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 A Hunters Trial (Private)

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Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

A Hunters Trial (Private) Empty
PostSubject: A Hunters Trial (Private)   A Hunters Trial (Private) EmptyWed May 25, 2011 11:10 am

"Fear the Fall." He remembered them telling him. "Fear those choices in your heart that will lead you to damnation." Kuvoos always shrugged off the lessons his elders tried to press upon him. They always felt like shackles that held him down and stole his freedom. But now, after all the he'll he was forced through and pain he had suffered over the years the once human chimera better understood the old wisdom that had been departed upon him. His thirst for knowledge and power turned into a hunger then a curse that left him homeless and in the skin of a beast.

But still a teen at heart Kuvoos could say he sometimes ignored better judgement and wise teaches for other frivolous things... such as girls and sweet treats. His lack of said judgement had lead him to wander further into the village that would surely find the presence of the chakra leech a burden. Yes he knew better but he was the lonely sort that was still human despite the various changes in his appearance. He still craved the touch and attention of the female pursaution. It was just hard to find one willing to see past the fur and fangs...

And he had a notorious sweet tooth. Yes sweets and sugars were terrible for him but he craved it just as he craved human company. And between flesh and sweets his disturbance was enough to raise a few heads... and alarms. Before Kuvoos could even get down to business he was discovered and chased off. But just like any innocent story it became a rumor that spread like wildfire which erupted into a story of scandal and bloodshed. What Kuvoos had meant to do became some twisted assassination plot. Unable to plea his own innocence he was pursued.


He would deny his proceeding reputation and refuse to turn on his assailants. Instead he had been hunted and tracked for over two days before the village ninja gave up. But the chase had begun anew when mercenaries, other ninja from other villages were called on to join. Even those freelanced.
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Number of posts : 302
Age : 33
Location : Canada Quebec
Registration date : 2011-03-14

A Hunters Trial (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Hunters Trial (Private)   A Hunters Trial (Private) EmptyThu May 26, 2011 12:06 am

Fangpow was on his way back of the Grass Country from yet another unexciting, sleep AND seizure inducing borehole of a guarding job he took there. No... really! He was actually so bored that he literally threw himself on his back and began doing the bacon... had no need for it but seeing those people freak out and come to his aid only to tell them he was just f*cking around made it SO worth it. The locals were also less than friendly... he had to beat the living crap out of a punk only to give some directions... and another one after realizing the first one REALLY didn’t know where the nearest local restaurant was and sent him in a random direction. Then, when he eventually got his order, the Tea Ninja got out just in time as two freaks decided to duke it out... right in the middle of the damn town! One of them had this weird, dark robe over him and the other one was sporting a brown leather vest... Good thing his work here was done or he would’ve been obligated to actually kick his own ass into doing something about it... nope... instead he made a 180 and never gave a damn.

Trailing on a small dirt road, walking casually like a normal person would... not a ninja, Fangpow was juggling one of his pistols with his index, not a single care in the world, chewing some bubble gum at the same time too, like he usually did. Since his body alteration, he only needed to eat a very small portion of food and water every two days... so instead he gnawed on some of that fine, tasty, sweet, long-tasting and costly gum... which came in multiple flavors also...

It’s only when he heard some rustlings from the nearby trees that the gunner immediately turned himself around, pointing his pistol in a blink of an eye toward the incoming noises. His eyes narrowing as he looked through his handgun’s boresight... all his senses acute... the gunner could hear on the distance what seemed to be a bunch of men yelling a few words... he was only able to hear something along the lines of “hurry” and “get him” trough the forest. Apparently there was a chase going on. Good guys getting a bad guy or bad guys going after someone innocent? Either way... it was worth the check.

Activating his thrusters, Fangpow zoomed trough the bushes as he followed the sounds that were making the ninjas... IF those were ninjas. Getting closer, the Tea Ninja cut the chakra flow to his turbines and leaped on a high tree... looking down at the scene. Seven of those mercenaries and/or deserter ninjas, judging by their outfits, were cornering this one fellow there, who had his back against a tree... he was wearing some sort of cloak so he couldn’t get a clear view of his face... not that it mattered right now...

Mercenaries were against the ninja law... so killing them only meant an extra, big, fat and juicy paycheck at the end of it all. He didn’t know what the other had done, not that he really cared anyway. He could always ask him that after he had dealt with those... since for all he knew he could’ve been innocent.

Not wasting any time, Fangpow leaped down the branch as he landed between the criminals and the mystery man. One of them in the back seemed like their leader; judging by his “intimidating” outfit which consisted of a torn Konoha ninja flak jacket, bunch of tattoos, several bloody headbands, facepaint and large blades. The gunner smirked as he then aimed his small and mysterious one-handed “boom-stick” at one of the lesser mercenaries' head that was standing at the front of the small group and spoke...

-Hey guys, check out my new camera!

He added as he smiled waved at them before...


-Oh wait, this isn’t the camera...

He said as he looked at his own weapon, scratching the back of his head...
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Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

A Hunters Trial (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Hunters Trial (Private)   A Hunters Trial (Private) EmptyThu May 26, 2011 4:38 am

First it had been ninjas and now it was mercenaries. Paid, ruthless and absolute assholes that were hot on his tail. What had he done to deserve this? Well first off this had been a string of village and small town break ins. Kuvoos had been unlucky enough to draw attention the last time, because he got greedy. Wanting more then one or the other. Hell he hadn't even tried to eat any one! But again his reputation proceeded him and the title of a monster followed close no matter where he went.

