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 Tame This Hunger (Open)

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3 posters

Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

Tame This Hunger (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Tame This Hunger (Open)   Tame This Hunger (Open) EmptyTue May 17, 2011 7:09 pm

(This thread is open but I do ask that there is at least a full paragraph per post if not more. And more serious rp with nothing ...toooo random. And please follow turn order. )

Cool breezes blew in from the west and ruffled the trees. Their leaves, so full and lush, wouldnt sway and fall to the ground so easily. The grasses and underbrush just as vigilant to keep its place as the winds whipped and caressed. A shadowy figure tilted its head upward, eyes closed to bask in the gentleness of it. And could that be... the sweet smell of home?

No, just a simple matter of nastalga. Everything in this world was just upsidedown. The breeze that would have instead touch bare skin instead swept over thick fur and sharp, animalistic features. Where was the justice in this fate? Why had he done to deserve such a twisted exsitance? A hunger that ripped and gnawed at his gut, his chest and his mind.

He threw his head back and screamed. A shrill, piercing cry cut through the daylight hours. The once lively forest quickly grew silent, every small beast turned to hiding while the larger of predators took their guards. A monster was on the prowl and come sun rise or sun set its sheer brutality wouldn't be withheld. Kuvoos had learned to be fearless, ruthless and showing mercy would only lead him to be further pursued by those he tried so desperately to elude. The once human beast circled the woods for a good hour, by now his tracks had dug grooves neatly into the soft earth. Paws and sharp talons. A sleek moving shadow draped in a cloak. Tired of walking bipedal, all fours served him better... even if it made him felt just as wicked and mangled as the world viewed him.

Kuvoos Zhyche, one of the noblest names in his village, was reduced to this. A mangy animal that wondered aimless with no home. His constant circling wasn't a matter of being lost... but only boredom and no direction. He was simply running low on ambition. When he finallly stopped, plopping down in front of a tree. Staring at the touch bark, expression blank and devoid.

'Thud' Came the sound of the first slam. 'Thud' Then came the second, third, forth. Broad, ebony fur turning red as Kuvoos was volatile with his pent up frustration. Slamming his forehead into the wood, hoping perhaps to dislodge some form of knowledge from his brain. Or perhaps he was hoping a concussion would end some of his misery. But that skull of his was too thick, the pain dulled out way too soon.

He screamed his rage, dragging his large nails through the bark and dug out deep rivets that leaked sweet amber. Ha, trees bled just as easy as the flesh. The slightest of smiles graced his muzzle. Pulling back, forehead pounding and small trickles of sweet crimson rolled down from the gash over his brow. Blinking back the droplets that rolled into his narrow, honey colored eyes. Picking himself up he turned and left with his bloody marks still in the bark. Kuvoos would only make it a few steps before his legs felt like rubber and give up on him. Collapsing onto his side, still very much conscious.

"Good to know... I can still feel pain."
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Tame This Hunger (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tame This Hunger (Open)   Tame This Hunger (Open) EmptyTue May 17, 2011 7:18 pm

( I know my posts are short, I'm sorry...but I'll try my best to make it long >-< May I? )

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Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

Tame This Hunger (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tame This Hunger (Open)   Tame This Hunger (Open) EmptyTue May 17, 2011 7:32 pm

(Only if you promise to be more serious then its fine you can join. I just want to make this more complex )
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Tame This Hunger (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tame This Hunger (Open)   Tame This Hunger (Open) EmptyTue May 17, 2011 7:38 pm

(Sure. I'll post when I get onto a PC )

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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Tame This Hunger (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tame This Hunger (Open)   Tame This Hunger (Open) EmptyTue May 17, 2011 8:42 pm

The star village... She was finally there. Naka had to run away from Kusa that day. The demons inside of a certain cursed shrine had caught onto her. They had wanted to suck out her soul, to eat her heart, so she had to run. They chased her through Yugakure, through Amegakure, through Yukigakure. And she ended up in the outskirts of Hoshigakure when she finally shook them off. Though they weren't solid, their attacks were. She had bruises and cuts and holes in her by the time she was done. The pain was even worse. She could feel her very essence seeping out with her blood, disappearing as soon as it exited her skin. Why? Why did she have to be treated like this? She had gone to the shrine to befriend them, to offer some food. They mistaked it for her.

