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 Training alone? (Open)

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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Training alone? (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Training alone? (Open)   Training alone? (Open) EmptySat Dec 19, 2009 8:50 pm

Toshi had come to visit Kiri to train. Konoha was too....crowded. She was infront of a tree, her young face contorted in concentration as she tried climbing up its bark without her hands. But it was hard. "Come on! Practice makes perfect!"

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Training alone? (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training alone? (Open)   Training alone? (Open) EmptySat Dec 19, 2009 9:13 pm

'Its one of those days' he thought
Kaji Nara needed to get out of the House His mother was being what his father described as "troublesome" he muttered under his breath. that comment got his dad a swift hit with the broom a weapon more fearsome than any of the Seven Swords.

When his father stared cowering in fear Kaji knew it was time to leave it was only a matter of time before she turned on him.

'Training' it was the perfect way to get away and take his mind off things
he made his way towards a training ground but before he could reach his favorite spot he saw a girl a couple of years his junior attempting to climb trees.

Walking slowly towards the girl he cleared his throat
"umm can I help you miss"
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Training alone? (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training alone? (Open)   Training alone? (Open) EmptySat Dec 19, 2009 9:17 pm

"Kyaa!" Toshi lost her footing and fell, but only one metre. She hadn't climbed far. She was on her back as she looked up at the boy that had spoken. "Who are you?"

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Training alone? (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training alone? (Open)   Training alone? (Open) EmptySat Dec 19, 2009 9:29 pm

the end of Kaji's mouth twitched in to a grin as he examined the Genin in front of him

"I am Kaji Nara and you seem very Green" he paused giving her another once over
" I have never seen you around before so im guessing your from the land of fire "
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Training alone? (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training alone? (Open)   Training alone? (Open) EmptySat Dec 19, 2009 9:33 pm

"Nnh." Toshi got up, rubbing her back. "I'm from Kusagakure, but I guess I'm a...citizen of Konoha, in a way," she said, smiling demurely. "Nara? Do you know Shikamaru Nara?"

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Training alone? (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training alone? (Open)   Training alone? (Open) EmptySat Dec 19, 2009 9:42 pm

' She knows Shikamaru intresting '
"I see this is interesting, why is a young girl such as yourself traveling to another nation." Kaji paused
"Shika is my cousin our dads are Half brothers"
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Training alone? (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training alone? (Open)   Training alone? (Open) EmptySat Dec 19, 2009 9:46 pm

"I... I just wanted to take a break from Konoha. It's so crowded there. And Nara-sensei taught me how to play Shogi!" she said happily. "Oh, and I'm Satoshi Kuroda, call me 'Toshi!" Then added, "Wanna be friends?"

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Training alone? (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training alone? (Open)   Training alone? (Open) EmptySat Dec 19, 2009 9:58 pm

Kaji clutched his stomach and fell over laughing.
His eyes teared up as he lost his mind in front of this girl.

" Shi..Shika... Shikamaru is a tea...teacher" he broke out in laughter again

"Im sorry its just so hard to picture my lazy Cousin teaching Genin" he gasped for breath. and he composed himself.
"I would be glad to be your Friend Toshi" Kaji said extending his hand to her
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Training alone? (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training alone? (Open)   Training alone? (Open) EmptySat Dec 19, 2009 10:00 pm

"Aw, he's not that lazy. I made him jump in a lake." Toshi smiled and shook his hand. "And then...well, we just swam lazily."

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Training alone? (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training alone? (Open)   Training alone? (Open) EmptySat Dec 19, 2009 10:08 pm

Kaji blinked 'this girl made Shika jump in a lake'
"that sounds like the Shika I know" he smirked
"so tell me Toshi-chan what has my cousin taught you besides how to play games"
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Training alone? (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training alone? (Open)   Training alone? (Open) EmptySat Dec 19, 2009 10:11 pm

"Um....well, something about goals, but I forgot," she said, laughing. "I almost beat him at Shogi, too!"

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Training alone? (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training alone? (Open)   Training alone? (Open) EmptySat Dec 19, 2009 10:25 pm

"my my I am impressed its a tie game every 2/3 times we play. so he told you something about goals well Ill impart a little of my own wisdom" he grinned
" I saw you attempting to climb this tree" he pointed towards said tree " how about I give you a hand with it." he blinked and activated his Byakugan "mmm...your coils are average for your age and your control should be near perfect since your a girl" he formed the correct hand seals and whispered "Shadow Possession Jutsu"
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Training alone? (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training alone? (Open)   Training alone? (Open) EmptySat Dec 19, 2009 10:31 pm

Toshi blinked in confusion and tilted her head. "Well, I'm supposed to have good chakra control since I'm a medic nin... Hey, What are you doing?" she asked, and tried to walk, but couldn't. The two of them were connected by his shadow. "Ooh, a kekkei genkai?"