His speed alone wasn't enough to loose the relentless bodies behind him. But he had come up with a plan to get rid of them. It was a matter of primal instinct. This was a wolf pack, an alpha and omega that ran the group were his untented targets. If he could get the leader alone this would all end smoothly. Perhaps if he could play the role proper he could convince a challenge... that and he knew he had already weakened the group with his Leech Step. The longer he got them to follow the further he drained them of their chakra reserves. His nose having read the body structures of each one. He gaged his chances and felt he could handle this. But a miscalculation sent him tumbling, missing his new route and with his back up against a tree. His cloak still holding firm to his body. For the most part he was still hidden well.

"Let's make this easy, how about-..." The chimera was cut short when the stranger waltzed right in so nonchalantly. And her smelled.. so delicious! He could pick up the real and the fake and even the gun powder... but he could smell that sweetness that was heaven! Having lost focus in the moment he only heard the shot and taste the new blood in the air. The scent masking all else. Great. Thanks, for screwing this up for him. "I had this under control.." He huffed and not at all disturbed by the carnage.

The group had planned for an easy kill. Bring the head back and gain a hefty reward. They outnumbered the rogue and outarmed him. Circling their prey, already dragging this out long enough. None of them willing to admit this chase had worn them out much quicker then expected. When Fengpow dropped down between them and their target an uproar nearly started. Fengpows show of force only incited rage and a quick lashout.

Armed like usual shinobi they launched blades and throwing stars. The massive wave meant to overwhelm him. But it was one of the group members that chose a linking whip like chain of whirling blades honed and powered by chakra. Intending to wrap it around the disruptive ninja.

As for Kuvoos... well he used the moment to trot behind the trees and circle around.
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Number of posts : 302
Age : 33
Location : Canada Quebec
Registration date : 2011-03-14

A Hunters Trial (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Hunters Trial (Private)   A Hunters Trial (Private) EmptyThu May 26, 2011 10:30 am

Seeing the various types of projectiles coming at him, the ninja couldn’t help but smirk… the famous wave o’ knives… if he could get a dime for every time he had seen that he’d be rich by now. Pulling out his wide frying pan, the Tea Ninja put of him and used it as a shield to deflect the first wave that were directed to his torso, then, as he looked down, lowered his cooking cool, Fangpow managed to dodge the last few ones as he leaped over them, missing theme by a mere inch. Close call. Though, what he didn’t see coming was that whip made out of inter-connected blades coming straight at him. Normally he would’ve dodged it, but not this time... this thing was already too close! The Tea Ninja only had time to raise his defensive weapon as the whip literally lashed itself around it as a strong tug pulled his round weapon away. Great, now his only defense had been blown away.

His only chance now was to deal as much damage as he could in a short period of time before thay had time to attack him. His pistols wouldn’t cut it. Looking back at the enemies, the gunner realized that those were positioned in a thigh pack... perfect. Putting those back on his bowtie belt and pulling his summoning scroll with real sleight of hand, Fangpow summoned his shotgun as he quickly spin-cocked it and put it against his hip.



And pulled the trigger, unleashing a volley of lead at the enemy in a conical trajectory. The gunner then began walking forward, feeling more powerful and more confident at each shots as he cocked and fired his shotgun several times more. A wicked smile could be seen on his face as adrenaline and excitement somewhat fogged his reasoning.

*Cr-crack, BAM! - Cr-crack, BAM! - Cr-crack, BAM! *

-Yeah, YEAH, YEAH!! Drop dead you miserable sons of bitches!
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Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

A Hunters Trial (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Hunters Trial (Private)   A Hunters Trial (Private) EmptyThu May 26, 2011 5:50 pm

Chaos, madness and bloodshed! Kuvoos had never seen such a violent display outside his own time of feeding. He had hoped to circle around the group while the newcomer had distracted the mercenaries. But in the middle of it he was caught in the line of fire. Managing to get out of the way as the metal pellets of the shotgun spread and struck its intended targets. But three out of the six remaining ninja renegades still stood and used clones to avoid the shotgun shells. The other three laid on the ground unmoving. Whether or not they were still alive it wasn't known.

The chimera hissed, embittered by the fact this nameless one had the balls to simply jump in and disrupt his plan of action! But the distraction gave him the chance he needed to pounce.

The trio managed to hide in the trees, blending into the natural sheilding. Even skilled in the art of slaughtering bounty they hadn't come across a pair quite like this... the leader, not even batting an eye to the fact he just lost three good men in the matter of moments. The three of them huddled together, their hands moving in quick signs that seemed to follow a pattern. A crude smile spread across their faces, the earth around Fengpow's feet would churn and roar into life. Roots and soil latched onto him while trying to crush his limbs.

Kuvoos watched with amusement. Licking his jaws in the show of power from both sides. He kept close but decided to see if the newcomer would need his help.
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Number of posts : 302
Age : 33
Location : Canada Quebec
Registration date : 2011-03-14

A Hunters Trial (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Hunters Trial (Private)   A Hunters Trial (Private) EmptyThu May 26, 2011 11:38 pm

Seeing the handseals, the Tea Ninja knew something was coming…to bad his shotgun was out of ammo... and reloading that thing was times-consuming... in battle that is. He wouldn’t have time to pull it back into his scroll either, only to slide it into his bowtie belt. When the seals were finished, Fangpow held himself into a defensive position, unsure of what was coming at him. It’s only when the ground started to rumble under his feet that he immediately understood what this was all about. Activating his thrusters as he dashed sideways, Fangpow managed to dodge most of the incoming roots, but one sprung out behind him as it lassoed itself tightly around his right leg, preventing him of going anywhere else.