Being the host for a thousand souls was tiring, she knew, but she didn't think it would be that bad. She supposed she deserved it. When one defies death, one goes against nature itself. Naka sank to her knees when she reached a forest. No one was there. She could let out her frustration and cried.

She had no meaning to the world. She was merely a soul wafting in its history, able to be erased in a puff. She had no importance...but she would always stay. She made friends and fall in love, but all of them would surely die. She woul then be just a passing memory. No one would remember her. She was nothing. Naka washed her ruddy face with water from the river and her vision bkurred. Where was Aiden? And Mother? Kurama? Brothers? Was no one watching her right then? Was she old enough to be released? "Not yet," she mumbled. "I'm not ready just yet...not yet..." She passed out after saying so.


Naka woke up to a scream that shook the ground. She opened her eyes and got up quickly, but regretted doing so; her bleeding wounds had not healed over. She hadn't had the chance to heal them yet. She cursed an treated the basics before getting up and pulling out a kunai. Just in case. She had analysed the scream to be of...male gender? She guessed so.

Naka moved tentatively as she approached the source. Then she froze when she saw what it was. Was it...human? Animal? Both? It smashed his head against the tree and she winced. The smell of blood diffused into the air and made her wince. Oh god! The poor thing. What was wrong?

When it collapsed onto the grass, Naka looked around to make sure no one was around. Then she ran over to him and put her hands on where she supposed was his forehead. Well, it was bleeding, that much she knew. Naka started to heal its injuries... Man or woman, beast or man, she would heal them. Definitely.

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Number of posts : 2181
Age : 31
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Registration date : 2011-04-13

Tame This Hunger (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tame This Hunger (Open)   Tame This Hunger (Open) EmptyWed May 18, 2011 1:04 am

(can i join with Irik. Yes spoiler Xeno frees him from Ryiths control so i'm using him as one of my rp characters)
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Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

Tame This Hunger (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tame This Hunger (Open)   Tame This Hunger (Open) EmptyWed May 18, 2011 4:21 am

(You may only join if you can match us in posts and content, please )

Kuvoos was very much conscious and aware of the new scent of blood. Laced within it was the bitterness of sorrow and distinct taste of a demonic feel. What he couldn't pluck out from this new food to his senses was fear. His eyes narrowing as the figure removed itself from the brush and closed in on him. What fool could be so daring as to approach a creature unforeseen and feral? And one that was wounded! Had Kuvoos a more primal state of mind his first react would have been to turn on her and sink his jagged tech into the flesh to scar the bone. It was only Naka's soft touch and his knowledge of healing that kept his anger in check.

But his pride was a fickle thing. Moments into the process he jerked away from her hand and hissed. A discolored, avian foot launched from beneath his robes and used the force to shove the already injured girl away. He needed no sympathy! His wouldn't would heal themselves in due time. This girl was just a child and what abilities she may have had was better used on saving herself.

One he was on his feet he shook himself, dirt lifting from his cloak and fur. Slowly slipping back onto his haunches, his head spinning again. "Little villager, one with a home and clan. Didnt they teach you better? Laying hands on a stranger is dangerous for your health and mine." She did not smell like the pools of chakra other ninja did she instead smelled... "like a thousand rotting corpses." Kuvoos was lacking manners, that was obvious to say the least.
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Number of posts : 2181
Age : 31
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Registration date : 2011-04-13

Tame This Hunger (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tame This Hunger (Open)   Tame This Hunger (Open) EmptyWed May 18, 2011 5:26 am

