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 Family Reunion (possible m)

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3 posters

Number of posts : 1288
Age : 32
Location : Somewhere in Washington that sux
Registration date : 2011-05-25

Family Reunion (possible m) Empty
PostSubject: Family Reunion (possible m)   Family Reunion (possible m) EmptySat May 19, 2012 6:26 am

Wrath hated being up here. Hated the fucking cold. Hated everything. Even though the sun was bright, it did nothing to warm him at this altitude. His fury did that for him. The seething anger that could only burn inside of Wrath. He was already at full transformation, meaning that his host was dormant and no signs of him were out.

"Hurry the fuck up," Wrath growled to no one in particular, "I dont have all day."
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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19828
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Family Reunion (possible m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Family Reunion (possible m)   Family Reunion (possible m) EmptySat May 19, 2012 6:30 am

“I heard you were looking for me.” A voice said as Envy’s face popped out of the snow. It had been a long time probably a year or two since they seen each other. “It’s been awhile. It’s still hard to believe that Greed’s host died and from and explosion no less, kind of ironic if you ask me. That just leaves 5 of us sins left assume Glutton is still in his core state.”

Last edited by Nbird13 on Sat May 19, 2012 6:43 am; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 14411
Age : 27
Location : Howe,Texas
Registration date : 2011-08-24

Family Reunion (possible m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Family Reunion (possible m)   Family Reunion (possible m) EmptySat May 19, 2012 6:37 am

Nagiko was right behind Wrath waiting for them to get done with their reunion he hated the cold as much as Wrath but he had a bone to pick with Envy he wasn't going to fight just talk.
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Number of posts : 1288
Age : 32
Location : Somewhere in Washington that sux
Registration date : 2011-05-25

Family Reunion (possible m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Family Reunion (possible m)   Family Reunion (possible m) EmptySat May 19, 2012 7:34 am

"Greed was a fucking moron. But with him gone, I want our siblings to reunite." Wrath looked back at Nagiko and then Envy again. "Nagiko here wants you to join up. He asked me to beat some sense into you if you didnt. Now, we both know that I can, but i dont exactly feel like beating the shit out of my little brother." Wrath smiled grimly. "Have you heard from Sloth, or Pride? What of Lust? And Gluttony?"
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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19828
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Family Reunion (possible m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Family Reunion (possible m)   Family Reunion (possible m) EmptySat May 19, 2012 7:42 am

“So your doing the whims dirty work are you? From the moment I saw him I knew he wasn’t worth my time. He lacks malice which is what he needs if he plans to do what he says he will. That’s why he needs you to do it for him. I’m sorry I’m not no one’s slave boy anymore. I want what should rightfully be mine and I will get it. So no brother I will not join you. As for the rest of our siblings, last I heard Gluttony doesn’t even have a host yet but that’s from last I heard, Lust is enjoying himself over at the Hot Springs village, last I seen Sloth was at the sand village doing her own thing, and I’ve no clue where Pride went she’s a pain in the butt to hang with anyways. Is that all you come to see me for?” Envy said.
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Number of posts : 1288
Age : 32
Location : Somewhere in Washington that sux
Registration date : 2011-05-25

Family Reunion (possible m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Family Reunion (possible m)   Family Reunion (possible m) EmptySat May 19, 2012 7:48 am

Wrath laughed at the comment on Pride. "Actually, I wanted to see you because we havent spoken in awhile." Wrath developed something that he had never had before. "I missed you, brother. I worry about you sometimes. Which is why, I want you to come with me. You have no obligations to this group. Hell, im leading my own little contingency of them. I'm going to offer the rest of us the same thing. You dont need to join him, but join me. Lets reunite the sins! We can even get Greed back."
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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19828
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Family Reunion (possible m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Family Reunion (possible m)   Family Reunion (possible m) EmptySat May 19, 2012 7:55 am

“I couldn’t give a damn about Greed. He can stay in his little core for all I care. My answer is still no, if I join your little get together I just end up as the lap dog AGAIN. You care about me?! That is the biggest lie I’ve ever heard.” Envy said.
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Number of posts : 1288
Age : 32
Location : Somewhere in Washington that sux
Registration date : 2011-05-25

