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 The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only)

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Number of posts : 698
Age : 27
Location : In your face, ruining your life
Registration date : 2011-05-05

The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) Empty
PostSubject: The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only)   The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) EmptySun May 22, 2011 5:34 pm

Within the hidden room behind the council chamber, a group of shinobi waited. A mish-mash team of Chuunin, Jounin and the like. They were all there for one reason, and one reason alone. ANBU meeting. They had been called in to be part of the forming of Yugakure's ANBU. The first of their kind. Five members had arrived so far. Shi, Yuuki, Jirou, Kiramay, Kiyoko and Kagome. They were missing the three of the other people who were supposed to arrive.

Shi himself was sitting on the soda adjacent to the desk which the council member would sit at, had he been there too. Kiyoko had taken up a position on his lap, flirting with him shamelessly and what not which seemed to make the boy uncomfortable. However, such was common. Jirou stood alone in a corner, polishing his sword, and looking at the others in the room with shifty eyes. Kagome seemed to want to fade away from existence, as she was tucked away behind Kiramay. The latter who was being hid behind was too busy staring at Yuuki to notice. Finally, Yuuki, the eldest in the room seemed to pay no mind to the others around her, instead leaned against one of the walls, her arms crossed and her eyes closed.
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only)   The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) EmptySun May 22, 2011 6:12 pm

Tama entered the room soon after this, dressed in her usual outfit. She did, however, catch a glimpse of some kunoichi sitting on her man's lap. Immediately, raging flames appeared in her eyes and everything she saw was red. So this happened when she was late? Very well. She would take back Shi. He was, undoubtly, her man.

The white-haired heir strolled over leisurely to where the two were. "Shi-chan, sorry I was late. Did I keep you waiting? Excuse me, that's my seat." Tama gave her a force smile and a bloodhound appeared behind her. Said canine leaped and pushed Kiyoko off, leaving Shi's lap free. Tama settled herself where she rightly belonged and gave Shi a kiss on the lips while sending murdernus glares at Kiyoko.

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Number of posts : 2181
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The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only)   The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) EmptySun May 22, 2011 11:32 pm

Nato entered the room as he adjusted his flak jacket. His piercing yellow eyes survayed the room. Most everyone seemed to be in their own little world. Thats fine for him. He didn't mind the quiet of these meetings although that quiet was about to be broken any minute. He sighed. Hopefully this wasn't another pointless meeting about tactics and they would get to finally go on a mission. He looked across the room. "Give it a rest Kiyoko. You should have just held on better, if you wanted that seat." Nato was suprisingly social for a guy no one liked although that probably didn't help anyone warm up to him.
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only)   The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) EmptySun May 22, 2011 11:41 pm

(forgot to add Ichi)

A young girl, maybe the youngest in the room, entered. She looked around, eyes narrowed, but didn't seem to know anyone there. Oh well. She could make friends later. For now, she was summoned by the council about something... the details were hazy, but her family made her come. The people in the room looked like they were happy just being in their own little groups, so she didn't have much chance to talk to anyone. She sighed and waited against a wall. Ichi did, however, laugh when she saw this white haired girl push another girl off a guy's lap and kiss him. 'Whoa, what a bitch.'

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Number of posts : 2181
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The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only)   The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) EmptySun May 22, 2011 11:51 pm

"Hey cutie. I havn't seen you here before." Nato said to the new girl. The rest of the girls looked at Nato is shock. Him, flirting, impossible. "Wait don't you come sit over with me and we can chat." Nato said to the new girl."
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only)   The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) EmptySun May 22, 2011 11:54 pm

"When you get your act straight, boy. Don't call me cute, that's for nice guys only." Ichi raised an eyebrow when some random dude came up to her and called her cute.... What the hell was that supposed to mean? Was he going to lure her out later and kill her or something?

(Blade post)

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Number of posts : 698
Age : 27
Location : In your face, ruining your life
Registration date : 2011-05-05

The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only)   The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) EmptyMon May 23, 2011 12:29 am

Shi sighed in relief. //No Blood, Tama's in a good mood...// he thought. Meanwhile, Kiyoko pouted, stood, and went off to flirt with Jirou. Jirou, wanting nothing to do with her, was trapped in a conversation with her against his own will.

The others did nothing much, though Kagome said something about a pedophile when Nato hit on the new, young girl who walked in.
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Number of posts : 2181
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The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only)   The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) EmptyMon May 23, 2011 1:17 am

"Hey Kagome, feel free to bite me." Nato growled. Nato stood up, streched and yawned. "So where is the council member. Does anyone know what this is even about?" Nato questioned. He wasn't known for his paticence and his limits on waiting for people to show up were quite thin.
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only)   The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) EmptyMon May 23, 2011 1:42 am

Tama peeked at the girl who came in and giggled. Sure, she spoke tough, but a blush had flashed across her cheeks. Oh yeah, she had a crush alright. Tama snuggled against shi protectively. "Shi-chan, why are we here? Did my father tell you?" she asked him.

