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 Training in the Mist

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19847
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Training in the Mist Empty
PostSubject: Training in the Mist   Training in the Mist EmptySun Nov 13, 2011 11:36 am

The sun was setting in the sky at the Village Hidden in the Mist. Tsukiakara had just finished a delivery mission in which he was to escort a boat full of ninja tools and weapons safely to the Mist. Usually he would just go back to his own village after the mission was complete but severe storms prevented anyone leave the Land of Water. So Tsukiakara was stuck here. He got to easily bored at his hotel room so he decided to go out for some training. There was a few jutsus in particular he wanted to work on. So he went to one of the many training centers and began throwing kunai knifes at stationary dummies. A few minutes into the exercise Tsukiakara noticed that someone was watching him.
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Number of posts : 1159
Age : 30
Location : Isle of Wight
Registration date : 2011-04-07

Training in the Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training in the Mist   Training in the Mist EmptySun Nov 13, 2011 12:39 pm

Ate had grown bored the last few days since he got back from Kumo; Mei-Sama had no black-missions that required the immediate attention of an outside-mercenary such as himself, thus he'd spent the last week training, constructing tools making use of the time-lapse in hyper-space, getting ridiculously drunk and slumming it and sleeping around in the extra time that garnered him and generally going out of his mind. Three women and two keg's worth of alchohol in one week wasn't a bad tally, even better in that he had more than enough yen floating around he didn't use to carry on the trend.

Figuring he'd see how the newbies were getting along in Kiri, he wandered along to a nearby dojo. Yet, leant against a far wall in his now-trademark brown duster-coat over the top of his grey, almost form-fitting, carbon-nano-structure armour, he found a headband that most definately wasn't kiri. As usual when on break, his helmet and multiweapon were back in storage, ready to be summoned at an instant, replaced by his simple headset. The yellow visor displayed visual information garnered from his environmental control technique, making it easier to think about. Genin, nothing special, but interesting none-the-less. The ex-Iron-country Samurai scratched at the stubble forming on his chin, now slightly intruiged.
Ate was slightly amused by how inquisitive he'd gotten in the last few months, but that was irrelevant. Silently observing, he waited for the young ninja's next move.

(one hint, i have absolutely no idea who your character is or what they look like, try describe their appearance more and provide hints at their personality by how they act, dont out-right say it :3 sorry, but i get perfectionist about writing)
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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19847
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Training in the Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training in the Mist   Training in the Mist EmptySun Nov 13, 2011 1:17 pm


Tsukiakara was a ninja from the Hidden Valley, warring both the Valley Headband and Flask Jacket. Just by looking at his two swords sheathed on his back and one on his side, one could safely deduce he was a kenjutsu user. Tsukiakara was still throwing his kunai at the dummy. He was tiring to use his charka to put a spin on the kunai in such a way that it would return back to him sort of like a boomerang. If he could master this technique he could uses it on his more bigger swords. But he clearly needed more practices as the kunai knifes were not even hitting the dummy but instead the wall behind it. “Gosh damn it” Tsukiakara cursed. This was extremely frustrating but it was the only productive thing he could think of doing.
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Number of posts : 1159
Age : 30
Location : Isle of Wight
Registration date : 2011-04-07

Training in the Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training in the Mist   Training in the Mist EmptyMon Nov 14, 2011 11:11 am

The grizzled mercenary happily watched the young man fail at his training and decided he had to show these mediocre ninja-newbies how it was done. Deciding he was feeling like a particular kind of arse today, Atehameru reasoned that he should try and have some fun with this.

The swordsman calmly strolled up to the firing-range next to the young Valley-nin, the padded soles of his greives barely making a sound as they whispered against the floor-boards; for a heavy-set muscled man of 5"10 in full plate armour, Atehameru moved with deceptive amounts of stealth. Despite its looks and its strength being double that of diamond, carbon-nano-tubes were actually as light as most standard plastics. Added to this was his near-total control of his own muscles.

