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 Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)

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Number of posts : 1629
Age : 89
Location : In your dreams... Maybe your nightmares!
Registration date : 2011-08-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) Empty
PostSubject: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) EmptySat Jan 14, 2012 8:27 pm

Seiya was to be taken to the Village to be auctioned off when she had made her escape, the careless man had only bound her wrists with rope and she assumed that he was a newbie at handling slaves, she had previously learned how to make the rope looser on her hands from many failed attempts at rope tricks, any other master would have known to put her in shackles and not underestimate her but this man was an idiot, the moment he had turned away her hands in the orange and black tiger print gloves had slid themselves free of their confines and as he turned back to the teenage Neko she had kneed him in a man’s most tender area, his crotch.

The Neko smirked slightly, enjoying getting back at a master for all her years of torment before turning and quickly bolting away. Her orange and black stripped ears twitched slightly as she ran and her tail swayed beside her, she was free! She wasn't bothered by the fact that she wasn’t wearing much in terms of suitable clothing for the streets, suitably being hardly the word for a torn orangish top that only covered her perky breast and matching panties with knee high tiger stripped legging, but was more focused on getting as far away from possible as that man "Sucker should have done a better job" she laughed to herself as she rounded a corner and kept running till she reached the confines of the nearby forest, already she her slightly enhanced hearing could pick up the sounds of the chase starting, it un nerved her slightly but she had gotten a head start and they didn't know where about she had taken off running.

Seiya stopped behind a rather large oak tree and peered out, trying to see the man or anyone who looked like they may be searching for her, only at that moment did she note that her breath was coming in short raggard gasps and she worked on controlling her breathing, she didn't even notice anyone near her, only intent on watching in front and around the corner. Yelping as someone abruptly grabbed her arms, shoving her roughly against the tree “GOTCHA” a man’s cold voice could be heard behind her and she cursed, struggling against his hold “Let me go jerk!” she hissed but her arms were only shoved up her back into a really uncomfortable position.

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Number of posts : 1562
Age : 30
Location : Good Old England
Registration date : 2012-01-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 4:47 am

Chiba was in the forest, soaking up its silent tranquillity. The random noises of the forest filled his ears, birds, little animals, the slight hum of bee’s and Chiba’s favourite. The all but inaudible sound of the wind rustling through the tree leaves. He stared through the tree’s, trying not to think about being alone again. He was being switched, his un-ninja like approach to the last mission had caused trouble with the new team. As such he had a few days off, so they could figure out what team to put him on. It was upon these lonely thoughts that his tranquillity was broken, the heavy sounds of footsteps approaching. Then he listened it was not footsteps but a wild run. He looked around and watched a girl run between the tree’s not far off. From what he could tell she stopped behind a tree, hiding. He got up silently. the branch of the tree swayed slightly as he did so. he made his way silently over to the girl jumping from branch to branch. He was bored and curious.

His vision of the girl disappeared as he made his way silently, vision broken by the trees in the way. But his acute hearing could still pick out the sounds. A loud mans voice broke the silence, saying “GOTCHA”. Chiba reached a point where he could see clearly just as the girl began to struggle against the this new guy. She screamed at him but Chiba didn’t heard exactly what she said. Anger blinded out what she said this was wrong and Chiba couldn’t allow it. He dropped down immediately behind the man. He had just enough time to turn around before Chiba’s gauntleted fist connected with the mans jaw in a vicious right hook. He grabbed the limp man by the collar so he wouldn’t fall on the girl and threw him aside. Chiba stared at the girl and looked at her really for the first time. Brown hair, slightly skin pale skin and....Catlike eyes and ears!. A neko, he had heard of them but never seen one. Those eyes and face...she was cute. Chiba went slightly red at the thought.