Ichi looked around nervously... Oh great, now she was the jailbait of the group. Thanks, cute random dude. Just, thanks.

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Number of posts : 698
Age : 27
Location : In your face, ruining your life
Registration date : 2011-05-05

The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only)   The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) EmptyMon May 23, 2011 8:09 am

Shi sighed a bit. "Why do 20 year old men take interest in 13 year old girls? Why?" He asked himself. He sighed, attending to Tama. "Yeah. The ANBU thingy. We're just waiting on Kyo now. Doubt he'll show, though." He said.

Kagome popped her head out from behind Kiramay. "You'd like if I'd bite you, wouldn't you?!"
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only)   The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) EmptyMon May 23, 2011 8:58 am

"Nyaaa, I see... So we have to wait. I guess I can find away to pass time." Tama wrapped an arm around his neck, then started to kiss him gently, softly. Yes, the two were making out there.

"....please don't fight. You thought I was older, I understand. You thought I wasn't a little gghrl." Ichi sat down next to Nato and smiled apologizingly at him. "Sorry about my...rudeness... I'm Ichi Tengu, who are you?"

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Number of posts : 698
Age : 27
Location : In your face, ruining your life
Registration date : 2011-05-05

The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only)   The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) EmptyMon May 23, 2011 9:07 am

//And now she's fallen for him. Dear lord, is there no law against pedophilia?// Shi thought, however his inner rant was broken when Tama started to make out with him, in the room with all of their future squad mates... and the village's elite ninja. Had she no shame? Well, he really couldn't complain. He met her challenge head on, tongue to tongue, finding her choice to be a rather great way to pass the time.

The rest of the people seemed to get restless as time went on and on, all but Jirou and Yuuki, who seemed to be the cool headed people of the group. Soon enough, an older man stepped into the room. A council member, looking to be in his late 40's to early 50's. He smiled at them all, sitting in the chair infront of his desk. He eyed the group, gesturing to Tama and Shi. "Excuse me, you two. But you can do that again later. Now is a time for business." He said politely, his jolly attitude not fading.

"I'm Keiji Ikeda. I'm the director of this little organization you all are joining today. You've been selected for your skills, you prowess and your ability as Ninja. You will become the Elites of this village, the task force to take on the toughest missions and help bring Yugakure into a true ninja village." He said, looking around for reactions.
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Number of posts : 2181
Age : 31
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Registration date : 2011-04-13

The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only)   The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) EmptyMon May 23, 2011 11:08 am

Nato yawned. "I'm Nato Yosita. Nice to meet you Ichi." Nato yawned again. He turned to the old man. "Can we get on with this. Are we going on a mission or what." Nato was a sarcastic jerk to most everyone. But thats just who he was and no one was going to change that.
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Number of posts : 698
Age : 27
Location : In your face, ruining your life
Registration date : 2011-05-05

The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only)   The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) EmptyMon May 23, 2011 11:16 am

Keiji turned to Nato, his expression again not changing when faced with the rudeness. "Nato, if you're going to have an attitude because of a little waiting, I don't think you're going to do well as an ANBU member. Keep in mind your skills aren't irreplaceable." With that, the old man pulled out a scroll. The scroll was then unrolled, and the seal on the inside was opened. 9 masks appeared from the scroll, all with different markings and animals. They happened to be the favored animals of the members. Each mask also hid a scroll on the inside which contained the needed gear for the ANBU, and below each mask was a little name tag, so no one got confused.

"Here you all go. You can change later. Keep in mind, you only wear these masks, the armor or the cloaks when on duty. Don't show off, or reveal you're ANBU members." He said, leaning back and waiting for them all to take their masks and scrolls.

Shi placed Tama on the couch next to him, revealing both their masks and scrolls, and giving Tama hers. The others did the same, except for Jirou and Nato. The former having fallen asleep.
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only)   The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) EmptyMon May 23, 2011 11:43 am

Tama didn't want to stop making out with Shi. It was both fun and it pissed off Kiyoko. But it was business time and she had to get serious. Tama picked up her eagle mask and giggled. She did love eagles.. She put it on and it fit perfectly.

Ichi timidly placed her mask over her face. It fit! Whoa., did the council stalk them or something? Oh well, she took it off and examined it. A bunny mask, huh? Well, now everyone knew she had a soft spot in her.

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Number of posts : 698
Age : 27
Location : In your face, ruining your life
Registration date : 2011-05-05

The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only)   The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) EmptyMon May 23, 2011 11:51 am

Shi slid his mask on, which fit snuggly into place. The mask was of a Wolf, of course, with various red markings all along the sides. He looked around at those who had put their masks on. This included most of the younger people of the group. Jirou, who had been sleeping, was jabbed in the knee with the old man's cane to wake him up. He then took his Lion mask and scroll and went back to polishing his sword.