Pinned down like this the ninja was an easy target... and what was captured right now wasn’t a clone. It was the real deal... and he didn’t have his frying pan anymore! He could always activate his berserk mode and rip his way out... but he could damage himself doing so. His pistols wouldn’t cut it and shotgun was out of ammo... and summoning another weapon would be too lengthy... Tsk... What a shame he’d have to resolve himself using his mechanical implants so soon...

Reaching for his wrist, Fangpow twisted it as he then pulled it off, revealing a long, thick coil riddled with a bunch of micro missiles to it, covered in a transparent lubricant-like liquid... there was 20 of them in all. Pointing his stretched out limb toward his enemies the Tea Ninja concentrated some of his chakra into his arm as half of the missiles perked up one after the others.


And simultaneously fired all at once in an arched trajectory toward the mercenaries, all of them whistling trough the air, distanced from each other, covering a very large parsec of the battleground... and those little things packed quite a punch too... Only one of those was enough to blow up a whole part of your average typical type of house. Hopefully that huge blast would be enough for them to either blow up to smithereens...or, at least, make them drop their technique. That thing on his metal leg was starting to put quite the amount of stress... he didn’t know how much longer it would last under the intense pressure...
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Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

A Hunters Trial (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Hunters Trial (Private)   A Hunters Trial (Private) EmptyFri May 27, 2011 3:31 am

The ninja was popping out all sorts of tricks the mercenaries never saw coming. They had hoped to keep the interfering shinobi out of their way, or hopefully crush him. The bounty of their current targets head had doubled in the last day and was worth more then enough to cast their safety aside. But when faced with a barrage of missile fire they were forced to break the flow of chakra that commanded the plants to attack. The three split and made for the trees, weaving in and out as small explosions rocked the wooded area.

"Hey! Watch it, you'll bring this entire forest to the ground! And who do you think they'll send? More ninja!" Kuvoos had parked himself well behind Fengpow before he let loose the blasts. It seemed around this particular person nothing was safe. A loose cannon, one could say. Though of course the beasts words would be lost in the ear splitting soundwaves that echoed the explosions.

One of the three, the leader in it all, had managed his way past the wave of rockets and left his comrades behind. But he wasn't left unfaded. His clothing stained with blood, dirt and singed slightly. Once more lashing out with his bladed whip... this time it caught around Kuvoos' cloak and tore it right from his body. No longer hidden beneath the cloth his body exposed when he tried to pull away.

He stood most often hunched over on two legs to try and mimic the height of a human but that's were it all ended. A mix and match of various creatures. Narrow and long ears like a lynx, face similar to a feral canine with saber teeth to match. Front legs like that of a bird with prehensile taloned fingers. Back legs feline with a reptilian tail that ended in two prongs and covered in white trimmed feathers. The rest of him a sleek black coat of fur. "Ahhh, moo?" Panic mode.
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Number of posts : 302
Age : 33
Location : Canada Quebec
Registration date : 2011-03-14

A Hunters Trial (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Hunters Trial (Private)   A Hunters Trial (Private) EmptyFri May 27, 2011 10:12 am

Seeing the roots leaving his leg alone, the Tea ninja retracted his wrist and opened his hand and closed it a few times as he smirked. Then, using the cloud of smoke as a cover, he immediately performed a simple hand seal as a clone of himself poofed next to him. The fake would stay there as a decoy while he would hop into the trees, on a branch where he would get a clear view of the captain... the lucky one who managed to save his ass from the blast... that tough little bastard. Fangpow then looked as the cloud of dust began to settle the mercenary lashing out at this other cloaked guy, throwing his sharp whip at him.

The guy apparently managed to dodge the attack, but his cloak had been ripped off... revealing his true self at the light of the day. The Tea Ninja never saw something quite like it. His eyes narrowed as he rubbed them with his right hand... just what the hell was this guy anyway?! Some sort of furry beast with a dark fur coat, wing-like arms with talons and what seemed to be the tail of a lizard? Now that was rather... unusual. His mom always told him that looks could be deceiving... so judging him right now would only bring unsupported speculations. But he had to admit that this was quite the eerie sight

The gunner then reached for his scroll as he put back his shotgun into it and summoned his sniper rifle. Fangpow then kneeled on the branch as he brought the scope to his eye and aimed for the mercenary’s head. His finger was right above the trigger, waiting for him to stop moving for only a split second... When the guy had ripped off the clothing from the beast, he too, apparently, was just as stunned as him... so the Tea Ninja took the opportunity...

-Say ah, sunshine...


The loud bang echoed through the forest as he pulled the trigger, the bullet literally "zipping" trough the air as it reached incredible speed.
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Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

A Hunters Trial (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Hunters Trial (Private)   A Hunters Trial (Private) EmptyFri May 27, 2011 11:57 am

There wouldn't be a need to even bother making the clone. The lead mercenary was too stunned from his exposure of his quarry to do much but gawk. Feeling like he been had, been fooled into some kind of demon chase! The rogue ninja was just as stunned as Fengpow but slower to react. By the time the gunslinger had positioned himself it was already to late. "What is this ma-" It was over in a spray of blood and grey matter. The shot was through and through and left a massive gapping hole. The lifeless body flopping onto the ground with a meaty thud.

