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 Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)

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Number of posts : 1629
Age : 89
Location : In your dreams... Maybe your nightmares!
Registration date : 2011-08-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) - Page 2 EmptySun Mar 25, 2012 11:18 am

"if only you knew" she hissed as a whisper but relaxed in his arms, she would only let this go because she knew that sword was worth a lot more then her "i'll be back, you better hope i don't return" she smirked a malious smile at the injured guard and sighed, his hug was nice, reassuring that this would be a good pairing "what now master?" she added with a small laugh
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Number of posts : 1562
Age : 30
Location : Good Old England
Registration date : 2012-01-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) - Page 2 EmptyWed May 23, 2012 11:09 am

"oi oi don't get all servitude on me" Chiba said with a smile as he let go of the little Neko. Now sure that she wouldn't try to attack the guards as they walked off. Jobs now gladfully over. He took her hand and whispered not her ear "first  I get you out of here and then to the rain. Where you'll be safe and protected from slavery" he then lightly pulled on her hand, indicating her to follow. He then turned and still holding her hand lead her through the black market and away from it. He stopped once on the road before cursing violently. Chiba couldn't remember where he was or how to get back to the rain.
      "shit" he said looking both ways down the road. " I don't know where I'm going but let's get as far away from the market as possible. Find a village or somthing they're sure to have a map" he said turning to seiya.  He then picked a random direction and started walking.
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Number of posts : 1629
Age : 89
Location : In your dreams... Maybe your nightmares!
Registration date : 2011-08-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) - Page 2 EmptyWed May 23, 2012 11:22 am

She laughed and shook her head "Sorry... Master, but its kinda the deal you get when you buy me" Seiya stuck out her tongue then shrugged as she followed him "But Chiba... uh, that's the wrong way" laughing again she facepalmed and pointed west of where he was headed, she had been around these places before and knew part of the way "And don't wanna go back to the rain, I wanna stay with you, now that i'm bought the slavers don't have much reason to come after me, unless I try to escape from you"
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Number of posts : 1562
Age : 30
Location : Good Old England
Registration date : 2012-01-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) - Page 2 EmptyWed May 23, 2012 11:44 am

"well If that's the case" he started looking quite embarrassed, she knew the way and he didn't disgraceful "we're going to the rain anyway cos that's where I live" he sad with a smile, turn the took her hand lightly again " if memory serves their is a village we can rest up in, since you say the savers won't be after you ? So you stay with me, your safe? That's the deal? How long wold you stay" he asked a many questions, he was curious afterall. Then he looked at her, still in her revealing outfit and visibly redenned. She was so beutiful.
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Number of posts : 1629
Age : 89
Location : In your dreams... Maybe your nightmares!
Registration date : 2011-08-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) - Page 2 EmptyThu May 24, 2012 11:23 am

As he took her hand she looked down at there conjoined hands and a small blush fell upon her cheeks, shrugging she started to head in the direction of the right way and calmly held his hands, she smiled softly at his questions, Chiba could be so much like a curious child at times and she answered them anyway "The slavers only come after those whom have escaped or ran off. They don't like us to have freedom. Well I guess i'll be safe with you, unless were mugged or something out of our legue happens" Taking a breath she looked towards him, fielding the rest of his questions and realized he was blushing "And i'll stay as long as you want me to I guess"
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Number of posts : 1562
Age : 30
Location : Good Old England
Registration date : 2012-01-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) - Page 2 EmptyFri May 25, 2012 11:24 am

"and if I ask you to stay with me forever?...." he asked questionably before  he could stop himself saying the words came out of his mouth. His mind only catching up moments after. then the internal conflict began as his face reddened to the colour of a tomato. Why'd you say that! His mind raged, you fool now what's she gonna think. Now she's gonna leave Becuase you said something stupid, just Becuase she's hot. Is that why you got rid of your katana? He shook his head violently to get rid of the thoughts and tried to come up with something to say. 
"what..what I can go whenever you like. Your free..I mean..why stay with me?" he managed to stutter. It wasn't a save and he wasn't trying to cover what he just said. Their  was no point, he hoped she'd just skip it entirely. He noticed as well that they were walking hand in hand. If it was possible to go any redder he would have.
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Number of posts : 1629
Age : 89
Location : In your dreams... Maybe your nightmares!
Registration date : 2011-08-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) - Page 2 EmptyMon Jun 11, 2012 10:51 am