After sending a brief signal to his storage-unit ten kunai-kives appeared in a black flash above his outstretched hand, yet they seemed content to float in the air as if frozen in time rather than drop to the ground.
The ex-samurai plucked one knife from the air, tested the weight in his hand, judged the distance (fifteen metres, he guessed) then his arm snapped forward, sending the blade flying. A dull, short-lived thud sounded as it landed point-first on the bull's-eye drawn on the target's head.
With sudden abandon, the other nine raced towards the same target, straight-as-arrows, and all thumped into the centre-mass bull's-eye in a swift cacophony of sharp impacts.
"Easy pickings this close" he grumbled to himself, deliberately to rile the kid beside him.
Now to gleefully await his response.

(another hint: show, don't tell. Dont tell me he's a kenjutsu user, thats just lazy Wink you gotta show the reader he's a swordsman by the way he looks, the way he moves, the way he acts. Obv this doesnt count like when i refer to Ate as 'mercenary' or 'swordsman' or 'samurai'. thats to give me something to refer to him as other than Ate Ate Ate Ate over n over to make it easier to read. Hope im helping n not sounding too much like an English teacher XD)
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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19847
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Training in the Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training in the Mist   Training in the Mist EmptyTue Nov 15, 2011 8:22 am

(Maybe a few rps with you and I'll get this writing thing down in no time Razz )

Tsukiakara staggered back as ten kunai flew at out no where and hit his dummy. He looked behind him to see the source of this sudden event. Sure enough, he saw the swordsmen standing right there. The Valley ninja looked back at the kunai to examine them. He had a justu that was very similar but with full length swords rather then kunai. Grabbing one with his hand, he yanked it out of the dummy and got a closer look at it. “Was that pure charka manipulation or do you do the cheater’s way out like I do and modify the blades.” He asked, staring him straight in the eyes. With out looking back, he tossed the kunai back at the dummy sending it in a counter-clock wise spiral. There was a short thud as the kunai landed smack where the dummy heart would have been if it were alive. Of coarse such a simple display was probably not going to impress this guy.
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Number of posts : 1159
Age : 30
Location : Isle of Wight
Registration date : 2011-04-07

Training in the Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training in the Mist   Training in the Mist EmptyTue Nov 15, 2011 8:39 am

"Haha, there's not even chakra involved past my own body. Environmental manipulation, i use space-time, gravity and repulsing the earth's magnetosphere specifically, but it can be done with any element i beleive. Can't show anyone how to do it tho, there are criteria... plus, its a Kiri state-secret, i did alot of... messy work to get nominated for the training" Ate grinned at the lad, snapping his fingers. In another flash of darkness, his kunai withdrew back into storage.
"Those are some big swords for a kid" the ex-samurai chuckled to himself, a lupine grin spreading across his maw revealing dull wolfen teeth, canines on both rows longer than what would be considered average.
Ate knew full well the impression he gave to others, and it didn't bother him much. The confidence, the casual strength, the ruthless efficiency, even his almost infernal smile; it provoked the image of a seasoned predator to most and this was very much the truth. He wasn't dubbed "The Demon Captain of Iron-Country" for nothing, a Dire-wolf amongs the grays.
"There a particular reason a cub like you is in the land of swordsmen and wolves? We're not in a place considered 'pleasant' by most of the world"
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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19847
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Training in the Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training in the Mist   Training in the Mist EmptyTue Nov 15, 2011 5:37 pm

“Just simple international trade matters. Nothing to big.” Tsukiakara said to the stranger in kind of a joking manner. He gave a small laugh while he was at it to. “Throwing punches at stationary dummies kind of boring compared to the real thing wouldn’t you agree.” He said with a big but serious smile. He was of course implying a sparring match but if he wanted to see if this person could but two and two together. Then suddenly the loud sound of thundering could be heard. The storm was approaching the village, soaking everything in its path.
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Number of posts : 1159
Age : 30
Location : Isle of Wight
Registration date : 2011-04-07

Training in the Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training in the Mist   Training in the Mist EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 2:49 am

"Hah-hah! Subtle, lad, ve-e-e-ry subtle. You talk big for a kid with about half my muscle mass. You want to test your mettle, fine, but prepare for a shock. I was slaying jonin and ANBU before you hit puberty" Ate grinned at the young ninja, cracking his knuckles beneath his gloved hands. So the boy wanted a testosterone-contest huh? The ex-samurai figured it would be more amusing than sitting around here at least.