Irik was walking along the dirt road, his puppets dancing as they walked next to him. He was named the puppet dancer for a reason, and even though that name was given to him because of his skill at the puppet master jutsu, he always like watching his puppets dance for him. To him they were his best friends. So he walked along smiling at his puppets. He was out to see the world. He wanted to be like his friend Xeno. He wanted to explore all the villiages and all the lands, just as Xeno had done. So he walked on smiling, so money rested in his pocket from performing his puppet acts at the last villiage. He was happy to be out and away from Ryith. He could smile for the frist time in a long time. His smile faded to confusion when he noticed to people standing on the grass nearby. Well he was sure atleast one was a human. The other, not so much. He had his puppets jump back into their scrolls and he ran over to see why two people were standing on the side of the road like that. As he got closer, he noticed one of the people wasn't human at all. More like a humaniod beast. This scared the child who quickly resummoned his puppets back to his side.

"Excuse me." The young boy called out. "Why are you two standing like this so far from the road?" No one could blame a child for being curious. Even more so Irik, who had spent most of his life inside Rytih Tentin's werehouses. He was too young and too sheltered to understand how the world worked and why, in the world he lived in, two people standing on the side of the road wasn't something a child needed to know about.

(Irik is the only character I have that would be easy to continue the story with. Xeno would want to fight, and misaki would have just kept walking)
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Tame This Hunger (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tame This Hunger (Open)   Tame This Hunger (Open) EmptyWed May 18, 2011 9:28 am

"Hya!" As Naka was pushed away, she grunted and looked up at him. All she wanted to do was help. Was that so wrong? She had met many injured like him, and they let her treat them. None knew of her sick, twisted core, her filthy heart. But when he said, 'a tgousand rotting corpses', Naka paled. It was like he knew her. He could...sense her dirty soul, bound to hell forever. He knew she wandered the world aimlessly, only able to watch people but never interact. She was merely, in effect, a demon. A demon in human form perhaps, but still just a demon.

But knowing this, knowing that still she was bound to the darkness, she didn't succumb to it yet. She was stubborn. She wouldn't let it happen. She wouldn't be engulfed into nothingness yet. Naka wanted to help, to heal, to make better. She wanted to be a good ggirl, on the surface at least. She wanted to be the nice one you could count on. Even if you didn't want her help. She'd still incessantly offer it to you until either she gave up or you did.

"But sir, you're forehead, it's bleeding. There might even be splinters in it," she said timidly. Naka took a few steps closer, her hands clasped. "Please don't run away. All I want to do is help. Please? Naka is a good girl."

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Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

Tame This Hunger (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tame This Hunger (Open)   Tame This Hunger (Open) EmptyWed May 18, 2011 5:17 pm

"I would not be touched by the flesh. It becomes too tempting, you see. I might gobble you up without a second thought but yet you feel the need to approach me. Do they not teach children to be weary of strangers in strange lands?" Kuvoos openly bashing the girl with his sour words and a low growl in the back of his throat. Made bitter by the world he never took kindness for... well simply being kindness. Everyone in this world wanted something. Even children could be guilty of it. He would have circled her, to put more a chill into his words, but he found himself still under a dizzying headache. He wouldn't want to loose balance again in front of the girl and risk loosing his grizzly appeal.

Then he heard the second child wonder in. What was this?! Was there some nursery nearby that let children roam free like livestock? Or was he just a child magnet? Nothing about his physic screamed 'child safe.' Had he not been in more control he would have rather ended their miserable lives. "Is there no adult supervision?" His eyes darted over the Naka, ears and head lowered defensively. Twitching at the mention of being a 'sir.' It had been a long while since he had been called something other then a variation of a pest.

"I bleed because I chose too. If you wish to touch something touch yourself. You're bleeding more then I am and your blood is potent enough to stir the dead!" Turning his back to the two of them, looking disinterested.
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Number of posts : 2181
Age : 31
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Registration date : 2011-04-13

Tame This Hunger (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tame This Hunger (Open)   Tame This Hunger (Open) EmptyThu May 19, 2011 2:00 am

Irik still confused at what was going on. Why was that big guy-thing being so mean. The girl was just trying to be nice and help. Excuse me, mister. Why are you being so mean. Irik asked as the man-beast turned its back. Irik frowned, he was confused adn he didn't like it. Irik was 13, but he had been locked away from the rest of the world for 10years. This caused him to mentally grow slower then he did physically. He may have been 13, but he have a 7year mentallity, most of the time anyway.