“ all right” he managed to say, stuttering slightly. His confidence gone . Then he notice the skimpy outfit she was wearing. The tiger striped top that just managed to cover her breasts and the same with the pants. Chiba went redder. he realised even though it was sunny it was slightly cold and that she might not like what she was wearing . he took off his cloak and offered it to her, revealing his red armour, sword and the hidden rain headband that was tied round his arm.

“here its cold” He added. he noticed the collar on her neck, who was she he thought.
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Number of posts : 1629
Age : 89
Location : In your dreams... Maybe your nightmares!
Registration date : 2011-08-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 2:56 pm

Seiya abruptly turned as she felt the pressure on her arms dissapear in time to see a fairly large man throw her now knocked out captor away, rubbing her cheek where the bark from the tree had pressed agaisnt it she studied his features with her neko ears flattened "who're you?" For all she knew this could be yet another person after her and on instinct her claws snapped out of her fingers, ready to attack of nessacary.

She noticed his slightly red face and cocked her head placing a hand on her hip, what was this guy planning and when he handed over his Jacket she quickly declined his offer narrowing her eyes at the jacket like it was a thing waiting to bite her. The golden eyed neko eyed him up, by his size and the armor covering him she deducted that if she had to fight or flight, flight seemed like a safe option, her tail curled around her waist and her catlike eyes darted around the forest, quickly scouting for the quicklest and most efficiant way to get away.
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Number of posts : 1562
Age : 30
Location : Good Old England
Registration date : 2012-01-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) EmptyMon Jan 16, 2012 6:06 am

“I’m kazuma chiba Of the hidden rain” Chiba said in a disheartened voice, Her attitude towards him and her stance made it clear she was suspicious. Especially because of the flattened ears. and why wouldn’t she be cautious, the man Chiba had knocked unconscious had clearly intended to cause her harm or worse. Sighing he took his cloak back and put it on. She was looking around intently, Chiba knew that look. she was looking to run.

“I don’t want to hurt you or anything, I only want to help” he said quickly putting his handup above his shoulder slighly and takin a step back .and to further show he didn’t mean her any harm, Chiba took his his katanna off his belt and threw it about six feet away. He looked up to the girl, he tried to give a friendly smile.

“Whats your name?” he asked as politely as he could. For some reason he couldn’t help but think how beautiful she was. To avoid his slightly reddened face showing again, he looked at the ground for an instant .
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Number of posts : 1629
Age : 89
Location : In your dreams... Maybe your nightmares!
Registration date : 2011-08-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) EmptyFri Feb 03, 2012 2:23 pm

Seiya watched his actions carefully and only when he threw his weapon away did her ears perk up "uh, just a question, but what if that was just an act to get you defenseless so I could ambush you?" chuckling quietly she shrugged and retracted her claws, no it wasn't a deception, and she guessed she was greatfully for his help and all "well Mister Chiba of the hidden mist, may I ask why you helped me?" since he was now weaponless Seiya had to admit, she felt safer, at least she still had speed, not to mention sharp claws
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Number of posts : 1562
Age : 30
Location : Good Old England
Registration date : 2012-01-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) EmptyFri Feb 03, 2012 2:42 pm

"I wouldn't say that I am defenceless without my sword.....more handicapped than anything else. And why wouldn't I help a young girl in trouble, especially a cute and se.." he stopped himsleft quickly and coughed. "besides" he aid changing subject " I've never seen a Neko before, what are you doing out here. Why was this man trying to hurt you?" he said shifting his position, armour clanking slightly. If she was indeed a slave then the owner would not let such a valuable one escape. He tried to stretch out his hearing but he suspected that if there was any trouble the Neko would hear it coming first, so he gave up.

