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 Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19827
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) Empty
PostSubject: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) EmptySun Aug 14, 2011 12:20 pm

Here are your clients instructions: To the South is the Land of Rivers where the famed Hakujin Clan resides. In the biggest building lies an ancient scroll containing the instructions to creating Death Swords. Legends say that the scroll is pitch black with blood red writing. Bring me that scroll under any means necessary!

Last edited by Nbird13 on Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:40 am; edited 1 time in total
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God of MissCheese
God of MissCheese

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Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) EmptySun Aug 14, 2011 1:09 pm

Shiro repeated the instructions in his head over and over again. He was nervous as they were not at all too precise. 'The biggest building' meant there was a lot of space for the scroll not to be. It would take time to find it - time during which Shiro could be found, too. By now he had already made his way inside the building, no idea how it was constructed, where the rooms where or secret passages might lead. This was very close to being a suicide mission.
Sneaking along the corridor Shiro peeked inside one of the rooms, his hopes to find the scroll like this were not very high.

You may be deep, but your grammar sucks.

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19827
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) EmptySun Aug 14, 2011 1:32 pm

Shiro is looking into a huge Meeting Room, were Hakujin clan most likely conduct their meetings. There are no people about. Nothing but wooden benches and a podium.

(If he looks into the next room he will see a training room full of fighting dummies. *A skilled searcher will notice that the training room is smaller than the outside of the structure, most likely meaning there’s a false wall.*)
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God of MissCheese
God of MissCheese

Number of posts : 3483
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Registration date : 2010-11-01

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) EmptySun Aug 14, 2011 2:10 pm

Sneaking inside the room there was nothing of interest so Shiro left to observe the next one. It was a training room of some sort, but something was weird about it.
At first sight everything seemed normal, however, when Shiro left, he noticed what was wrong.
The room was too short.
Heading to the wall in the back Shiro tried to find some hint leading to a passage or secret room.

You may be deep, but your grammar sucks.

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19827
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) EmptySun Aug 14, 2011 2:17 pm

(The wall is made out of wood. If someone was to knock on it they would find that it is hollow and must lead to another room. One section of the wall is different than the rest as it is made from a different tree than the rest of the wall. By pushing on that section a hidden door will open to the Scroll Room)
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God of MissCheese
God of MissCheese

Number of posts : 3483
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Registration date : 2010-11-01

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) EmptySun Aug 14, 2011 2:22 pm

Shiro did not dare to knock on the wall as he feared he might be heard by someone.
Instead he let his fingers move over the wall, hearing the difference in sound they made when they moved over the different material. Pushing slightly, Shiro noticed the mechanism work and moved over to the secret door. This was almost too easy. If he was not caught now, he would be gone with the scroll soon.

You may be deep, but your grammar sucks.

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19827
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) EmptySun Aug 14, 2011 2:28 pm

A ninja hiding on the ceiling came down to where Shiro was standing. He put a kunai near his neck then whispered, “Your good, most thieves go half insane and trash everything in there path.” He drew the kunai closer, ”Now do exactly what I say, and I won’t have to kill you.”
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God of MissCheese
God of MissCheese

Number of posts : 3483
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Location : Gallifrey
Registration date : 2010-11-01

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) EmptySun Aug 14, 2011 2:31 pm

Shiro froze, cursing his fate. Something like this had been bound to be happening.
"F-fine. Just don't let your hand slip", Shiro said, careful not to move too much.
He did not want his throat cut open by this guy.
He'd rather leave this job undone than be killed.

You may be deep, but your grammar sucks.

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19827
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) EmptySun Aug 14, 2011 2:35 pm

The man was't shaking as if he has done this before. “I want you to leave. You get to keep your life and I won’t have to wake everyone by sounding the alarm. Do we have a Deal?” the man asked.
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God of MissCheese
God of MissCheese

Number of posts : 3483
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Registration date : 2010-11-01

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) EmptySun Aug 14, 2011 2:37 pm

"Deal", Shiro said, frowning because he was wondering why this man was not going to kill him.
What were his reasons?
And... how was Shiro going to get the scroll without being killed?
After all... this was his opportunity!
As soon as the man would let go of him, Shiro would run for it and try to get the scroll.
If he returned without it, his boss would probably kill him anyways... or worse.

You may be deep, but your grammar sucks.

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19827
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) EmptySun Aug 14, 2011 2:40 pm

Unaware of Shiro’s plan he put the kunai back in it’s place and backed away. “Now go on and get out of here”
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God of MissCheese
God of MissCheese

Number of posts : 3483
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Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) EmptySun Aug 14, 2011 2:41 pm

Shiro turned as though he wanted to bow to the ninja politely and then leave, but actually he quickly punched the man in the face, then ran for it to get to the scroll. He was still not sure where it was but in here it should not be too hard to find it.

You may be deep, but your grammar sucks.

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19827
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) EmptySun Aug 14, 2011 2:48 pm

The man wiped his face of the blood dripping from his nose. “I tried to be reasonable with you boy” He quickly did some hand signs and after he did the last sign the sounds of fireworks could be heard outside. He than got up and drew out his sword to pursue Shiro.