Why is he so mean. It's not nice to push people. If he does it to this girl again, I'll just have to kill him. Irik thought. Even with a 13year old body and a 7 year old mentallity, during a fight, Irik could go toe to toe with a missing nin and win. Irik turned to the girl. She looked sad. Excuse me ma'am, would you like to see a puppet show. Irik asked as he made his puppets jump infront of him and start dancing.
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Tame This Hunger (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tame This Hunger (Open)   Tame This Hunger (Open) EmptyThu May 19, 2011 3:04 am

Naka smiled and shook her head politely. "He'll get angry if we do that right here, right now. You can show me later, though, I'd love to. However, right now, I'm more worried about the bleeding...he's losing blood and there might be splinters..." She looked worriedly at the strange person. He might have looked a bit feral, but to her, he was a person. She didn't really care if he was actually a talking animal. If he could think and talk for himself, then to her, he was a sane being with a brain. And right now she was scared wood might be stuck to the side of his skull or something. If he let it be like was a potential health threat.

Naka did not care if he refused her help. She wanted to heal him, willingly or not. Willingly just made it easier and faster for her to patch him up, not to mention reduce chances of permanent damage. And it would have been rude to push it onto him. She was stubborn, she knew. But it had kept her sane and it gave her good morals. As her surrogate mother told her. Now there was a person in need in front of her, and she was just itching to help with that need. "Please let me heal that injury...your blood might attract beasts."

When he mentioned her own blood, Naka looked at herself and realized she had forgotten to heal herself. Oh, ironic hypocrism.

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Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

Tame This Hunger (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tame This Hunger (Open)   Tame This Hunger (Open) EmptyThu May 19, 2011 6:46 am

He was hoping simply ignoring the children would make them go away. But that didn't look to be working as it seemed they only stood in place if not moved in closer! This was making him highly uncomfortable and when he felt uncomfortable he got nervous and nervousness lead to anger. It wasn't a good idea to attack any of these children but if he felt it necessary he wouldn't show mercy. When the small boy tried to inquire about him being 'mean' Kuvoos only snapped at him and at the girl too.

He didn't like physical contact. There was always that chance he could loose himself in a split moment and really do something he'd regret. The girl still smelled as foul as ever but the boy smelled more like what he was used too. Deep pools of chakra buried under the flesh. He could gnaw and chew his way through it if he really wanted... it was hard to rid ones self of a parasite.

Flicking his tail he moved it to press against Naka and keep her from trying to get much closer. Until she cleaned herself up and tended her own wounds he wouldn't let the girl near him. It was more then a matter of self concern... she needed the help more then himself. And if the boy even dared to try something cute..
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Tame This Hunger (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tame This Hunger (Open)   Tame This Hunger (Open) EmptySun May 22, 2011 7:02 pm


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Number of posts : 2181
Age : 31
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Registration date : 2011-04-13

Tame This Hunger (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tame This Hunger (Open)   Tame This Hunger (Open) EmptyMon May 23, 2011 12:04 am

Irik saw the werid creature push away the girl with his tail and refuse her help. This made him angry. "Marrion, Lusif, lets go." The two puppets jumped down from Irik's shoulders. He twitched his hand and his puppets took out their razor sharp claws and fangs. "Ma'am do you want me to make him to hurt to refuse help?" Irik asked, hoping for an answer of yes. He didn't like to fight anymore, but he saw the man bully this girl and would gladly fight to defend her. "Well how 'bout it."
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Tame This Hunger (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tame This Hunger (Open)   Tame This Hunger (Open) EmptyMon May 23, 2011 12:45 am

“No, no, no violence, please!” Naka ran over and held onto the human boy’s arm, preventing him from trying to hurt the already injured beast. She didn’t want any more blood to be spilled than there already was. She didn’t like hostility. It was dangerous and some people just didn’t understand the consequences of taking a life. And beast or not, what they were facing right then had a heart, a soul and a brain that worked. How could she harm someone like that? No, she couldn’t. Naka shook her head. “I’ll... I’ll take my leave, if my presence is so insulting to you,” she whispered. She put on the ground a jar of cream. “Healing medicine. If you want. Take care.” She smiled, bowed and started to leave. ‘People don’t like me, huh… am I really that annoying?’