" are you sure you don't want a jacket" Chiba didn't particularly mind, she was beautiful after all. Because he wasn't silencing for it he could not hear the men advancing through the forest looking for the Neko.
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Number of posts : 1629
Age : 89
Location : In your dreams... Maybe your nightmares!
Registration date : 2011-08-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) EmptySun Feb 05, 2012 3:19 pm

Seiya couldn't help but smirk slightly when he called her cute and she could probably guess what the other word was. "Would you believe i was sightseeing?" she jested looking towards the man on the ground in hate "and he, he was just a very stupid man" she didn't exactly lie, but neither did she tell the whole story of her being a slave and whatnot. "No, i prefer being like this, it makes for easy manovrebili..." pausing quickly she heard the sound of something approaching, and sent her hearing out. TWO people, and one's harsh whisper sent chills down her spiine, the voice was very familier. Seiya flattened her ears and narrowed her eyes at Chiba 'I swear, you better not have brought anybody" she hissed and suddenly darted off the opposite way from the men, she didn't fancy being caught again.
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Number of posts : 1562
Age : 30
Location : Good Old England
Registration date : 2012-01-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) EmptySun Feb 05, 2012 10:46 pm

"hey wait! No ones with me" Chiba said quite surprised, he went after her as she darted off. He Ran after her' trying his best to catch up with her. But she was fast, faster than chiba anyway. He knew she'd heard somthing by the way her ears went, obviously someone or people were looking for her. Then he realised, he'd bloody left his sword behinde. Stupid idiot he thought to himself, then a thought struck him.

"hey Neko I'm off back, I forgot my katanna and then I'll persuade them not to look for you" he said a smile on his face, he hoped there was a few of then to make it an interesting fight. He stopped and turned to go back ,hopefully to bust a few skulls open. Ah least it gave the Neko a head start to.
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Number of posts : 1629
Age : 89
Location : In your dreams... Maybe your nightmares!
Registration date : 2011-08-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) EmptyMon Feb 06, 2012 11:56 am

Seiya stopped for a moment and looked back to see Chiba head after the men "heh, good luck kid" she did a mock salute and continued dashing through the trees, her tail swaying behind her as she ran. But then she decided to climb up a concealed tree to see what would happen, she wasn't one for violence but she did want to see what would happen.

The two men stormed through the forest with purpose "where is she! Do you know how much I payed to keep her and she has the decency to escape! Last time I ever try to sell her to a resonably nice master" the man in a cowboy had growled, his voice harsh and angry, he already knew the neko feared him and so she wouldn't be easily found. His partner beside him just shrugged and mumbled something along the lines of 'yes sir, won't happen again sir'
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Number of posts : 1562
Age : 30
Location : Good Old England
Registration date : 2012-01-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) EmptyMon Feb 06, 2012 12:32 pm

"yo" Chiba stated from the branch he was perched on, the the two men stopped ten metres away. They hadn't even noticed him, they were too busy being angry. Chiba disliked them already they were talking about the Neko being a slave. An object to be bought and sold just like any other possession. It made his blood boil. Still he would try talking to then first thought if they showed any hostility he would beat the shit out of them.

"you speak very load, to you tell of all the black markets slave dealings to anyone that would be listening. But anyone so worthless as to let her escape but be a coward, fine when she was behinde bars but now. Look at you, it looks to me like you got your tail between you legs" Chiba taughted and he could help it. He wanted to fight but he'd try and make do the first move
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Number of posts : 1562
Age : 30
Location : Good Old England
Registration date : 2012-01-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) EmptyMon Feb 06, 2012 12:35 pm

"yo" Chiba stated from the branch he was perched on, the the two men stopped ten metres away. They hadn't even noticed him, they were too busy being angry. Chiba disliked them already they were talking about the Neko being a slave. An object to be bought and sold just like any other possession. It made his blood boil. Still he would try talking to then first thought if they showed any hostility he would beat the shit out of them.