Kuvoos had seen it all play out in an almost slow motion effect. Keens ears heard the shot and eyes watched the entrance and exit of the bullet. Not so much fazed by the violence but afraid of having that weapon turned on him. Crouching down on all fours, ears pinned back and baring his impressive set of teeth at the ninja. Keeping his eyes on him as he moved around to where the discarded bodies of the mercenaries were simply discarded. Flicking his thick, forked tongue at Fengpow. "Are you just like them? Are you out for my head too?" The voice that spilled from the beasts flapping gums was low and gruttle. A raspy noise, hard to speak from the mouth of a beast. Glad to have that at least.

"I will not be so easy! I know your tricks, I wont be fooled!" After a moment of thinking, he sat and quirked his head at Fengpow... "Would you happen to have something sweet?"
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Number of posts : 302
Age : 33
Location : Canada Quebec
Registration date : 2011-03-14

A Hunters Trial (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Hunters Trial (Private)   A Hunters Trial (Private) EmptyFri May 27, 2011 10:00 pm

Boom, headshot. And that guy didn’t even move or anything... how boring and easy of a target this dude was... yep... “was” was definitely the right word. He didn’t know from what angle he had took out that bastard but he wouldn’t be getting up, that’s for damn sure. He never quite saw a head explode like that... shame he couldn’t have one of those “slow-mo” moments recorded as a souvenir. Oh well. Concentrating on his useless clone for it to poof out, the gunner then leaped down from his hiding spot and landed on his two metallic limbs. He then flipped his sniper rifle and made it poof out into his summoning scroll.

-Well that was easy enough...

He told himself as he then looked in front of him... That beast was now standing on his four... looking straight at him with those fangs of his that looked quite sharp bared out... Obviously this fella wasn’t sure either he was on his side or not... but neither was the gunner... this thing could be really dangerous for all he knew, maybe those mercenaries were after him for a good reason, after all. Though, just as he was about to ask him about all this, the chimera asked him if he was after his head too. Huh... might as well answer his questions before he would ask his own... he had the feeling that this thing, whatever it was, could easily get pissed off...

-Um... no? I don’t take such contracts because I end up blowing them beyond any recognition instead of capturing them. By accident, obviously.

He added with a smirk as he then listened as the beast asking something about... sweets? This guy had probably smelt his bubble gum... damn... that’s one heck of a nose that furry dude had! Fangpow then took a few steps toward the weird guy and stopped, keeping a safe distance as his left hand rested on his pistol... just in case.

-How about you answer my questions before we talk about... sweets. Yeah... tell me why on earth those guys were running after you? There must be a reason... And just what the hell are you axactly?

He added, raising an eyebrow.
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Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

A Hunters Trial (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Hunters Trial (Private)   A Hunters Trial (Private) EmptySat May 28, 2011 6:27 am

The closer Fangpow drew to him the more defensive the chimera became. The fur on his back rising on end and hardening out. Sizing up the ninja and finding every bit of him as imposing as his boom sticks. And watching Fangpow reach for his handgun wasn't helping the beasts nerves any. So he said he wasn't like these dead mercenaries... well mostly dead. One around here was still breathing but he'd keep that bit of info for himself. But blowing things up seemed to be a hobby of the newcomer. And he felt he still had plenty of explosives to show off.

"I asked if you had anything sweet. Produce something sweet for me and I will answer. Otherwise I don't owe an explanation. You were the one who just decided to drop in and shoot off some heads." Kuvoos was stubborn and still used to getting what he wanted. He could smell it, wanted it. It was one of his few weaknesses. And one of the reasons he had built up a bad reputation... well that and prostution was a big nono. But how else would he get laid!?

Oh, and he may have accidently possessed the body of a nobleman and committed some crimes and... the list goes on to say he was a demons and extermination was inevitable. A few slip ups and this happens.

The banished shinobi kept his sharp gaze on the gunslinger and he would refuse to give in. Moving only slightly to use his back leg to scratch behind his ear... then chew on the same paw. Pretty flexible, huh? As for what Kuvoos was, he was still human... just with a few adjustment...
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Number of posts : 302
Age : 33
Location : Canada Quebec
Registration date : 2011-03-14

A Hunters Trial (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Hunters Trial (Private)   A Hunters Trial (Private) EmptySat May 28, 2011 5:32 pm

What? Wait, so that thing was actually asking him to give in his treat before he could even get some answer? Really? This beast didn’t seem to understand what was happening right now. For all he knew, that furry guy might as well be a very dangerous criminal... a thief or a murderer. He didn’t have to offer him anything to get answers... especially not his top-of-the-line chewing gum... Technically, that chimera, or whatever it was, was under arrest until he could get any valid information out of him. He was a ninja after all... he had some codes to respect, after all. This guy was maybe worth twice as much as this whole bunch of generic mercenaries. Smirking, Fangpow opened the negotiations.

-You don’t seem to understand, do you?

He added as his fingers were wiggling over his pistol.

-I’M the one who asks the questions around here... and I want my answers. I don’t have anything against you, but something tells me those mercenaries were after you for a reason. They’re technically criminals, yes, but sometimes good guys can hire them since they’re cheaper... but almost just as effective as your typical, low-graded and overly-paid genin.