(By the way this is NOT Tsukiakara but his dad and you have my permission to kill him)
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God of MissCheese
God of MissCheese

Number of posts : 3483
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Registration date : 2010-11-01

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) EmptySun Aug 14, 2011 2:56 pm

(Okay! Nice! Very Happy)

"Oh what the hell", Shiro cussed. Jumping right back at the other he used the moment of surprise to attack him with a long knife Shiro had worn hidden beneath his vest. A sword was a nice thing but it took longer to swing and attack than a knife and Shiro was quick enough to evade the first attack. Then he ended his opponent's life with a quick motion. "Now where's that scroll...", Shiro mumbled to himself. He had to be quick now, soon there would be others arriving to lock him up somewhere or even kill him.

You may be deep, but your grammar sucks.

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19827
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) EmptySun Aug 14, 2011 3:07 pm

Meanwhile outside…

Tsukiakara and his mother were rushing to the building when they saw the singal.

“If it was Dad who sent the signal that must mean thing are really bad”, Tsukiakara said as he ran to the building.

They arvived at the building. Tsukiakara mother turned to him.

“Tsukiakara, I want you to stay out here while I go help out your father”

“No, for all we know an army could be in there. Dad could use all the help he could get.”

“No Tsukiakara, we need someone outside as a last resort, you’re the only one I can trust” she gave him a kiss on the forehead and ran into the building alone.
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God of MissCheese
God of MissCheese

Number of posts : 3483
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Registration date : 2010-11-01

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) EmptySun Aug 14, 2011 3:09 pm

Shiro had found the scroll and ran outside. Guessing people would be close as it had taken him some time to find the object of desire, Shiro hid in a corner, waiting for them to pass him. The only person entering, though, was a woman. Shiro waited until she was right next to him, then jumped out and stabbed her, before hurrying outside. However, when he had left the building, he bumped into a boy who had obviously been waiting there. Shiro found himself on the floor, lying on top of the boy who seemed younger than him but was the same hight and seemed trained. Shiro himself was thin, undernourished. Quickly he tried to get up and run for it before he had to fight. He had killed two people already and was covered in their blood, he did not want to murder another one.

You may be deep, but your grammar sucks.

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19827
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) EmptySun Aug 14, 2011 3:32 pm

“ Hey wait!” but it was to late. The Assassin was all ready up and running. Tsukaikara got back on his feet and quickly began to follow. The Assassin however had a huge head start. “All never catch up to him like this” Thinking quickly he pulled out 3 kunai with paper bombs and hurled them in front of the Assassin trying to cut him off.
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God of MissCheese
God of MissCheese

Number of posts : 3483
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Registration date : 2010-11-01

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) EmptySun Aug 14, 2011 3:35 pm

Shiro was startled when there were explosions in front of him.
He was terribly afraid of fire and stopped for a moment, losing precious seconds.
Then he turned left only to find himself in a dead end after a few more meters.
Turning around he tried to get away but the kid was too close to get past him.
"Let me leave and I will not harm you", Shiro said, drawing his knife, which was still blood-stained.

You may be deep, but your grammar sucks.

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19827
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) EmptySun Aug 14, 2011 3:41 pm

Quickly Tsukaikara did three hands signs. “How about you give me that scroll and I might consider it because you won’t like what I have in store when I do the last hand sign.” Tsukaikara said full of rage.
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God of MissCheese
God of MissCheese

Number of posts : 3483
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Registration date : 2010-11-01

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) EmptySun Aug 14, 2011 3:44 pm

Shiro shook his head, acting calm and cool.
"Why don't you see how your parents are doing, kiddo?", he asked.
It was just a guess but what else would you think of a man, a woman and a child being?
A family, of course. Shiro hated families. He was jealous of them.
"You shouldn't be wasting your time here... you'd want to see if you could still help them, being the good son you are, right?"

You may be deep, but your grammar sucks.

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19827
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) EmptySun Aug 14, 2011 3:51 pm

Tsukaikara angry than ever before. “YOU ASKED FOR THIS” he did the last hand sign. Immediately a burning sound could be heard from inside the scroll. “A paper bomb is stored in every scroll in case something like this should ever happen. I would suggest dropping that scroll before you lose your arm” He said showing a slight smile of revenge when the last sentence left his lips.
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God of MissCheese
God of MissCheese

Number of posts : 3483
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Registration date : 2010-11-01

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) EmptySun Aug 14, 2011 3:55 pm

"Oh fuck", Shiro mumbled, instinctively throwing the scroll right at the boy's face.
He was not going to lose limbs just because of some stupid job.
"Fine! I don't want that stupid thing anyways!", he shouted, knowing very well that his client would me more than angry about this. However his words were swallowed by the sound of the scroll exploding in mid air, half way between him and the boy.
"Great. Just great. And what am I supposed to bring home now, kid? What do you think I'm doing this for?", Shiro yelled, angry at this kid for interfering.

You may be deep, but your grammar sucks.

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19827
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) EmptySun Aug 14, 2011 4:02 pm

“It serves you right“ , Tsukaikara took out his 2 swords from his back, fused them with chakra, and took a defensive position just in case this guy tried to attack.
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God of MissCheese
God of MissCheese

Number of posts : 3483
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Registration date : 2010-11-01

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) EmptySun Aug 14, 2011 4:04 pm

"Oh cut it out already. You messed up my job enough, I don't need to fight you anymore, thanks", Shiro said, sounding terribly annoyed. "Just tell me the way out and you'll never see me again. Because most probably I'm gonna be torn apart by my boss. All thanks to you. Congratulations." Shiro was pissed.

You may be deep, but your grammar sucks.

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19827
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) EmptySun Aug 14, 2011 4:09 pm

He used one of His swords to point to the right. "There's a river not far that way, follow it, but I want to know your name" Ysukaikara asked angerly.
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