"you speak veryLoud do you tell all the black markets slave dealings to anyone that would be listening. But anyone so worthless as to let her escape but be a coward, fine when she was behinde bars but now. Look at you, it looks to me like you got your tail between you legs" Chiba taughted and he could help it. He wanted to fight but he'd try and make do the first move
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Number of posts : 1629
Age : 89
Location : In your dreams... Maybe your nightmares!
Registration date : 2011-08-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) EmptyMon Feb 06, 2012 11:08 pm

The two men suddenly looked up to where CHiba was perched "Shut it brat, this is none of your buisiness. Why not just go to a dress up convention wher eyou and that sillyt getup belong!" the lead man snarled, he had a slightly western accent and Seiya knew he was quick to anger. The man then ignored Chiba and kept walking "Oi, comout Bi**h and we might go easy on ya" she called through the dense forest, yeah right, she had heard that line before.
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Number of posts : 1562
Age : 30
Location : Good Old England
Registration date : 2012-01-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) EmptyMon Feb 06, 2012 11:54 pm

"bastard" Chiba grumbled as he jump from the branch infron of the two men, dropping his pack down besides him. He could take being called a those things but he couldn't ignor the threat to the Neko. He smiled and licked his lips, how would he play this. They seemed unarmed some wouldn't use his katanna, wind palm style it was then. He cracked his knuckles before dropping into horse riding stance, sideways to the men. One arm was outstretched palm flat and open. The other was the same except across his chest.

"you are mistaken, I am the one that will go easy on you. Now let's see what you got" he taughted. "oh but I guess you don't like to fight when your victim can fight back too."
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Number of posts : 1629
Age : 89
Location : In your dreams... Maybe your nightmares!
Registration date : 2011-08-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) EmptyTue Feb 07, 2012 12:08 am

(lol, i know that stance XD Kibadatchi)

He rolled his eyes at the boys taunting "oh please brat, we just have better things to do then to play horsy with some guy who probably doesn't even know what chakra is" he replied, scoffing at Chibi. At some unknown command, the second man suddenly stepped forward in front of the cowboy hat wearing man "you go find her, i'll take care of the man" his head was lowered but he got into a resonably stable fighting stance, Seiya sighed, she knew exactly what was happening, she had seen it before, whomever the cowboy hat man was working with always did that, as if the man was controlling them "heh, seeya later brat" the western accent guy taunted and walked past him, he stopped to smell the air then smirked and looks a few meters away... to the EXACT tree she was hiding in "come out Kitty Kitty Kitty"
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Number of posts : 1562
Age : 30
Location : Good Old England
Registration date : 2012-01-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) EmptyTue Feb 07, 2012 11:49 am

Chiba let the man attack first, coming in with a right cross. Chiba stepped in and pushed his arm out to the left so it blocked the punch. He followed thought with a palm strike of his own . He used chakra to condensed the air in front of his palm and then released it just as he struck. But the blow hit thin air and chiba barely had time to duck the backfist that came from the right. The man had used the block to turn himself around, dodging chiba’s strike and retaliating with his own. He drove upward with both hands as fast as he could, condensing the air with both to make the strike stronger. The man tried to jump back, time slowed. He wouldn’t make it the blow catching him straight in the chest. Chiba heard ribs crack as the man flew backwards. Chiba's heart was racing, adrenalin flooding his veins. The fight was over but there was still the other guy. He ran at the guy, who in turn stopped searching and turned just in time for chiba’s punch to break his nose. the fell back clutching his nose.

“so am I a brat now or do I have to break more than your precious nose” Chiba sneered, then smirked.
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Number of posts : 1629
Age : 89
Location : In your dreams... Maybe your nightmares!
Registration date : 2011-08-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) EmptySun Feb 12, 2012 1:35 pm

The man sneered at Chiba as crimson blood flowed down his face "Oh, you are so going to regret that" he chuckled lightly and leapt back, quickly snapping his nose into place without so much as wincing "hey Seiya, why don't you come out and help me face this dead man" he said and the strangest thing happened, the mans eyes glowed a dark red, his whole eye, no pupils now just a red glow emmited from it. and in the next minute Seiya jumped from the tree, landing in a crouch and hissing at Chiba, the strange thing was, her eyes and a bell on her collar were Glowing the same red as the mans eyes. "kill him" the man said simply and leapt up into a tree just as Seiya lept forward, her speed helping to catch Chiba, with her claws extended she aimed to pounce towards his, swiping her sharp claws towards his face.