The gunslinger’s eyes than narrowed as he concentrated on the beast, his feet shifting and sliding slowly in the dirt as he positioned himself correctly.

- I can draw my weapon and instantaneously make a hole in my target in under two hundredth of a second. Think you can make a move before I give you a new breathing hole?

He added, obviously referring to all the dead bodies around them.

-So who are you, what are you and why where they after you... ?
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Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

A Hunters Trial (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Hunters Trial (Private)   A Hunters Trial (Private) EmptySat May 28, 2011 6:08 pm

That was a quick slap in the face that put the beast in his place. At least this ninja bothered to speak to him rather then chase him down but by the look and sound of it the shinobi was more then ready to put a bullet in his head. Kuvoos had lived the past decade running and hiding. Being caught was putting him into a corner and rarely did he ever have to talk his way out of his usual situations. Negotiations weren't something he was good dealing with... but he continued to chew on his paw and look disinterested outwardly while on the inside he was panicking big time.

Lowering his back leg his eyes darted back and forth between Fangpow and the bodies. He could very well disburse and slip into the one half living mercenary. Perhaps if he did it fast enough he wouldn't be seen... but that humans gaze was locked on him and any sudden movements would be met with violent force. "You wouldn't be so tough without your weapons." Kuvoos grumbled, flicking his tongue at the gunslinger. "What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Your willingness to judge so quick makes you just like them." Quirking his head toward the bloody pile.

He sat then... and began gnawing on his front paw. Not much in the mood to talk. He was tired from the running, soul sick from the loneliness, and it wasn't like anyone would miss him. "Can I at least know the name of my reaper? It'd be nice to carry that name to my grave." He'd live this long with his cursed hunger... and his body made of so many peices he wondered how many bullets it would take to really kill him. He just wished he had a smoke, or some gum, before it was all over.
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Number of posts : 302
Age : 33
Location : Canada Quebec
Registration date : 2011-03-14

A Hunters Trial (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Hunters Trial (Private)   A Hunters Trial (Private) EmptySat May 28, 2011 6:48 pm

Hmph...The number of time he had heard this one before.... “Oh you wouldn’t be so cocky without those weapons of yours” Or... “I would’ve kicked your ass without those weird things!” Or even “Your fighting is without honor and a total disgrace to the ninjas!”... It was getting rather annoying. It’s not like he had bought those things... he made them himself! It took him years of development and head-imploding, intensive reading in libraries. But obviously those guys couldn’t possibly understand that. Where some gave it all into intensive physical training, he spent his time on the drawing board using nothing else but his wits and creativity!

-Who said I’d shot you fatally? ... I could always go for an ear...or an arm... or even a leg! Gona make things a lot easier to bring you back in if you’re just a torso with a head.

He added, half serious as he then slowly aimed down, pointing his weapon toward the chimera’s legs.

-If you’re innocent, why are you acting like you had something to hide? Just speak! Tell me more about yourself... things will go a whole lot smoother that way, believe me... You won’t lose a hand, I won’t lose ammunitions, you’ll get your candy and everyone’s happy!

He added as he then raised an eyebrow, smirking.

-And yes, as you can probably guess, I AM a big heartless douchebag, so don’t push your luck... Consider this as my last warning, fuzzball.

At this point, Fangpow was somewhat bluffing... yes he would actually do what he just said it would... but shooting this guy in the limbs would probably make him wince... he didn’t wanted this... at all. Why wouldn’t that guy just open his damn mouth and say something relevant!? Why the secrecy!? It didn’t quite added up in the Tea Ninja’s head...

-Don’t make me do this...

His tone then lowered at whisper level... thinking that beast in front of him wouldn’t hear it, obviously unaware that the chimera’s hearing was probably enhanced too due to all his weird body alterations...

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Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

A Hunters Trial (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Hunters Trial (Private)   A Hunters Trial (Private) EmptySat May 28, 2011 7:13 pm

The next prattle of words that sprung from the ninjas mouth didn't help ease the already high blood pressure the beast was facing. Imaging himself just nothing more then a writhing piece of meat to be delivered to the doorsteps of his bounties maker sickened him. It was not the way to end. He had honor and a code once before. Sure he was a child still when his village and family disowned him but he knew a proper way to die. Becoming a mangled mess to be poked and prodded wasn't very interesting. At least if he died here his body could rot and return to the wretched earth that spawned him.

"The bounty on my head if built on lies and farfetched rumors of ill will. Who would take the word of a beast over man? Even if the beast claimed innocence and the flesh of human molded and cursed? Do not be under the impression of ignorance." The only reason he spoke was to really get a chance... at the sweetness he still smelled on the human. And the pungent odor of remorse was lacing it as well. "I am merely a scapegoat for crimes I could have commit. Wear the shape of a monster and be the part of a demon." Sure he had eaten a few people here and there but no one to be missed! ...mostly. and what crimes he had committed were petty at best.

