? (m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can anyone love Wrath? (m)   How can anyone love Wrath? (m) EmptyFri Jun 29, 2012 7:30 am

Wrath smiled devilishly and pushed her aside. He stood up and stretched, working each muscle so until he felt rejuvenated. "I feel much better now." He said. He walked to the mouth of the cave, lifted a boulder, tossed it into the air and then smashed it with his fist with one hand. "My strength isnt quite back yet though. I could have gotten that boulder a lot higher." He said nothing about the kiss.
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Number of posts : 592
Age : 24
Location : Asgard
Registration date : 2012-04-04

How can anyone love Wrath? (m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can anyone love Wrath? (m)   How can anyone love Wrath? (m) EmptyFri Jun 29, 2012 8:13 am

Yuri blinked, her cheeks flushed.
She watched Wrath smash the boulder.
"I think all you really need is some rest," she said softly.
From what she could tell, he was already very strong.
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Number of posts : 1288
Age : 32
Location : Somewhere in Washington that sux
Registration date : 2011-05-25

How can anyone love Wrath? (m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can anyone love Wrath? (m)   How can anyone love Wrath? (m) EmptyFri Jun 29, 2012 8:32 am

Rest sounded stupid to Wrath. He wanted to have some fun, but he thought better of it. "What is that wolf's name?" He asked as he sat down next to it and began to pet it.
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Number of posts : 592
Age : 24
Location : Asgard
Registration date : 2012-04-04

How can anyone love Wrath? (m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can anyone love Wrath? (m)   How can anyone love Wrath? (m) EmptyFri Jun 29, 2012 8:51 am

"His name is Akira," Yuri replied.
Akira nuzzled Wrath's hand, happily letting Wrath pet him.

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Number of posts : 1288
Age : 32
Location : Somewhere in Washington that sux
Registration date : 2011-05-25

How can anyone love Wrath? (m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can anyone love Wrath? (m)   How can anyone love Wrath? (m) EmptyFri Jun 29, 2012 8:54 am

"He is a strong animal." Wrath laughed. "Kind of soft but still a strong one. I assume he is your protection. You dont look like much of a fighter." Wrath smiled slightly.
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Number of posts : 592
Age : 24
Location : Asgard
Registration date : 2012-04-04

How can anyone love Wrath? (m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can anyone love Wrath? (m)   How can anyone love Wrath? (m) EmptyFri Jun 29, 2012 10:24 am

Yuri felt slightly annoyed, but brushed it off.
"Yeah, I prefer not to fight. But when I'm in battle I'm alright, I guess. Not exceptional, but pretty good."
She stopped for a moment, breathing.
"Akira is quite the fighter himself. I've trained him so that he has a bit of chakra control- with it he can run faster, strike harder than any other normal wolf."
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Number of posts : 1288
Age : 32
Location : Somewhere in Washington that sux
Registration date : 2011-05-25

How can anyone love Wrath? (m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can anyone love Wrath? (m)   How can anyone love Wrath? (m) EmptyFri Jul 06, 2012 7:31 am

Wrath laughed a bit more. "So you can fight huh? Well thats good, because I'm going to need someone to keep watch over me until I get all my strength back. He tossed her a small bag of coins. "Theres enough money in there to keep us alive for a few weeks, but i cant go into town for.... personal reasons. So i will need you to get provisions."
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Number of posts : 592
Age : 24
Location : Asgard
Registration date : 2012-04-04

How can anyone love Wrath? (m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can anyone love Wrath? (m)   How can anyone love Wrath? (m) EmptySat Jul 07, 2012 11:32 am

Yuri sighed. "Ok," she said.

"Do you want me to go now, or should I wait till later?"
She tensed, hoping he wouldn't yell at her.
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Number of posts : 1288
Age : 32
Location : Somewhere in Washington that sux
Registration date : 2011-05-25

How can anyone love Wrath? (m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can anyone love Wrath? (m)   How can anyone love Wrath? (m) EmptySat Jul 07, 2012 12:03 pm

"Well food now would be nice." Wrath said grumpily. "Or we could just eat this mutt." He looked at Akira and smiled devilishly.
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Number of posts : 592
Age : 24
Location : Asgard
Registration date : 2012-04-04

How can anyone love Wrath? (m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can anyone love Wrath? (m)   How can anyone love Wrath? (m) EmptyTue Jul 10, 2012 1:44 am

Akira flattened his ears and growled.
Yuri sighed.

"We are NOT going to eat him, got it?"

Yuri reached into her pack and pulled out a container of rice balls.

"Here," she said, passing the container to Wrath.
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Number of posts : 1288
Age : 32
Location : Somewhere in Washington that sux
Registration date : 2011-05-25

How can anyone love Wrath? (m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How can anyone love Wrath? (m)   How can anyone love Wrath? (m) EmptyFri Jul 13, 2012 5:17 am

Wrath looked at the container and smiled. "You come prepared, eh?" He tore out the rice balls greedily and ate. "So what the hell are you going to do in the mean time? I cant let you leave until I am well anyways."
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