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 What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3)

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What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3) Empty
PostSubject: What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3)   What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3) EmptySat Apr 30, 2011 8:11 pm

Hai walked along an snowy road in the village of Yukigakure. He didn't really have any specific things to do here, he just wanted for once, to walk around and enjoy the beautiful environment that was hard to find in the Ninja world. Almost everywhere people went, they would be bound to meet fighting and combats, but this place seemed peaceful at the moment. Hai heard a silent crunching in the snow, he turned around to look what it was. It was just a tiny snow-hare leaping across the snow, escaping from an arctic wolf right behind it. Luckily for the hare, the hare was the quickest one and the wolf seemed to start growing tired and exhausted already.

Hai's face was kept emotionless despite what he was watching, when he knew that the hare had gotten to safety he just turned his gaze back and started walking again. There was pure snow everywhere, snow that hadn't been soiled by blood or garbage etc. yet. Inside of himself, Hai had a smile, but on the outside he didn't show it. Hai noticed a bench in the distance, and walked over to it. The bench didn't have any snow on the seats, seemed like it was used regularly. Hai sat down on the bench and leaned backwards, looking up at the clouds.

{ Meh, not too good for some reason, I took a break from RPing all together, and yeah. X3 }
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Number of posts : 302
Age : 33
Location : Canada Quebec
Registration date : 2011-03-14

What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3)   What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3) EmptySat Apr 30, 2011 10:45 pm

((Mind if I join? :3))

The snow village... it was so white, so cold and so... snowy. Fangpow never liked the cold... hot weathers were more his sort of thing, hence why he normally avoided missions or jobs in cold regions. Recently his village had momentarily ran out of contracts with allied countries, meaning short, simple and paying missions were out of the question... those missions the gunner loved so much... But now he was stuck here on a guarding job... that's right, a guarding job. The Snow Village had the money to ask allied countries for backup and guards but couldn't afford to train their own forces? Bullshit. Already the hot sun was missing him... iced tea, freakin' sunburns in the face and all that good stuff... *sigh* why did he even accepted such a job anyway? Probably because it seemed so easy and relax on first glance... but he never though it would be this chilling. There was cold... and then cold... but this was INSANE.

Perched on a tree at the edge of a small snowy forest which was on a cliff not too far from the village, outfitted with his usual clothing and wearing a thick, white and fluffy cape with a hood to keep himself warm, the gunner was looking trough his sniper's scope for any suspect activities. He had been informed that there were spies lurking around the village and that if saw one he had to deal with it immediately and bring it back in, if possible, alive. Camouflaged in his hiding spot, Fangpow's eyes immediately fell on something moving in the distance. It was black on white... he just couldn't miss it. Adjusting his scope, the Tea Ninja zoomed on it, trying to see who this person might be... if it was a spy, right now he or she was obviously failing miserably in the stealth department.

As his sight focused, the gunner could now determine that it was actually a he... and if he judged by that headband he was wearing on his forehead, that he also came from the hidden village of clouds... which, if he remembered correctly, was allied with this small one.

-Darn, no shootin' I guess.

He whispered to himself. The Tea Ninja then simply kept looking at him trough his scope, bored and curious of what he might do as the mystery man sat on the bench.

((Here's my character's bio if you wana know more about him! =P: ))
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What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3)   What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3) EmptySat Apr 30, 2011 11:36 pm

{ Yes, I do mind! Delete your post! >: c Just kidding. x3 Hello :3 }

Hai kept sitting bored, leaning back against the bench and watching the clouds. He couldn't help having this nagging feeling... That something was wrong, that someone was watching him from a hidden place. He just couldn't seem to focus his mind on anything else. Curious, Hai started shifting his gaze around to look at everything 360 degrees around him, trying to make out any suspicious movements that could reveal if someone was watching him or if it just was his imagination.

He couldn't see any motions right now, but he knew that different villages are bound to be suspicious of strangers in their village, and that some villages have ninja guards that guard the area unseen. Hai slowly opened his mouth, ready to say something. "Who's there?" Hai asked out loudly, he knew that someone was there, and he could see the person if he wanted to. But if the person declined to show himself Hai would have to see him the hard way. (Not fighting x3)
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Number of posts : 302
Age : 33
Location : Canada Quebec
Registration date : 2011-03-14

What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3)   What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3) EmptySun May 01, 2011 10:20 am

Fangpow could only faintly hear what this guy said as he seemed to look around him, as if he knew someone was watching him.


