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 The Monkey and the horse (Private)

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Number of posts : 1629
Age : 90
Location : In your dreams... Maybe your nightmares!
Registration date : 2011-08-01

The Monkey and the horse (Private) Empty
PostSubject: The Monkey and the horse (Private)   The Monkey and the horse (Private) EmptyMon Oct 03, 2011 2:57 pm

Tensai wandered through the desilate town, her eyes were weary and constantly watching, she knew these parts were bad news and she couldn't let her guard down for risk of being robbed or kidnapped. The only reason she was here was because she heard information regarding a boy who could turn into an animal of sorts and her father had sent her in search of this boy, the only other peice of information abut him that she got wa that he had bright red/orange hair that stuck up in every direction, she didn't want to stay any longer then she had to, she could feel eyes on her from the alleys she passed.

Tensai knew she didn't belong in this town and it was just as obvious to others that saw her, she walked quickly and searched through the town hopeing that she found this boy soon, soon she stumbled on a bar/pub and walked in. As soon as the chiped paint doors opened and she walked in, every eye in the bar was on, she hated it when all attention was placed on her and she cringed when they all stared at her, she walked up to the counter and sat down "just a glass of water please" she said quietly to the bartender who gave a hearty laugh "whatever you say sweetheart" he answered and went to get her drink.
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The Monkey and the horse (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Monkey and the horse (Private)   The Monkey and the horse (Private) EmptyMon Oct 03, 2011 3:44 pm

Hideyoshi  had not been having a good day. He had woken up in partial human form again, he hated the fact that his powers had become so hard to control without a few centenaries of use. It had taken the better part of the morning to get to a nearly human form, his tail remained. He could pass it off as a belt soloing as he had a cloak or cape to cover his backside, luckily he did have such an item. He went to find some breakfast, and he had been searching for hours. 

Hideyoshi was starving when he crossed into the land of rice paddies. He had come to learn that a ninja village had been established somewhere in the land and where there was a village there was food. The thought of food made his mouth water. Soon he located a village, he tricked the guards into allowing him access. The monkey snickered to himself as he walked past the chunins 'gets them every time' he said to himself. The red heads eyes darted about furiously, there were weapon shops, gear vendors and herbalist stalls but not one bloody restaurant. He growled low in his throat until he saw the run down bar, sure he would get a full meal but Hideyoshi knew one thing bars always had peanuts. He pushed through the old wooden doors and made a beeline to the bar. As luck would have it a pretty girl was sitting alone not a foot away from the prized peanuts. The monkey hopped up onto the stool beside her and dug in, pausing only to order a pint of ale.   
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Number of posts : 1629
Age : 90
Location : In your dreams... Maybe your nightmares!
Registration date : 2011-08-01

The Monkey and the horse (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Monkey and the horse (Private)   The Monkey and the horse (Private) EmptyMon Oct 03, 2011 4:02 pm

Tensai turned her head slightly to look at the boy that had taken a seat beside her "here ya go sweetheart, one glass of water" the bartender sniggered to himself at the girls order, she certainly wasn't from around these parts. Tensai took the drink gently in her grasp and thanked the bartender, she took her gaze momentarily off the boy to thank the bartender then returned her gaze to the boy.

The first thing she noticed about him was his bright red hair the was straight up all in the air, it was almost exactly how her father had described it, could this be the boy she was searchig for, she played it cool and quickly checked out his body with her eyes for any notacible animal features but most of his body was covered by a cloak, she sighed in defeat but didn't give up "hello" she smiled kindly at the boy and returned her gaze to her glass, Tensai absentmindedly played with the rim of her glass with her index finger.
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The Monkey and the horse (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Monkey and the horse (Private)   The Monkey and the horse (Private) EmptyMon Oct 03, 2011 5:32 pm

Hideyoshi looked up from the bowl of nuts to glance at the girl. He examined her, she didn't belong he could tell that much. He was curious as to what a pretty young girl like her was doing in a seedy bar like this. There was an odd smell in this place, alcohol, pipe smoke, worn leather and the faint hint of horse hair.  The girl had said hello, glanced at him and looked away, was his human face that repulsive?