"Nice masks, eh?" Shi asked to those around him.
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Number of posts : 2181
Age : 31
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Registration date : 2011-04-13

The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only)   The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) EmptyMon May 23, 2011 11:53 am

(btw Nato is 18. I lower his age. =))
Nato looked at his mask. It was fox. Perfect. It fit his personality well. He knew it would fit so his put it away, waiting for the mission. He looked at Ichi and laughed. "So cutie has a soft side."
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Number of posts : 698
Age : 27
Location : In your face, ruining your life
Registration date : 2011-05-05

The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only)   The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) EmptyMon May 23, 2011 11:54 am

(Still Pedophilia.)

Keiji, wanting to waste no time, stood. "You all aren't being sent on missions today. Not on your first stay, of course. Please, for those who feel the need, keep your romancing until the end of this session. We're not here to make goo-goo eyes at each other. Now if you'll follow me..." Keiji gestured to the door, and in a quick flash of a movement, was already there. He tapped his cane against the ground, then walked out of the building and began to walk towards what seemed to be a training area.

The majority of the group followed, except for Shi, who stayed behind to travel with Tama, and Nato and Ichi.

Last edited by Blade on Mon May 23, 2011 11:58 am; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 2181
Age : 31
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Registration date : 2011-04-13

The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only)   The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) EmptyMon May 23, 2011 11:58 am

(bite me)
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Number of posts : 698
Age : 27
Location : In your face, ruining your life
Registration date : 2011-05-05

The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only)   The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) EmptyMon May 23, 2011 11:59 am

(Ahhh shuddap and wait for Naka to post so we can continue on. >:T)
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Number of posts : 2181
Age : 31
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Registration date : 2011-04-13

The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only)   The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) EmptyMon May 23, 2011 12:35 pm

Nato got up and helped up Ichi. "Come on lets get going." He started walking out followed closely by Ichi. "Shi, Tama, lets go already. You two can have your own verison of makeout paradise later." Nato laughed. He was friends with Shi, his only friend in the whole group.
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only)   The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) EmptyMon May 23, 2011 1:39 pm

Tama gave Shi a quick peck on the lips before following him out cheerfully. She didn't mind showing him off, even to the elders. They would be together one day... Definitely.

Ichi looked at Nato and nodded slowly. His was a fox, it seemed. It represented mistrust and trickery. One should never trust a fox - they were clever, but sneaky. "Are you really a pedophile?" she asked Nato.

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Number of posts : 2181
Age : 31
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Registration date : 2011-04-13

The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only)   The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) EmptyMon May 23, 2011 1:43 pm

"Maybe, depends, do you want me to be." Nato smirked. He laughed as she blushed. "You need to worry less." He walked her out of the room and caught up with the rest of the group. "So if we're not on a mission, whats this all about? Are we just having a little meet and greet?"
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Number of posts : 698
Age : 27
Location : In your face, ruining your life
Registration date : 2011-05-05

The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only)   The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) EmptyMon May 23, 2011 1:49 pm

Keiji stopped in the middle of the training field. He turned to Nato. "Indeed! We'll be having tea later, and then we'll have a bond fire." The old man said with a chuckle. With his kind of attitude, who knew if he was serious or not? Either way, he cleared his throat. "Onto more pressing matters. I've heard of your skills, but I haven't seen them myself. So, we'll be doing tests!" He paused, preforming an odd handseal. Three clones appeared next to him in a poof of smoke. "Alright, so you're going to be broken up into your squads... Let's see..." He pulled a piece of paper from his robe, and began to read.

"Squad 1:

Leader: Yuuki Sakumoto
Members: Shi Shinseina and Tama Shinseina.

Squad 2:

Leader: Nato Yosita
Members: Jirou Oonishi, Kagome Nishimaru

Squad 3:
Leader: Kiramay Nishimaru
Members: Ichi, Kiyoko."

With that, he gave them a stern nod. "If you have... problems with your squad, address me privately later. As for now, you'll each fight one of my clones while I watch you. Understood?" He waited for them to agree. Hopefully.

(I tried to split up the players with the ones I play. Lemme know if you want to be on a squad.

Last edited by Blade on Mon May 23, 2011 1:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 2181
Age : 31
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Registration date : 2011-04-13

The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only)   The few, the stealthy, the ANBU (Open to members only) EmptyMon May 23, 2011 1:55 pm

Nato got serious, this is where he shined bright. He took his ANBU mask out and put it on. "Jirou Left Kagome Right. Keep it tight, don't give him second to move." Nato filled his hand with chakra. "Lets take this guy down"
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