Family Reunion (possible m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Family Reunion (possible m)   Family Reunion (possible m) EmptySat May 19, 2012 8:50 am

Wrath couldnt contain himself, and he decked Envy in the face as hard as he dared. "You insolent little piss ant!" Wrath roared. "Why do you always think the world is out to get you? Why do you think I even showed up here if I didnt care?"
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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19828
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Family Reunion (possible m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Family Reunion (possible m)   Family Reunion (possible m) EmptySat May 19, 2012 9:18 am

An arm of Envy's popped out of the snow and started to rub the spot on his head where Wrath hit. "Simple, you wanted something from me" He answered. (sorry for the short post)
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Number of posts : 1288
Age : 32
Location : Somewhere in Washington that sux
Registration date : 2011-05-25

Family Reunion (possible m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Family Reunion (possible m)   Family Reunion (possible m) EmptySat May 19, 2012 9:40 am

Wrath laughed. "If I wanted anything but your safety, I wouldnt have waited on this fucking mountain. Wrath helped him up to his feet and looked away. "Since Greed died, I've been trying to reunite our little family. I know we didnt really like eachother, but fuck Envy GROW UP." The last words held a bite to them.
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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19828
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Family Reunion (possible m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Family Reunion (possible m)   Family Reunion (possible m) EmptySat May 19, 2012 9:48 am

"Then fine. What do you propose and how do I exactly get anything out of it?" Envy asked annoyed that he just told him to grow up. But Envy knew even with his now 16 lives he was probably no match for Wrath's power.
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Number of posts : 1288
Age : 32
Location : Somewhere in Washington that sux
Registration date : 2011-05-25

Family Reunion (possible m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Family Reunion (possible m)   Family Reunion (possible m) EmptySat May 19, 2012 10:12 am

"You come with me. We find the other sins, we find greed and gluttony hosts. In return, I cant give you much except my protection." Wrath wasnt quite sure what else to say. "I know you hate me brother, but family is still family."
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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19828
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Family Reunion (possible m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Family Reunion (possible m)   Family Reunion (possible m) EmptySat May 19, 2012 10:52 am

"I don't need your protection. But fine I'll help you reunite the family. But I'm not taking any orders from him" Envy said pointing at Nagiko.
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Number of posts : 1288
Age : 32
Location : Somewhere in Washington that sux
Registration date : 2011-05-25

Family Reunion (possible m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Family Reunion (possible m)   Family Reunion (possible m) EmptySat May 19, 2012 10:57 am

Wrath smiled. "Little brother, you won't be taking orders from anyone." Wrath patted him on the back in a loving brother gesture. "How are your fighting skills? Have you improved at all?"
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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19828
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Family Reunion (possible m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Family Reunion (possible m)   Family Reunion (possible m) EmptySat May 19, 2012 11:00 am

"Yes I have." Envy said reassuring his big brother. (sorry for the short post)
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Number of posts : 1288
Age : 32
Location : Somewhere in Washington that sux
Registration date : 2011-05-25

Family Reunion (possible m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Family Reunion (possible m)   Family Reunion (possible m) EmptySat May 19, 2012 11:07 am

"Well, how about we test them out a bit?" Wrath drew Gekido and stepped back a few paces. "Begin."
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Number of posts : 14411
Age : 27
Location : Howe,Texas
Registration date : 2011-08-24

Family Reunion (possible m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Family Reunion (possible m)   Family Reunion (possible m) EmptySat May 19, 2012 12:48 pm

"Wait I want to remind you Wrath that you are only second in command and as for you Envy how dare you use Haru against me if it wasn't for me being able to forgive I would've kept killing you till you stayed dead." Nagiko said with Wrath he just said it clear as day no bite or anger or even demanding to it but when he turned to Envy he had complete rage in his voice. But none the less Wrath wanted Envy to stay here and not poof away so he stoped his usual reaction's towards this sort of thing which was pulling his sword out and slicing the problem in half but he couldn't do that with Envy anymore besides what was the point in it he would just reappear.
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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19828
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Family Reunion (possible m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Family Reunion (possible m)   Family Reunion (possible m) EmptySat May 19, 2012 4:38 pm