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Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

Tame This Hunger (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tame This Hunger (Open)   Tame This Hunger (Open) EmptyMon May 23, 2011 9:12 am

Kuvoos watched this little game play out from the corner of his eyes. Still he showed disinterest by keeping his back to the children. Perhaps not the best idea when facing the puppet master youth but it wasn't as if he knew the boys true potential. All the beast knew was hunger, the pain of hunger. Curious as to why the girl tried to stop it all. This was really none of her business why interfere?

What really had the chimeras eye was the jar that was so suddenly placed beside him. Not very knowledgeable when it came to such things as healing or medicine. This small gesture of kindness was mind boggling. Why did he deserve this? Before Naka could slip away he lashed his tail out and wrapped it gently around the girls waist to stop her from fleeing. Giving a slight tug to get her to look at him.

He turned to face her, still shrouded beneath his cloak. Reaching for the jar he plucked it up carefully in his razor sharp talons and planted it in between them. "How can I trust this? What if it is simply acid that will burn me? Or what if it is dye that will turn my color green or blue? A poison that would slowly kill me?" He knew the girl was still hurt and needed just as much of a push as he did. "Prove to me this works and try it yourself.."
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Tame This Hunger (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tame This Hunger (Open)   Tame This Hunger (Open) EmptyMon May 23, 2011 1:57 pm

Naka blinked and looked down at the tail that had lasso-ed her in. He wanted her to try the cream? Alright, simple enough. It was one of her best healing medicine, able to close up wounds and re-create healthy tissue and blood vessels. It was so good, she only brought two on her wherever she went, instead of multiple other medicine she stored in her summoning scrolls.

Naka picked up the jar and uncapped it. Inside was a soft-pink colored cream which smelled faintly of strawberries. She stuck her finger in and dabbed some on her cuts. They closed up immediately after, leaving no trace behind but a sweet, strawberry-milk smell. After healing all of her cuts and restoring herself to peak condition, Naka put the jar by the person's feet. She then stepped back and showed him her un-scarred, unharmed body.

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Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

Tame This Hunger (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tame This Hunger (Open)   Tame This Hunger (Open) EmptyMon May 23, 2011 5:16 pm

The chamera watched with a quizzical expression. Of course it was hidden well beneath the hood. Sniffing at the air and was reminded of his childhood for a moment. Approaching the girl closer to take a look at her wounds which were now fully healed. Thankful her scent was no longer that rank scent of old blood and rot. The smell of strawberries overpowered it. "Perhaps you do know a thing or two. And I should learn to accept a gift hhm?"

Leaning in toward the girl he pressed his cold nose to her cheek before giving her a light lick. Picking up the jar in his jaws he stood up on all fours, towering over her small frame, and prepared to take his leave. There was little more he needed from them and visa versa. Trotting off before he attracted too much unneeded attention... if he hadn't already.
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Tame This Hunger (Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tame This Hunger (Open)   Tame This Hunger (Open) EmptyMon May 23, 2011 5:39 pm

Naka froze when he approached her, scared he might hurt her or devour her. But instead he licked her. At that, Naka softened and giggled when his fur tickled her. She had given him a tentative stroke down the back of his neck before he took the jar and left. Naka smiled and turned to the other boy, whom she bowed to.

"Thank you for your help. My name is Nakashima Kuroda. Nice to meet you. What's your name? Oh you think Mr. Fluffy will be alright?" Her new nickname for the beast would be Mr. Fluffy.

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