What was happening to her, one minute she was hiding in the tree, quietly cheering Chiba on and the next she had lost complete control of her body 'HELP!' she tried to yell desperatly but no sound came out, only an angry hiss, she tried to stop herself but she was helpless 'whats going on! Chiba run!' for some reason she didn't want to hurt him, she didn't want to hurt anyone except the man that was controlling her now.
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Number of posts : 1562
Age : 30
Location : Good Old England
Registration date : 2012-01-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) EmptyTue Feb 14, 2012 12:46 pm

"What the...". Chiba was stunned as The Neko, seiya is that was her name. Jumped forward and tried to claw his face off. Chiba's mind acted a little to late as he flung himself backwards, the razor sharps claws still caught him. It wasn't fatal however Justba deep slash that went from cheekbone to cheekbone across his nose. What the hell was going on, he didn't understand. He jumped backwards going for his katanna then stopped, he couldn't hurt her. He needed to figure out what was going on and fast. He couldnt keep up with Her , she was so fast and graceful. More so than he ever could be, alas he could do was dodge. It was some kind of jutsu but how did it work. Then he noticed two things, one both there eyes were red. Second the collar around her neck was glowing too. The collar!. He had to get it off then she might return to normal. But how to get it, he thought as he rolled to the side to avoid a claw slash. He could cach her if she was dodging. Then don't he thought to himself, you wear armour for a reason. He stopped dead and let a swing come In. It hit him and luck would have it, not an armoured part. The slash caught him on the side and cut through his clothes and flesh.

He winced In pain As the claw dug into his side. He grabbed her hand quickly, immobilising it I his grip. It was in the next moment he had his chance. He reached up with his other hand and ripped the collar off. He was sorry it hurt but it had to be done. He hoped it would work to, he felt the warm feeling of blood coming from his side. A lot of it.
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Number of posts : 1629
Age : 89
Location : In your dreams... Maybe your nightmares!
Registration date : 2011-08-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) EmptyTue Feb 14, 2012 12:58 pm

(uh, i'm thinking that was godmodding ^^ you didn't allow me to try and escape from your grip or dodge when you grabbed the collar... i'll allow it but next time remember this ^&^)

As the collar was yanked off her, leaving a slight bruise from the force of yanking it off she exhaled deeply and her legs fell out from under her, her eyes immediently returned to their normal warm shade and she blinked looking up at him "c-chiba" she mumbled retracting her claws and rubbing her arms, she was back to normal, thank the lord!

The man cursed and in the next moment he was behind Chiba, swinging a sword to his neck "guess if you want it done right you have to do it yourself" sighing the man was going to end this with one strike but Seiya noticed him and abruptly dug her claws into his lower leg "CHIBA!" she hissed as the man hesitated, Seiya just preyed Chiba would dodge in time
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Number of posts : 1562
Age : 30
Location : Good Old England
Registration date : 2012-01-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) EmptyTue Feb 14, 2012 1:25 pm

(sorry cookie Sad I forget we're not allowed to do those things here, it's gets confusing. On another site I post on we do it all the time. If I do it again tell me and I'll change it or just hit me xp)

Chiba dropped to his knees and rolled forwards as fast as he could, the pain in his side worsens. He ignored it through gritted teeth. He kept the other man blade pass millimetres away from His head. He tried to draw his sword as he did so but screamed in pain as he received a boot in his wounded sides. Jesus this guy was fast. He couldnt keep up with him at all. Chiba crashed to the growd, face first. The wound at his side was bad, he tried get but for a split second his left side would move.He managed to look up seeing Seiya digging her claws into the mans leg. This was not good not good. He was outclassed in everyday and hurt badly. He was finally able to move and he sprang up with effort drawing his sword and holding his side.
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Number of posts : 1629
Age : 89
Location : In your dreams... Maybe your nightmares!
Registration date : 2011-08-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) EmptySat Mar 03, 2012 3:05 pm

