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 Break from Freedom (Open to all)

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2 posters

Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

Break from Freedom (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Break from Freedom (Open to all)   Break from Freedom (Open to all) EmptySun Jul 31, 2011 8:19 am

Dressed and pressed Recluse gathered up his travel bag and slipped it over his shoulder. Grabbing the lightweight cage by the door and a loaf of bread. Bidding a passing farewell to his Master, a kiss goodbye and a promise to return. Jumping down along the rocks to the riverbank and from there darted into the woods to loose himself in the vast greenery. Passing through winding trails to the deeper parts of his home, there he sought out his current target. Birds.

Sure it didn't sound all too fun but this spider had managed to make an interesting game out of it! As far as Ozias knew his slave was out gathering for the purpose of food, a supplement for their shelves. Not untrue but a majority of his hunt included an actual demand! Where his slime master had his hobby of fishing Recluse had to find something to occupy his free time between pleasing his lover... and well pleasing his lover! But when the spider learned of the promise within such a sport such as bird hunting he figured a little source of income on the side would benefit them both. Exotic birds as pets! Not that they really needed it! Ozias was the supporter and he did it well but this little spider was starting to get spoiled!

Passing the usual spots, further from his little waterfall front home then before. Greeted and greeting the spiders that had become not only friends but little spies and sentries. Having never harmed one in his life, on an unconscious level he knew the importance of his smaller cousins. They managed the population of pests more harmful then the arachnids themselves. And it was that same level of realization that had justified eating humans.

Picking out a good spot the spider sat his trap down, bag aside, it was ready to lay out the bait. The bread was ripped and scattered around an artificial clearing the spider had made earlier. Climbing to the tree tops, perched and waiting. Peering through the trees, now playing the waiting game.
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Number of posts : 1629
Age : 89
Location : In your dreams... Maybe your nightmares!
Registration date : 2011-08-01

Break from Freedom (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Break from Freedom (Open to all)   Break from Freedom (Open to all) EmptyWed Sep 28, 2011 12:47 am

Yukiko hasnt eaten in days and her stomach did little to protest, it snarled angrily in agreement, she had to find food and soon. She kept walking and kept a careful eye and ear out for anything edible, her eyes picked out a bird up ahead, it was hot pink, light purple and electric blue in Colour, it was kind of small but it would be better then nothing.

Yukiko drew a small net from a pouch on her side, it had weights on it's edges to hold captive whatever she caught, she picked up a rock nearby and tossed it next to the bird causing it to squall in alarm and fly into the air, and in the next moment she had thrown the net with surprising speed and accuracy at her target. The net hit the bird dead on and wrapped around it, constricting it's movements so it landed on the ground with a thump, the bird wasnt harmed, physically at least, she didn't want her meat bruised, and as she walked over and picked it up she almost felt sorry that she had to kill such a beautiful creature, but she had to eat and she would make it quick and painless, she held the bird in one hand and in the other drew a kunai, just a quick slice to the right spot in the neck and it would prove to be a small meal.
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