"hello" he replied taking a sip of the warm ale placed down in front of him. Hideyoshi let out a low sigh as his body relaxed, alcohol made him feel like water. The drink made him feel light like air, it also made him more friendly though he never was affected by it like other people. Hideyoshi turned to face her "you seem out of place here" he said to the girl.
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Number of posts : 1629
Age : 90
Location : In your dreams... Maybe your nightmares!
Registration date : 2011-08-01

The Monkey and the horse (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Monkey and the horse (Private)   The Monkey and the horse (Private) EmptyMon Oct 03, 2011 6:15 pm

Tensai looked back to the boy and nodded slightly "I guess I am" she admitted and searched the boys features for any hint that he may be her target, she contemplated to ask but that might seem rude, Mabey if she talked with him he might give some answers away without meaning to.

"my names Tensai Miryoku" she introduced kindly, Mabey he had heard of her father but she doubted it, rarely anyone had, and those that had did not take kindly to him, trying to bring everyone to harmony. Tensai hated anyone who was agaisnt people just for being different. The boy could have been who she was after but she doubted it, he didn't look like she possessed any traits that were diffrent from a normal human.
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The Monkey and the horse (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Monkey and the horse (Private)   The Monkey and the horse (Private) EmptyMon Oct 03, 2011 8:05 pm

Hideyoshi downed his ale and the rest of the nuts. He dropped a bill on the bar, he hiccuped and his tail unraveled from his waist. He looked at her "Hideyoshi Sun" he said holding out his head, his red tail wrapped around her waist. 

He looked down " oh sorry 'bout that sometimes it has a mind of it's own " he said using his other hand to pull it away. His tail picked the oddest times to act of it's own accord, he sighed and looked to the door. "would you like to get out of here ?" he asked, some of the patrons were eyeing him now.
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Number of posts : 1629
Age : 90
Location : In your dreams... Maybe your nightmares!
Registration date : 2011-08-01

The Monkey and the horse (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Monkey and the horse (Private)   The Monkey and the horse (Private) EmptyMon Oct 03, 2011 10:03 pm

Tensai jumped slightly when she felt something fuzzy wrap around her waist, she looked down to see a monkey tail and followed it with her eyes to here it belonged, it jutted out from the boys tailbone by the looks of it. Tensai's face lit up when she noticed that he was the boy she was looking for after all, she nodded as she felt some of the patron's eyes on the boy "come on, we can talk outside" she said quietly and stood, her own tail was hidden by her wavy kimono, not that she tried to hide it or anything, her father had always told her to be proud of her extra abilities and features.

The patrons in the bar had started to stand and advance on the boy and Tensai tried to make herself smaller, she could tell there was about to be a fight and she hated fighting, only when she had to would she "I think we should hurry" she whispered but was stopped short by a beer bottle being thrown past her head, to late.
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The Monkey and the horse (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Monkey and the horse (Private)   The Monkey and the horse (Private) EmptyWed Oct 05, 2011 5:42 pm

Hideyoshi sighed as the bottle flew past their heads, he had hoped that it would not come to violence. He growled low in his throat as another bottle came flying in their direction. Hideyoshi grabbed it out of the air with his tail, he grinned and flung it back at the drunken patron who tossed at him in the first place. He glanced quickly at the girl. " make a dash for the door " he said summoning up a long red Bo staff. 

Hideyoshi grinned at the angry drunks "come on and I'll make a monkey out of you all".
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Number of posts : 1629
Age : 90
Location : In your dreams... Maybe your nightmares!
Registration date : 2011-08-01

The Monkey and the horse (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Monkey and the horse (Private)   The Monkey and the horse (Private) EmptyWed Oct 05, 2011 5:49 pm

Tensai nodded and was about to make a bolt for the door "are you gonna follow me?" she could not afford to lose her target after she had just found him "get him!" one of the men shouted and suddenly it was a bar fight, with most of the drunks piling over each other to get to the monkey man "eep!" Tensai jumped back as a derunk leapt towards her and shoved past to get at the boy "I don't want a fight" she said quietly as her hair quickly wrapped around the man and flung him backwards "i'm sorry!" Tensai quickly shouted to the man, sometimes with the littlest thought her hair would automattically step in to protect her "there both freaks" they shouted and there eyes turned on Tensai, her hair was waving over her shoulder, acting on its own.
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The Monkey and the horse (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Monkey and the horse (Private)   The Monkey and the horse (Private) EmptyFri Oct 07, 2011 4:52 pm