Seiya was slightly dizzy but she was at least back to normal, springing up onto her feet she leapt in front Chiba with her arms outstretched, facing the swordsman. Why she was even protecting this man was a mystery, maybe cos he was the one man she had met that didn't hunt her for a slave "don't hurt him, just take me and lets go!" looking him in the eyes she lowered her head and sighed, maybe she could distract him so chiba could escape and maybe she could hopefully escape again after a while of being a slave.

The man smirked and lowered his blade just slightly, but not enough that he couldn't attack immediently if nessecary "aww has the Neko made a friend... don't worry b**ch i'm sure your new master will erase his memory" laughing he threw a smoke bomb and grabbed the neko's arm roughly, causing her to wince in pain, as the bomb exploded they seemed to just vanish, back to the slave market

(I was thinking that maybe Chiba could find her in a cage at the slave market and decide to buy her or something... up to you though ^^)
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Number of posts : 1562
Age : 30
Location : Good Old England
Registration date : 2012-01-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) EmptySun Mar 04, 2012 11:30 am

Chiba couldn't do anything, he cursed himself. How could he be soo weak, so helpless. He had just stood there and let her be taken back as he a slave. He had to move after them, he started a run but soon stopped from the pain and the amount of blood dripping from his side. He cursed he'd have to sort his wound put first. Stoping he let go of his and unslung his pack beginning the slow process of taking his armour of. When he did so he looked at the clean and clear stab marks that were bleeding heavily. He had say one thing about seiya, she could fight. Those claws were lethal.  He got antiseptic out of his first aid kit and applied it,stinging like mad be put pressure on and applied a very tight bandage. Rolling around his waist over and over again until he ran out and tied the last bit to it. It started to stain with blood but shorty stopped.

Putting his top and armour back carefully,he condsidered his options. No matter what he did he couldn't take that guy head on. So even if he tracked them down chiba wouldn't be able to save her. He needed to find the black market, that last was easy he went there on occasion looking for something. He stayed out of the slave section usury, he hated it. He headed off he knew where it was and he was determined to save seiya. Whatever the cost.

He went down the row of cages not looking at anyone within them, he used his peripheral vision. Holding his side as he did so. There was so much sadness and immorality here, it took all his will not to do anything as he saw a person. A slave being whipped. He continued until he saw the telltale sign of a Neko. He walked up and the guy was there too. Chiba closed his eyes and sighed.
"how much?" he questioned before the guy could speak.
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Number of posts : 1629
Age : 89
Location : In your dreams... Maybe your nightmares!
Registration date : 2011-08-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) EmptyTue Mar 06, 2012 3:34 pm

Thankfully the slaver standing in front of Seiya's cage was someone who didn't recognise Chiba "500'000 Yen" ( A lot i'm hoping that is XD) The man crossed his arms over his chest and eyed Chiba "But for you my friend i'm gonna say 600,000" Smirking he stepped aside to reveal the neko who was currently knawing at the back bar of the cage, she still hadn't seen them "She's a fine specimen, although a little feisty, it's gonna take a firm hand to tame her completly" leaning in near Chiba he whispered "Catnip always seems to work though, guess the Fucking Bitch is more weak to Catnip then normal Cats".