"You want to spar, lead the way, lad" he added, unclipping his throat-mic and removing the visor it was attached to. In a sudden flash, his helmet appeared in its place, a face-plate with a yellow-tinted visor attached to the front. Without a second thought, he calmly placed it back upon his head. It felt good to have it back on, like the return of an old friend.
The reason his skin was so pale was purely because he spent so much time in armour, though at least his face had tanned slightly in the last six months.
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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19847
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Training in the Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training in the Mist   Training in the Mist EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 5:18 am

“If what you say is true, then I will be getting a lot of experience from this, would I not?” The young ninja said in regards to this samurai’s boasts of slaying jonin. “This is probably one of those matters best taken outside.” He then started walking toward the door of the dojo leaving the other trainees and their fighting dummies. Outside was a field of sorts specifically designed for sparring matches. White lines where painted to make a reticular shape that the combatants had to stay in. The ground inside the rectangle was composed entirely of recently mowed grass. It appeared the a tree was planted in each corner of the rectangle but due to harsh battling only two remained (one on the north-westerner tip, and the south-eastern tip.). The other to were reduced to stumps. Tsukiakara stepped into his side of the battle field and looked back to see if his opponent had followed him.
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Number of posts : 1159
Age : 30
Location : Isle of Wight
Registration date : 2011-04-07

Training in the Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training in the Mist   Training in the Mist EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 9:43 am

Ate was still beaming his infernal, lupine grin out into the world, although hidden behind the featureless mask of his helmet. The boy had given a good answer, hadn't taken to his usual intimidation tactics. That was the first test, the lad was brave, now he just had to prove he had the skill to go with it.
When the young swordsman turned, he saw the armour-clad mercenary gentley floating a foot or so away from the floor, his arms spread wide, palms to the sky. Despite the rain and wind, his duster hung normally as if the air was calm and water of the storm seemed to avoid him, refusing to fall upon his form.

"Go on, lad, impress me. Make me draw my own blade" he proclaimed in his gutteral, gravelly baritone voice, his smile hidden by his helm.
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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19847
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Training in the Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training in the Mist   Training in the Mist EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 10:00 am

Oh, Tsukiakara had techniques that would do just that. However they had their quite serious drawbacks so they were best used in more ‘dire’ situations. But why would his opponent choose to fight unarmed? The samurai didn’t look to be the stupid type so the only reasonable conclusion was that he had a plan or had way of countering Tsukiakara’s attacks. If that was the case rushing in would be the battlefield equivalent of suicide.

Tsukiakara reached into his pouch to grab some kunai. Three for each hand, which made a total of six kunai in all. He tossed him at his opponent. While they all fanned out in different directions they all stayed in the same horizontal plane. Had they all went straight for the samurai they would all intercept to his neck. Only two however would have the direction needed to actually reach that destination. Two more where going to miss him to his left and the remaining two were going to miss him at his right.

The young Valley ninja knew that this petty excuse for an attack would probably not win him the match. It was simply to try to see what he was up against.
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Number of posts : 1159
Age : 30
Location : Isle of Wight
Registration date : 2011-04-07

Training in the Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training in the Mist   Training in the Mist EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 10:11 am

Ate quite raised in height by about four inches and let the kunai bounce harmlessly off his chest-plate, clicking agianst the plate before spinning off to squelch into the muddy floor.
"Seriously? You're up against a man armoured head-to-toe and you went for kunai? C'mon kid, man-up, use your head and put some effort in" Ate exclaimed, openly laughing at him. The lad was holding back, you didn't have time to faff around like that in a real fight.
"If that's you're idea of a first-strike then you're going to be in for an arse kicking if i feel like moving" the floating swordsman added.

As if by themselves, the kunai pulled away from the ground, mud dripping from their frames, and spun in their owner's direction no faster than a half-arsed underarm throw. They plopped into the mud at his feet, as if that wasnt enough.
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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19847
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Training in the Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training in the Mist   Training in the Mist EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 10:38 am