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Training alone? (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training alone? (Open)   Training alone? (Open) EmptySat Dec 19, 2009 10:42 pm

"the Nara Jutsu are Hidden jutsu but i do have my Mothers Kekkei Genkai" he stopped grinning Kaji walked them both over to the tree and began walking up it.
"while I could in reality drag you up this tree you wouldnt get the full effect of what im trying to do for both of us, Begin Channeling a tiny bit of Chakra through your feet"
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Training alone? (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training alone? (Open)   Training alone? (Open) EmptySat Dec 19, 2009 10:48 pm

Toshi gulped and nodded, her feet oozing blue chakra. She focused chakra to the soles of them, and followed what Kaji did since she had no choice but to.

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Training alone? (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training alone? (Open)   Training alone? (Open) EmptySat Dec 19, 2009 10:57 pm

Kaji felt a bit of the strain lessen when they were halfway up the tree " good, good soon I will be releasing this jutsu I hope that your feet stick " he sighed "great im almost out" he released the jutsu and fell to the ground.
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Training alone? (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training alone? (Open)   Training alone? (Open) EmptySat Dec 19, 2009 11:00 pm

"Eh?" Toshi felt herself slipping. "Nuuuuu...!" She squeaked, and added chakra, hoping she'd stay. But it was too much chakra. She was blasted off the bark, leaving a deep footprint. Toshi was blown back hard enough to crash into another tree.

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Training alone? (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training alone? (Open)   Training alone? (Open) EmptySat Dec 19, 2009 11:07 pm

Fetu sat back watching as his fellow genin tried to climb the trees with a smile on his face for once. I come to this area and look what I find a trespasser and one of them.
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Training alone? (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training alone? (Open)   Training alone? (Open) EmptySat Dec 19, 2009 11:20 pm

He ached all over 'note to self dont attempt that again until chunin level' his head hurt the most his eyes creaked open and he was able to spot Toshi on the ground as well .
"ugh Toshi-Chan tell me you feel better than i do" he groaned
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Training alone? (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training alone? (Open)   Training alone? (Open) EmptySat Dec 19, 2009 11:23 pm

"I'm used to it." Toshi grimaced in pain and sat up. "I think I broke my rib..." She looked down, and sure enough, her yellow shirt was stained with blood. "I just got the last stains out yesterday! Argh!"

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Training alone? (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training alone? (Open)   Training alone? (Open) EmptySat Dec 19, 2009 11:43 pm

" oh great well at least Raiden isnt here to call me an idiot ..he.. you can heal yourself right" he said taking a soldier pill into his mouth.
" never mind im strong enough to take care of you myself while I dont know much medical jutsu I do carry lots of tape and bandages" he tried to grin but winced.
taking a scroll off his belt and un-sealed it. Lifting her shirt just enough to wrap the bandages around her rib cage.
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Training alone? (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training alone? (Open)   Training alone? (Open) EmptySat Dec 19, 2009 11:46 pm

"At least I broke just one," she said, wincing. "And I used up all my chakra on the training." She sighed, and took out a kunai. "Can you make me a splint? I hurt my leg too."

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Training alone? (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training alone? (Open)   Training alone? (Open) EmptySun Dec 20, 2009 12:05 am

" Im a Nara basic first aid is in our blood " he chuckled getting to his feet he attempted to find a branch to make a splint. upon locating the perfect sized one he un pocketed a kunai and split it in two. the Nara then began fixing her leg in said splint
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Training alone? (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training alone? (Open)   Training alone? (Open) EmptySun Dec 20, 2009 12:16 am

"Ah, I feel so ashamed. A medic nin that can't even heal herself," she said, sighing. "Help me up, please." Toshi smiled up to him wryly.

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Training alone? (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training alone? (Open)   Training alone? (Open) EmptySun Dec 20, 2009 12:30 am

"ah dont worry about it Toshi-Chan your still young after all" he chuckled
" Plus Cousin Shika would never for give me if I didnt help out his student after I got her injured in the first place" he said helping her to her feet. "Come on ill take you to my place or the hospital at least"
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