If Fangpow didn't get it still he'd make it clear. "I was once human but no more. I was caught stealing... amongst other low level things, and promptly blamed for other crimes." Yeah he wouldn't mention the nobility that was involved. Or the hookers. And readily kept his home and origins out of it... "Can I have that sweet now?"
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Number of posts : 302
Age : 33
Location : Canada Quebec
Registration date : 2011-03-14

A Hunters Trial (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Hunters Trial (Private)   A Hunters Trial (Private) EmptySat May 28, 2011 11:06 pm

Fangpow let out a deep sigh of relief as the creature said something that was actually worth saving his hide. The gunner didn’t quite understand why he held this information for so long... But heck! He finally spitted it. Though, what he said was also worth pondering about. The Tea Ninja basically rationalized everything into some sort of discrimination scenario where one would only be judged by his “outer shell”... but he somehow could understand why one would think such a thing. This wasn’t just some sort of classic situation where one would be discriminated because of skin color, village provenance or even sexual orientation... This guy seemed to be pulled straight out from the Forest of Death near Konoha!

Though, it's the next part that somewhat troubled him... apparently, this fuzzy guy was once human...? Frowning as he put his pistol back in his bowtie belt, Fangpow rubbed his chin a fair bit, thinking of how on earth one could achieve such... well... changes! Those weren’t implants... they seemed literally merged with him... his limbs were half human, half-animal, sharing beastly features as they also retained some humanoid shape... Maybe that guy went even deeper than just implants... maybe he was some sort of very advanced alchemist and decided to mess with his own DNA... but the question remained... WHY would someone out of their sane mind do something like that? Maybe he was victim of one’s sick experiment? Who knew... in this whacky world, everything was possible. He could always ask him about that later...

The Tea Ninja then smirked at the mention of those “sweets” again... quite the tenacious fella!

-Heh... you know, you and I share some... similarities.

He added as he reached for his left wrist once more, twisted it and pulled it, revealing yet another coil covered with tiny missiles clanking against each other. He then grabbed the armed wire and pulled a bit more as the string was eventually stretched to its maximum and small rectangular, golden metallic box let itself seen, attached to the metallic coil. Reaching for it with his right hand as he undid the knot and retracted his left arm, the gunner then opened the small box as he took a sniff out of it... god those smelt like heaven.

-Those are Monsieur Félix and Mr. Norton’s world’s finest bubble gum... the one and only brand that is worthy of my mouth! Their “boutique” is unique in the whole ninja world. The only one that exist and that will ever exist is in my own country, the Tea Country!

The ninja then paused as he raised a suggestive finger.

-Those gum balls can only be yours if you buy the whole box with it. The whole thing cost me 2263 dollars and 46 cents exactly! There’s 20 chewing gums in that thing, each one of them worth 50 bucks each! That’s 1000$ worth of sweets, meaning the damn box is worth 1263 bucks... but it’s special... not only is it covered with 24karat gold, but it was specifically designed to keep those little babies perfectly fresh... good thing that once you bought one, you can simply ask for a refill... or I’d be ruined by now.

He added as he then continued...

-Each one of them have a different juicy, perfectly sweetened and mouth watering flavor that puts to shame the real thing... and they last for two whole days! Right now I have coconut in my mouth... and strawberry is gone... which leaves me with 18 flavors... let’s see. I have cherry, banana, watermelon, peach, orange, pineapple, red apple, green apple, raspberry& blackberry, butter, kiwi, vanilla, chocolate, mint, cola, blueberries, lemon and plain bubble gum!

Fangpow then narrowed his eyes as he closed the box and drew it closer to him...

-Though, I’m only giving you ONE... I won’t take “all” as an answer... So which one will it be?
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Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

A Hunters Trial (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Hunters Trial (Private)   A Hunters Trial (Private) EmptySun May 29, 2011 3:58 am

Kuvoos watched, his narrow eyes sparkled with excitement. He could smell them before the lid was even opened... but once the fresh air hit them it was like heaven. Sugar, candies, anything of the sorts, was the creatures bane. Having done quite a bit of deeds to feed his sweet tooth. But there was always a down side to indulging his sweet intake. His animals bits and pieces didn't always agree with him... in fact too much sugar could prove fatal. Like a dog feting into chocolates. It was by the thread, mere shrewd of humanity left in him that he could stomach the stuff. A poison he readily gave himself to. He didn't even mind the missles being exposed so long as they were tucked away.

He was drooling rivers by the time Fangpow was finished describing the wonders of those little gum balls. The chimera couldn't remember the fancy treats of his home. The land of silence wasn't much for sweet things... the soil too bitter. Sugar was a luxury for the rich and pampered families. One he wasn't a part of anymore. Having scooted closer, sniffing at the air. At the mention of taking only one of those bits of paradise was torment! "B....but! My mouth is much larger then yours! I would need more then one little piece less it be lost between my teeth!" ...a lousy argument but one he tried to make. Going as far as to beg... like a dog would. "Two pieces. I ask for two! I'll even pay!" How? Well... he had ways.

He flopped onto the ground and rolled onto his back... whining. Now looking more like a house pet begging for scraps rather then a grizzly beast he was. Oh he could have tried to snatch the box but the thought of being shot and skinned seemed so much worse! ...and it was an honor to at least be considered share worthy. Grape and cherry would be good enough.
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Number of posts : 302
Age : 33
Location : Canada Quebec
Registration date : 2011-03-14

A Hunters Trial (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Hunters Trial (Private)   A Hunters Trial (Private) EmptySun May 29, 2011 9:10 am

Fangpow couldn’t believe this! He was offering his out-of-price gum to a complete estranger… a weird one even… and he was still complaining! Apparently, mister right here wasn’t pleased by the size of those and wanted two. Though, he didn’t seem to understand what exactly he was holding right now. Those who made these sweets thought about everything. Sugar level, taste, texture, duration and even size! Those special types of chewing gums were small when looked upon just like that, yes, but on contact with moisture, in this case saliva; they would expect 3 times their original size.