“Shut it twerp you obviously don’t know who your actually dealing with.” Envy snapped. Then turned back to Wrath and cracked his neck. “I’ll let you have the first move” He lifted his hands up to the sky and out of the snow popped up 10 more copies of Envy. “Kill us if you can big brother” They taunted. Of course Envy knew that Wrath would never ‘truly’ kill him.
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Number of posts : 1288
Age : 32
Location : Somewhere in Washington that sux
Registration date : 2011-05-25

Family Reunion (possible m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Family Reunion (possible m)   Family Reunion (possible m) EmptyWed May 23, 2012 7:33 am

Wrath smiled and drew Gekido from its sheath. The blunt sword had seen battle many times and served him well. "Ten huh?" Wrath shrugged and gekido surrounded itself in flames. "Nagiko, stay out of this, this is strictly between brothers." Not wasting anymore time, Wrath lashed out with a series of wild, yet calculating strikes at the bodies around him.
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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19828
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Family Reunion (possible m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Family Reunion (possible m)   Family Reunion (possible m) EmptyWed May 23, 2012 8:41 am

The bodies of Envy stood their ground. As the blade slashed through one of them they would create a slit to pass through and then reform causing no harm except getting a little bit toasted (since Envy prepared beforehand to become more heat resistant.) “See, I’ve improved a little bit” Envy smirked waiting for Wrath to get serious.
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Number of posts : 1288
Age : 32
Location : Somewhere in Washington that sux
Registration date : 2011-05-25

Family Reunion (possible m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Family Reunion (possible m)   Family Reunion (possible m) EmptyFri May 25, 2012 9:38 am

"Good." Wrath stopped his assault and shrugged. He then let his real self show and his mark began to trace along his body and move. "Perhaps I should get a little more serious about this." He said as his body finished the shift from Ikari's to his true form. This paticular form oozed rage and hatred, and was nearly unstopable. Wrath smiled, slammed his fist into the ground, and withdrew a rather long katana from the earth. Tsumibukai Reiji was the name of this 68 inch long blade. It was insanely sharp and fired off waves of Wrath's chakra with every swing. He then swung the blade and sent out an incredibly wide arc at the Envys.

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19828
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Family Reunion (possible m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Family Reunion (possible m)   Family Reunion (possible m) EmptyFri May 25, 2012 2:49 pm

Envy remembered Wrath’s powerful chakra. Doing his neat little trick wasn’t going to be enough. This time Envy avoided contacted with the blade and the arcs that came out. Using his inhuman flexibility he managed to dodge them for now. He couldn’t keep dodging these attacks he would have to fight back sooner or later. The clones nodded to each other and five of them turned into skin colored clouds. The clouds were made of entirely airborne bacteria. That left only 5 more envy’s to deal with.
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Number of posts : 1288
Age : 32
Location : Somewhere in Washington that sux
Registration date : 2011-05-25

Family Reunion (possible m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Family Reunion (possible m)   Family Reunion (possible m) EmptyThu May 31, 2012 7:35 am

Wrath smirked a bit. He knew that if he breathed in that thick cloud, the fight would be pretty much Envy's. But Wrath was prepared and released a large amount of chakra around himself, setting him ablaze. The fire would burn anything that came within its reach, so hopefully it would take out that cloud. As for the other Envy clones, Wrath continued to send arcs of his insanely powerful chakra at his brother.
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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19828
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Family Reunion (possible m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Family Reunion (possible m)   Family Reunion (possible m) EmptyThu May 31, 2012 10:22 am

The fire managed to burn most of the oncoming bacteria but some survived floating in the air alone. Another one of Envy clones fell when it failed at dodging one of the arcs. Envy had another plan up his sleeves however and it was going to take effect now. The earth began to shake and soon a large worm like monster came from the ground. About as soon as it surfaced it shot a large beam of cold water at Wrath.
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Family Reunion (possible m) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Family Reunion (possible m)   Family Reunion (possible m) Empty

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