Seiya stopped walking and turned her head to look at him as he stuttered, it finally snapped into reality for her that he liked her, more then anyone actually did, She should have known from the start but she had been ignorant, his demonour, the way he acted and how he always blushed. The funny thing was she liked all these things about him, she actually liked Chiba. To stop him rambling before she could fully comprehend it Seiya found herself turn to stand in front of him and stand on her tip toes kissing his lips softly then pulling away with a smile and a blush on her cheeks, matching his own “Hush Chiba, I’ll stay as long as you want me to” She reiterated as her furry ears brushed his cheek as she moved and started walking with him again. Her tail curled and uncurled behind her.
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Number of posts : 1562
Age : 30
Location : Good Old England
Registration date : 2012-01-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) - Page 2 EmptyWed Jun 13, 2012 4:27 am

When she stopped so did his heart, he had said something that annoyed her and she was gonna hit him or leave him. He Was both sad and angry at himself, hed lost someone he like Becuase he opened his god dam mouth and didn't think about what he was sa..he watched in amazement and was so shocked he lost his train of thought. She turned and then standing on the very edge of her tip toes she lent forward and kissed him softly on the lips. He felt her soft warm lips upon his own and his faced reddened ever more, if it was possible. As she pulled away he put a hand up to the wet mark, he was incredibly surprised. She'd kissed him! So surprised he did nothing not even kiss back. She wore No lipstick but he could feel where her thin wet lips had been. She liked him after all!
       He was all but being dragged my her before he fell in step besides her, still hand in hand. His face blushed and beamed at the same time, griping her hand slightly tighter. Like he was reassuring himself it was their and not his imagination. He was quiet for a while like she said but it wasn't an awkward silence. But an enjoyable one, he enjoyed her company, her touch,need warmth.
After a while he composed his Thoughts and worked up the courage to talk. He didnt want to say the wrong thing and ruin the mood afterall.

"if your staying with me I'll have to clean up my apartment then and get another bed. I can stand sleeping on the floor most nights but not a whole" he smiled and joked. But it was true his apartment was an organised mess or man tidy as some people called it. For some reason the thought that the might sleep together popped up into his head . Shaking his head as his face reddened again. "their'res a town not far from here, it would be best to stay their for tonight" he said covering his blush.
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Number of posts : 1629
Age : 89
Location : In your dreams... Maybe your nightmares!
Registration date : 2011-08-01

Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie)   Freedom... for now (Kerrigor and Cookie) - Page 2 EmptyWed Jul 11, 2012 5:24 pm

“I’m sure your apartment with be fine, compared to the places I’ve had to sleep” she joked with him and squeezed his hand back, it was true though, she’d slept everywhere, from small cages with nothing but bars on the bottom to sit and lay on, to a haystack, which wasn’t to bad actually, itchy but soft enough, and even a few times she spent the night in a tree, but she didn’t say this to him. Like most people with a messed up past she didn’t like to speak of it, just concentrate on the now. Her ears picked up the sounds of chirping and twitched as she turned her head to study a pair of bluejays perched precariously on a branch out of her reach to the right, tilting her head a bit she smiled and kept walking, her diamond shaped eyes aware of everything and her pointy ears hearing most things humans couldn’t. Seiya continued to walk in the direction of the village he suggested. “times a wasting, we want to be there before dark” the neko laughed before releasing his hand and taking off in a run, a few meters away she turned and looked back at him with a playful smirk, one that said ‘are you coming?’ and turned sprinting off again into the distance.
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