Well at least Tsukiakara’s attack revealed something. This samurai could use his own kunai against him if he wished. Tsukiakara wondered if it was only limited to only kunai. Judging what he said earlier inside it was highly unlikely. So Tsukiakara needed a justu that couldn’t be used against himself. If he used the two swords on his back the chances are that the samurai would simply move them to his advantage. No wonder he killed so many people. Well his two swords on his back were a liability. Tsukiakara un-strapped the sheaths and they plopped onto the muddy ground. Now to plan his next more. To use the sword sheathed at his side would be too risky despite it’s ability to not harm him. He had other swords that he could call on and off the battlefield so they were going to be his best bet. He did the hand signs “Horse-Monkey-Dog-Snake”. “Tied Heart Style: Twelve sword dance.” Tsukiakara spoke. Twelve balls of light appeared around Tsukiakara. The light transformed into twelve steel swords. They hovered in the air just like the samurai had done with his own kunai. One flew into Tsukiakara hand. The other eleven started circling him like some kind of protective vultures.
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Number of posts : 1159
Age : 30
Location : Isle of Wight
Registration date : 2011-04-07

Training in the Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training in the Mist   Training in the Mist EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 10:51 am

Ate chuckled some more, the kid was good. If it was a matter of chakra-control, using those swords would have been intelligent; once an object is being controlled by one chakra-signature and set to that personal wave-length it cant be interfered with easily. This is why puppet-master nin cant steal each others puppets in combat. If only it was anything to do with chakra control.
With a simple flick of the wrist, pull of gravity skyrocketed tenfold upon the floading swords, increasing their weight by the same magnitude. With a stronger force to act against, it would take far-in-a-way more chakra simply not to have them drop out the air.
"Feel that? Takes a bit of effort to do, but it does the job. If i really concentrated i could make you paper-thin simply by thinking about it. But of course, you dont't have to worry about that." the swordsman explained, losing the cheer from his voice. He let the rain fall for a moment.
"I don't usually call attacks, don't need to, but i want to see the look on your face when you realise what it is... Shinra... Tensei..." Ate remarked calmly.
His palm snapped in Tsukiakara's direction and a gravitational pulse rushed towards him faster than human reaction-speed so close up. Kid would be lucky if he was still within fifty metres when that hit him...
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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19847
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Training in the Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training in the Mist   Training in the Mist EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 11:09 am

Luckily, as he said before, Tsukiakara did the cheater’s way out and simply changed the structure of the swords. These sword in particular had to have chakra stored in them beforehand. They could move and operate even if Tsukiakara was not awake or alive. But of course they weren’t all powerful. The fact that they couldn’t lift themselves off the ground was proof of this.

But then this “Shinra Tensei” was Tsukiakara biggest problem. He tried to move out of the way but he was just to slow to even get a few inches away from it. The attack sent him fling into the village. He would of probably got far if it wasn’t for the building that stopped him. His back hurt like hell. “Arghhh” He cried at in pain. He stayed immobile as it hurt to move. His only hope now was if the samurai forgets to keep the gravity on his Tied Heart Swords.
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Number of posts : 1159
Age : 30
Location : Isle of Wight
Registration date : 2011-04-07

Training in the Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training in the Mist   Training in the Mist EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 11:20 am

"I guess i should handicapp myself, or this is going to get boring" Ate released his control on the tied swords and lifted the kid to his feet by simply repulsing gravity beneath him.
In a flash of darkness, the ex-samurai materialised before the young swordsman and poked him on the forehead, that split-second of contact jump-starting his immune system and forcing it to pump a huge cocktail of anti-inflammatory chemicals, healing the bruising for the mostpart.
As suddenly as he appeared, Ate retreated through the void back to his original place.
"Not so tough now, are you? Use your head, kid. By the way, those Jonin and ANBU: i didn't have any of these jutsus, all i had was a sword, yet i killed every one of them. Some guys put the hard-guy act on, but im the real-deal... i've been fighting wars since i was fifteen... war... you young ninja have no idea what real war is..." Ate called over to him, solemnly, turning his head to pop the grinding vertibrae in his neck.
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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19847
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Training in the Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training in the Mist   Training in the Mist EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 11:36 am

Tsukiakara well a little better, just enough to continue fighting. But now this was another matter entirely. The samurai was just toying with him know. Like a puppet he was making dance along a camp fire, laughing as he watched it burn, but watering every so often to make sure it wasn’t destroyed. This was ticking the young valley ninja extremely off. He wanted so badly to teach this person a lesson. He grabbed the hilt of his side sword. But then he slowly let the grip go. ‘No, it’s too risky’ He taught to himself. He had more swords in his arsenal. He took out a scroll, bit his thumb, and smeared the blood on it. A cloud of smoke appeared and from it 2 more swords appeared. Tsukiakara knew these swords could be used against him but he didn’t care. He swung the swords and from them balls of fire and ice appeared and darted towards the samurai. Not only that but the twelve tied heart swords were all fling with the ball of fire and ice. Time it see if he could dodge this one.
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Number of posts : 1159
Age : 30
Location : Isle of Wight
Registration date : 2011-04-07