The Tea Ninja could hear the echo that resonated with the nearby mountains trough the wind. Now this was something, did this guy really sensed his presence? From this far away? He was around a fifth of a mile away! Maybe he had a nack for sensing other's chakra, or maybe he was just a chakra sensor type of ninja... those were rare. But then again, Fangpow always had difficulties hiding his own chakra from other ninjas... but from this far away? It seemed surreal. Maybe he was sensing someone else's presence, who knows.

But one thing was for sure, he couldn't just walk out of his hiding spot and blow his cover. If there were spies watching, they would know where he was... and this was the perfect sniping spot, it took him hours to find the right one with the perfect angle and distance as well as a comfortable branch to sit on... for hours on end. Looking trough his scope, the gunner simply whispered to himself...

-Can't get off here, you'll have to come and find me, buddy...

He added as he let out a small sigh. This was sad, really. He had been siting here for an eternity today and this was the only "excitement" he had so far, this and watching the wildlife that was present in the Snow Country. This whole spy lurking around the village business seemed like a load of baloneys. He just had to keep in mind that he was actually getting paid for this...
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What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3)   What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3) EmptyMon May 02, 2011 3:53 am

Hai sighed out disappointed when he didn't receive any answer from the person that was hiding somewhere. Hai performed some hand seals and created a real-like clone of him that was hidden in an alley nearby. Hai then got up from the bench and walked into the alley, his clone returning to the spot one minute later. Hai then decided to find the person. He blinked quickly, and as Hai opened his eyes again, his eyes had turned into looking just like the Tomoe 3 Sharingan, though it wasn't it...

Hai looked around, trying to find the blood flow of the person, he could see a blood flow quite a bit away, and noticed that the person was hiding. He would have to sneak up on this person and make sure not to scare him away. As the clone sat there and did stuff like look up at the clouds every now and then, Hai made his way behind the tree, keeping his distance to prevent the person from hearing him.

Hai snook up behind the tree, taking careful steps without sound, as well as covering up his chakra the best he could. In a flash, Hai appeared behind the person that seemed like a ninja with a gun, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Who are you, and what were you spying on me for?" Hai asked, placing a kunai against the mans throat, though making sure not to cut or slash it just yet. He used the hand he had on the male's shoulder to block any attack the other person could throw at him.

"Stay calm, I do not wish to fight. I'm just trying to find out why you were watching me." Hai said, his bloodline still active. Luckily for him, they were covered up by leaves, so there wouldn't be any intruders, the position he was in now gave him the advantage if the other person was out to fight, though he did not really wish to fight right now. Hai watched the male carefully, awaiting an answer.
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Number of posts : 302
Age : 33
Location : Canada Quebec
Registration date : 2011-03-14

What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3)   What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3) EmptyMon May 02, 2011 10:43 pm

Fangpow, looking at the mysterious ninja sitting on his bench didn't realized that he had performed handseals... due to the fact that he yawned due to intense boredom at the exact same time as the cloud genin did his thing. His sight returning to his scope that the person he was spying on apparently decided to stand up and head for the town, going in some alley.

-Well that's the end of that...

He added, letting out a small sigh of discouragement. His only source of "amusement" decided to leave the scene. Oh well, back to work it would seem. Lowering his rifle and simply looking around with his naked eyes, a black spot once again appeared on the distance, apparently coming from the the same alley the ninja went into moments ago. Pulling his sniper rifle out once more as he gripped it and looked trough his scope, Fangpow noticed it was, indeed, the same guy as before... he was apparently heading out again... what on earth was he doing?

That's when it hit him. It was a decoy, no doubt the real one either fled or...

"Who are you, and what were you spying on me for?"

...was already behind him... great... At least the kunai was over his cone-shaped collar. It's this very collar that was part of his special suit that allowed him to keep himself completely composed and almost unfazed... this butter knife had more chance to cut trough a rock than this tougher-than-steel fabric, even if it were to be pumped with a crapload of chakra... Good thing he was wearing a hood, it was probably because of that the Cloud Ninja didn't saw there was obstruction between his neck and the blade.

"Stay calm, I do not wish to fight. I'm just trying to find out why you were watching me."

-Heh, don't worry buddy, you'll need more than that to get me going.

He added, with a chuckle.