-You got quite the nerves for asking me this, buddy. I’m giving a 50 bucks-worth chewing gum to a complete stranger... a beast no less and you still find the guts to whine?

Fangpow reached for his mouth as he took his coconut chewing gum and showed him the size.

-Those puff up once you begin chewing them! At that price, quantity is also an issue you know... that’s why back at their candy shop they suggested me to split it in two even!

The Tea Ninja then looked down at the chimera... rolling down on the ground, whining like a dog. Was this guy for real...? Raising an eyebrow in confusion, the gunner then shook his head as he just picked the cherry flavored gum before putting back the golden box where it was.

-Here, I’ll give you a cherry flavored one, so please stop doing that... you have no idea how awkward you’re making this right now, man. Just take the damn gum already...

He added as he opened his hand, waiting for him to pick it up safely... no way he was throwing that piece of heaven and risk it falling in the dirt...
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Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

A Hunters Trial (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Hunters Trial (Private)   A Hunters Trial (Private) EmptySun May 29, 2011 10:01 am

Relying on the kindness of strangers. Wasn't that something his mother used to tell him? Or was it, never accept candy from strangers? Ah, well the beast was old enough to pay the price for his folly afterall. Nodding and agreeing to everything Fangpow said to him. Sure it was possibly important but right now all Kuvoos was looking forward to was feeling that sweetness on his bright pink tongue. In the chimeras mind he reacted, 'gimme gimme gimme!' Adding to that awkwardness... had he voiced it.

Even when the gunslinger plucked the gum from his mouth and showed it didn't sway the beast to think of anything else. and when presented with the cherry flavored he wasted no time in sitting up, bowing his head in good grace and slurping the hell out of the ninjas hand. Hey he even got a bit of a taste of the coconut from his fingertips! Score! Taking the first few bites slow, sinking his sharp teeth into the flesh of the candy and felt his mouth and tongue tingle when the taste exploded from what had been to Kuvoos a tiny piece of gum. It expanded and filled his mouth. He was inlove with it! There were no words to explain it but it was as if he found his purpose in life!

Of course being a hybrid of various... animals his teeth were more meant for rending flesh then chewing elastic bubblegum. The way he chewed made it look like he was gnawing on his own tongue. And using the said tongue to dislodge the gum each time it managed to get wedged between his canines. Oh how he wished he could still blow bubbles..

Finally glancing up at Fangpow to acknowledge him. "Zhyche, Kuvoos." He muttered quickly before he went on. "And it could have gotten alot more awkward if you knew the things I'd have done for this." Finishing the statement by licking his lips and trotting off toward the dead mercenaries. By now the last of the living had expired from bloodless and was useless to the chimera. Instead he began to rummage for anything of use to him. Many some cash, hold peices or weapons he could sell.
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Number of posts : 302
Age : 33
Location : Canada Quebec
Registration date : 2011-03-14

A Hunters Trial (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Hunters Trial (Private)   A Hunters Trial (Private) EmptySun May 29, 2011 12:44 pm

Alright, now this was rather… disgusting. He could’ve just picked it up with his... claws, talons, hands or whatever but no! He had to go overboard and literally engulf his hand, lick it and cover it with saliva. That was SO unnecessary... the gunner irked as he brought his hand back and took a sniff... it didn’t smelt bad more than it was just a foreign smell which he didn’t quite like. The Tea Ninja then arched forward as he took a piece of clothing out of one of the dead bodies and wiped his hand clean... too bad he didn’t had soap... because even clean his hand smelt... hopefully it would go away eventually.

-Alright... gross...

The Tea ninja then looked as the furry beast enjoyed his treat... he then listened as he spoke, telling his name and how things could’ve gotten a bit weirder if he would’ve kept those candies for himself... The gunner then wondered what he could’ve made him done for that bubble gum of his... maybe a few tricks or something like that? Huh... oh well, it was too late for that now, sadly. Fangpow then smirked as he then proceeded to present himself.

-My name’s Fangpow! Tea Country’s "Secret Weapon". Good thing I fell on you the moment those pricks were about to get ya...

The Gunslinger’s eyes then narrowed as he looked at him more closely.

-Though, I’m pretty sure you would’ve been able to defend yourself quite well... you seem to have a few tricks up your sleeves... but oh well. What is done is done, right?

The gunner then took the opportunity to take these guys’ I.Ds and headbands after Kuvoos was done emptying their pockets... He then took out a small camera as he took a few pictures of the dead bodies faces as evidence of his job well done. Once that out of the way, he then turned around and looked once more at the chimera.

-Usually when they hire mercenaries, they hire a shitload of them... something tells me that when these guys will be missing for their report, they’ll send reinforcements... we better get moving.

Fangpow then paused as he rested his fists on his hips.

-I’m going home in the Tea Country, do you feel like following me? It’s quite the peaceful place, really...