As Seiya heard voices behind them she let go of the cage and slowly turned, abruptly launching herself towards them, her claws expanded and they gripped the front bars of the titanium cage "NOT FOR FUCKING SA..." she hissed the words but upon her Golden catlike eyes falling on Chiba she paused, staring at him, what was he doing here, he wasn't... rescuing her was he, nah he could be, for one she was to expensive, and for the next, why would he want to save her again, he should know by now how trouble always had a way of finding her "get the fuck out of here!" she glared, swearing wasn't her thing but their was no point wasting money seeing as how she would eventually escape.
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Number of posts : 1562
Age : 30
Location : Good Old England
Registration date : 2012-01-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) EmptyThu Mar 08, 2012 12:07 am

"quite feisty, like you said. Ill need a lot of catnip to tame her" he said calm and jokingly to the slaver, trying to go along with it. He gave Seiya a little wink while the slaver was chuckling to himself. Chiba on the inside was panicking, he hoped it didn't show. What the hell, the price was insane. He couldn't hope to afford her, how....what was he thinking when he thought the the idea. He didn't know. Then he suddenly had an idea of where he could get the money, he tried not to cringe at the thought. His family would be angry, if they ever found out and he himself would loose his prized  possession. Never the less it was the only thing he could think of. He loosened and hooked his katanna flicking it around his finger gracefully before holding it out to the slaver.

"silver and chakra blade composite, razor edged. Hand etching" he flicked it round and drew it showing the man the blade. The flowing dragons on either side of the blade, his blade shining in the light. "over 500 years old and if you check the makers mark. You'll find it's sugati of the nagumo clan, the famous sword maker." he sighed as he put the blade back into it scabbard and passed it  to the slaver "get it appraised, it should be more than enough for the Neko" he said turning back to look at seiya as the man scuttled off. However there were still guards about seiya was well he didn't really know what the look was.

"don't give me that look, I'm here to save you. Besides I've been to the back market before I know how these things work" he said thought he was unsure if he sounded confident or not. It wasn't his first time at the black market no, but he was new to the slave part of it. 
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Number of posts : 1629
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Location : In your dreams... Maybe your nightmares!
Registration date : 2011-08-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) EmptyThu Mar 08, 2012 3:14 pm

She watched in disbelief as he handed his katana over, she knew it was valuble but giving such a beautiful weapon away just for HER?! "Baka, why did you do that, you'll never see that katana again" as one of the guards stepped towards the cage the fur on her tiger print tail puffed up, her tail stopped moving and she watched quietly as he unlocked and opened her cage, in the next moment she had leapt out of the confines of her cell and her claws were firmly latched around his neck "BASTARD< I'LL KILL YOU!!!!" she hissed and swiped a claw agaisnt his cheek, creating a deep gash, why was she so mad anyone wouldn't know, only she knew the truth and it took two other guards to pry her away, one attaching a collar to her and the next one of them grabbed her tail and yanked her away "Take care of this one, she's dangeruos" Seiya hissed as the guard dragged her towards Chiba, her tail was very sensitive and she had no chioce but to follow, she still had her eyes trained on the now bleeding guard and the second they let her tail go that guard was as good as dead
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Number of posts : 1562
Age : 30
Location : Good Old England
Registration date : 2012-01-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) EmptyMon Mar 12, 2012 11:28 am

"so what" Chiba murmured as he  refrained from reacting as the guards dragged seiya not to Iightly out of the cell. He cringed a bit as they grabbed her tail, she seemed to settle but he saw the look into her eyes. When they let go of her tail, he knew all hell would break loose. When they got over to him but before they released her tail, Chiba put his arms round her. Holding her arms, leaning close he whispered. "please!" he begged her "we can get out of her quickly and without incident" it would be much easier. He gripped her tight as the guy let go of her tail. Turning he smiled to the guard, hopefully assuring them "don't worry I can take it from here, she is quite dangerous .you should get that looked at" he said referring the injured man. He tried to give a happy reassuring smile to the guards who only nodded and primly walked off. Their duty done, they seemed glad to get rid of seiya. But then again she WAS dangerous as well as persistent. But. She was very nice and beautiful and some like that shouldn't be locked up, his cheeks went red slightly again at the thought.
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PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) Empty

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