-I'm here watching people because I'm supposed to be guarding this place. I've been hired by the Snow Village to keep an eye on spies.

The gunner then let out a sigh.

-Does that answer your question?

The Tea Ninja's left hand was already just above the right side of his white bowtie belt that was hidden under his white cape, ready to reach for his pistol and fire in a quickdraw worthy of a world record if the Cloud Ninja would try and actually cut him down.

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What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3)   What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3) EmptyTue May 03, 2011 1:42 am

Hai watched the gunner with suspicion after hearing what he said. Hai had taught himself always to be cautious against strangers- And people he already know just to be sure. Hai slipped a finger inside the hoop of the kunai and drew it back, spinning it around slightly before he stuck it in a bag that ninjas usually wore around their hips. This bag wasn't only used for ninja weapons though, he had everything for shurikens to medical equipment in there. You never know when it might come handy...

Hai sat down on a branch right next to where the two of them were standing at the moment, keeping his bloodline active as defense just in case. Hopefully the gunner didn't know the story about how Hai's clan stole the appearance of the Uchiha clans Kekkei Genkai as well as a tiny bit of it's skills. Hai sat on the branch carefully, making sure not to make any rattle in the leaves that would blow the gunner's cover.

Hai turned his gaze to look at the gunner. "I see, very well then. Considering I'm one of the cloud ninjas I'm not really surprised you had to make sure. That's why I won't leave you out of my sight just yet, because I don't trust you yet... And yes, indeed, it did answer my question well enough." Hai said in a low tone.
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Number of posts : 302
Age : 33
Location : Canada Quebec
Registration date : 2011-03-14

What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3)   What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3) EmptyTue May 03, 2011 10:50 pm

Hm... so apparently, whoever this was didn't trust him. Why not? Did he looked like a bloody assassin? Nope... at least, that's what he thought. If there was one right now that looked untrustworthy it was this guy next to him.... with that outfit and those... weird eyes of his. What were those anyway? He could've sworn he had seen something similar once... but where? Thinking about it as his eyes narrowed, Fangpow finally remembered; he had stumbled upon an old history book at the library back when he was designing his weapons. What was the name of this gekke genkai already the sharonjam? Sharin... gan? was this it? He couldn't remember the name, but he remembered the essential... being what they were able to do... this was probably how the Cloud ninja managed to spot him so easily.

-Man, if I wanted you dead, you'd already be a goner, trust me. I've seen you arrive on that road more than a mile away... black on white is easy to spot, don't you know.

He added, gesturing with his sniper in hand.

-I'm holding something quite deadly right now in my hands... if a spy shows itself eventually I could show you what it does! But so far, nothing. This is even more boring than a fishing trip with my dad.

He finished as he tilted his head, his right eye now looking trough his scope.

-So what's your name, what are ya doin' here?
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What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3)   What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3) EmptyWed May 04, 2011 2:55 am

Hai kept watching the gunner closely. Come to think of it, he didn't really seem like that bad of a guy, maybe he would be able to trust this guy after all. Hai closed his eyes shortly, and when he opened them again his bloodline was deactivated, however he still kept watching the person's movements. "You say it'd be easy to spot me? How about your big, bright outfit then? You'll probably see it from the road down there." Hai said and pointed at a road far away.
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Number of posts : 302
Age : 33
Location : Canada Quebec
Registration date : 2011-03-14

What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3)   What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3) EmptyWed May 04, 2011 9:50 am

Not removing his sight from his scope as he looked around trough it, Fangpow still raised an eyebrow in mild annoyance as he answered his question.

-In case you haven't noticed, we're surrounded by snow, which is white... and and I'm wearing a cape which is also white... it might be bright but at least it blends in.

On the distance, the gunner had spotted something coming on the main road... it seemed like a regular trade kart... but something was off. All the trade karts he had seen so far were literally covered with a thick layer of animal skin to keep whoever there was inside warm. This one didn't. And the one pulling the horses didn't looked like a trader from here... exportations maybe? That was probably it... but it could also be a cheap excuse for slipping in unnoticed.

-There's a trading kart up ahead... it's not from here. It might be exportation but I'm having doubts.

He added as he handed him over his rifle, putting on the safety before doing so.

-Just hold it like that and look trough the lens...

He said as he quickly showed him how to hold the mysterious weapon properly.

-I think I should go check it out... watcha think?
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What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3)   What an beautiful nation. (Open for anyone x3) Empty

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