Last edited by Martin on Sun May 29, 2011 10:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

A Hunters Trial (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Hunters Trial (Private)   A Hunters Trial (Private) EmptySun May 29, 2011 7:53 pm

"Ha made you smell your fingers." Grins, plucking what coin he could and blades to be stored in his fur for later use. Next step was to find and put his cloak back on. Still chuckling and in good humor as he enjoyed his gum. Claiming the head mercenaries whip and holster. Surely he'd get a good dime from selling that piece of equipment. Using weapons were pointless when he had natural armor and claws at his disposal. Ears perking at the mention of the strangers name. Had a particular ring to it. The added 'secret weapon' just made it seem like the guy was full of himself.

"Heh you have no idea." Standing on his hind legs, tail looped around his waist to hide it, every identifying feature of his hidden well beneath his dark robes. "But I must take you for your help anyway. None other would have made the effort." Watching the ninja rummage the same bodies he just ruffled through. Impressed with his quick work and curious about what he was planning to do the the headbands and pictures. Growing worried at the thought of having more men after him. Tired of running, he had enough of it... eyes widened at the mention of 'we better get moving.' His surprising growing even more so when the fellow from the land of tea offered to allow the beast to follow him. And here he was planning on parting ways to save any further conflict... yet this could be a trap too.

What was life without risk? "If you will show me where you purchased your sweets." Beaming a wide smile under his hood. Motioning for the shinobi to lead the way. He wouldn't question why the human would trust something so otherworldly but then again Kuvoos was sure Fangpow could handle whatever life threw at him... having detachable limbs and all... which brought a very humorous thought to mind. "So... you can remove your hand... can you remove other peices of your, auhm, anatomy?" Chuckling at his own joke. Yeah random questions would follow for the rest of the trip. Whether or not they would be answered was up to Fangpow.
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Number of posts : 302
Age : 33
Location : Canada Quebec
Registration date : 2011-03-14

A Hunters Trial (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Hunters Trial (Private)   A Hunters Trial (Private) EmptyMon May 30, 2011 12:31 am

Yes he did! He did make him smell his own fingers…. But what about it anyway? S’not everyday he got licked by some sort of... weird chimera beast or whatever. The only one that licked him was Mr.Bigglesworth! A cat... a fat, blind one but a cat! Oh and his neighbor’s dog... Yeah that dog was annoying... but at least it was a damn dog! What did this guy expect? No chance in hell he’d just keep it like that, like if nothing happened! A beast pulled straight out of a horror movie just made out with his damn hand! Great... now he’d have some serious second thoughts next time he’d have some... time alone.

Oh well... better stop thinking about it... ugh! But the more he tried to forget about it, the more he remembered what he was trying to forget... great, just great! Reaching for his forehead as he rubbed it, grumbling a bunch of inaudible words... wait. Oh god. He was scratching his head with THIS hand! Damn... too bad he didn’t had any sort of disinfectant or anything so he could wipe his face off with it... wait, maybe he could take his face off? The tea Ninja then began shifting fingers around his face, wondering if his sensei ever thought about putting him an removable face as standard equipment... apparently not. URGH!

Oh and that joke. Like he never heard THAT one before. original. The gunslinger ‘s eyebrow began to twitch as he turned around to face Kuvoos. He’d be blunt about this one.

-And no, dude, I can’t do crazy shit with my penis or anything... It’s not a damn can opener! It’s my freakin' junk, man! I need that thing! And yes! I’ll show you that candy store once we arrive... but I warn you.

The Tea ninja then arched forward as he looked the chimera straight in the eyes.

-Since I’M the one brining you back to MY country... if you do just a little, itty, tiny thing wrong that could piss someone off... especially in that candy store... you can be damn certain that I’ll know about it... are we clear?

The mechanized ninja then turned around as he then activated his thrusters, hovering above the ground.

-Alright... so we better get moving. Hope you can keep up with me!

He added as he then “crouched” and concentrated chakra in his turbines, making him zoom trough the forest, jumping over and sliding next to many obstacles with relative ease and rather impressive speed. It was almost as if he was skating on invisible ice!
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Number of posts : 328
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-05-02

A Hunters Trial (Private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Hunters Trial (Private)   A Hunters Trial (Private) EmptyMon May 30, 2011 9:35 am

This was too good. So easy to get under the ninjas skin. Watching all the expressions that shifted over his face as he realized the whole hand thing. And hey, it was a joke! As was the penis thing... but in the back of his mind he could imagine the shinobi actually using the thing as a weapon. Why not? That would make it a boom stick.. the chimera was in the middle of a laughing fit when Fangpow turned on him. Writhing around on the ground, holding his sides and nearly swallowing his gum.

Chuckling even with those narrow pair of eyes stared back into his goldenrod ones. Sticking his tongue out with the good humor he was in. Kuvoos wasn't a bad guy, a little spazzy at times but not bad. And killing wasn't one of the activities he had in mind. He wondered what the women were like. If the sweets were amazing then the ladies would.. "H-hey! What are you doing?" Rolling onto his side the chimera watched the tea ninja start up those weird things in his shoes. Having no idea of the power behind the jets. The burst of wind hit the beast and Fangpow was becoming a vanishing dot in the distance.

Jaw dropping, the chimera was tripping over himself as he tried to keep up. The cloak becoming a burden as he jumped from branch to branch and tried to keep overhead. The black cloak flailing behind him, simply running on two legs wasn't enough. Switching up to all fours... and still Fangpow was beating him by yards. Discarding his cloak all together. Springing from his shoulderblades a set of wings, white and raining feathers. Keeping up a decent pace while airborne... if only for short periods of time. When they reached the land of tea he was going to just collapse.
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