Hideyoshi  laughed as he whacked the drunks with his Bo staff, he hadn't had this much fun in decades. The good thing about the staff was it kept the attackers at a distance. The exile tried to trip the drunks and when that would not work he thrust his weapon into the groin area. Being male himself he knew how sensitive that area was and he was not opposed to exploiting said weakness.

He looked towards tensai "you alright" he asked smashing  the end of his staff between the eyes of one of the drunks. A flaming whiskey bottle flew in his direction, he dodged it easily enough. His eyes followed it "Tensai release them quickly" he yelled. The flaming bottle was flying towards the girl, well her hair anyway.
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Number of posts : 1629
Age : 90
Location : In your dreams... Maybe your nightmares!
Registration date : 2011-08-01

The Monkey and the horse (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Monkey and the horse (Private)   The Monkey and the horse (Private) EmptySat Oct 08, 2011 3:21 am

Tensai nodded but her eyes showed a slight fear "I'm fine, I just don't like fights" she turned her head towards the boy and showed a shaky smile just as he dodged out on the way of a flaming whisky bottle, withot thinking twice she quickly ducked by doing the splits with one hand in front to stop her decent "can we just get out of here I hate fighting" she pleaded, her eyes showing fear from the bottle, if this kept up she was sure to turn to her other form, and she was sure that would only make things worse.

Tensai used her hand as a springboard and flipped herself up, her hair knocking down an empty bottle in mid air, she watched as the monkey man downed opponent after opponent and she decided it was best to get out of his way, she dashed to a corner and sat down with her knees up, her hair wrapped around her front like a protective shield and occasionally threw away a drunk who had charged at her, Tensai may know how to fight and protect herself but that still didn't mean she enjoyed the prospect of a fight.
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The Monkey and the horse (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Monkey and the horse (Private)   The Monkey and the horse (Private) EmptyThu Oct 13, 2011 2:36 pm

Hideyoshi sighed and whacked the last drunk on the head "Lets go" he said quickly. With his tail wrapped about his waist Hideyoshi stepped outside of the bar, brushing the dust off of his shoulders. He didnt look back to see if Tenshi was following, he needed to keep moving. This village was not the best place for him, perhaps he would head south.
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Number of posts : 1629
Age : 90
Location : In your dreams... Maybe your nightmares!
Registration date : 2011-08-01

The Monkey and the horse (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Monkey and the horse (Private)   The Monkey and the horse (Private) EmptySat Oct 15, 2011 8:20 pm

Tensai scurried up and after him, her hair knocked back drunks as they tried to tackle her and she soon caught up to the monkey boy "where are you headed now?" she asked and kept pace with him as her hair swayed behind her in the slight breeze. Tensai looked behind her to see if anybody was following.

(sorry bout the short post ^^)
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The Monkey and the horse (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Monkey and the horse (Private)   The Monkey and the horse (Private) EmptySun Nov 06, 2011 10:02 am

Hideyoshi glanced quickly to his side, she had followed him? The Monkey shrugged slightly he had no Idea where he would go. " I am not sure, Yugakure perhaps or maybe Konoha" he replied brushing his red hair out of his eyes. " What about you Tensai, where are you going now?" he asked curiously.
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Number of posts : 1629
Age : 90
Location : In your dreams... Maybe your nightmares!
Registration date : 2011-08-01

The Monkey and the horse (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Monkey and the horse (Private)   The Monkey and the horse (Private) EmptyTue Dec 13, 2011 7:57 pm

"I'm traveling to different places" she replied absentmindedly sstudying his tail, her own one twitched slightly "I'm just wondering, whats with your tail>" she didn't wnt to seem rude but she wanted to know. Tensai wanted to find out more about him before she asked him to join her and mabey staying by him would be worthwhile "if you want we could travel together" she opted shrugging
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The Monkey and the horse (Private) Empty
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