Training in the Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training in the Mist   Training in the Mist EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 11:45 am

"Too slow, lad" Ate called from behind him, floating calmly above the ground like last time. Now, though, his arms were folded, and it seemed like he was lounging in some invisible chair.
"Those attacks, while flashy, obscure your vision. I bet you didn't even see me go through the slip-space rupture. C'mon, hit me!" he added, smugly, the sly undertone cutting through the storm like a knife.
Pointing his finger in the young swordsman's direction, pretending like it was a gun, he released another Shinra-Tensei gravity pulse, just enough to knock him over, not catapult him into the far building.
"Bang" he muttered.
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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19847
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Training in the Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training in the Mist   Training in the Mist EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 11:55 am

Well it was time to test out a theory about this attack. Tsukiakara slammed his ice sword into the ground and created a wall of ice the extended both into the air and under the ground. If his theory was correct the attack would send both the wall of ice back and himself. The ice wall would hopefully brake the attack as the it compacted the ground. And as long as Tsukiakara kept a good grip on his sword the Ice would repair his self. Well time to test if his theory works…
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Number of posts : 1159
Age : 30
Location : Isle of Wight
Registration date : 2011-04-07

Training in the Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training in the Mist   Training in the Mist EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 12:07 pm

The ice shattered at the impact and, with equal nonchalance, Ate sent a flurry of weak Shinra-Tensei pulses through the broken defence, only really comparative to being punched but enough to do damage.
"Bang-bang-bang-bang-bang" he muttered, pretending like his hand was recoiling as if it were a pistol.
For good measure, he floated slightly further away and brought his other hand up, making another pistol with his thumb and forefinger.
"Bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang" he said, slightly louder, spraying weak gravity pulses with his two pretend pistols like some strange cross between superman and a cheesey B-movie action hero.
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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19847
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Training in the Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training in the Mist   Training in the Mist EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 12:13 pm

Tsukiakara could no longer hold his sword and he was sent fling once more. He impact was less harsh then before and Tsukiakara was able to stand up afterwards. Several bruises covered his body. None of his attacks were even laying a scratch on the guy. Even if he was able to use his last resort weapon he probably wouldn’t get into range to use it. This guy was more powerful then he could possibly imagine. He was finished. Continuing this battle was hopeless. Out of tricks and out of hope, the young ninja just stood their giving his opponent a look of defeat.
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Number of posts : 1159
Age : 30
Location : Isle of Wight
Registration date : 2011-04-07

Training in the Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training in the Mist   Training in the Mist EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 12:21 pm

"You big baby, get up. I killed Jonin with nothing but a sword, put your mind to it and i bet you could do something. You just have to think fast and attack hard. Give me your all. Fight like i'm trying to kill you!" The samurai was roaring at the top of his voice now, moving from his relaxed position into a floating fighting-stance.
The kid had talent, potential, but he wasn't trying hard enough, he'd given up. All he needed was a good kick up the arse.
"When i was twenty one, five Suna ANBU agents managed to catch me alone of a battlefield, killed my men. They could all shoot fire and teleport and cut people in half with air and all i had was a sword. Got a few scars, few nasty burns, but im still here. You'd be surprised what people can do when they have something to fight for" he added. Dropping to the floor, he dismissed his helmet in a swift black flash.
"FUCKING HIT ME!" the scarred, pale, lupine face roared at the boy.
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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19847
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Training in the Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training in the Mist   Training in the Mist EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 12:31 pm

Was that supposed to be motivation? Because it sure wasn’t motivating Tsukiakara. He still had his last resort sword but nonetheless he continued to get the samurai that cold stare of defeat, raindrops rolling down his face. If his opponent was actually serious about taking his life them maybe he would have reason to fight. But in Tsukiakara’s mind this was still a sparing match and nothing more.
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Number of posts : 1159
Age : 30
Location : Isle of Wight
Registration date : 2011-04-07

Training in the Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training in the Mist   Training in the Mist EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 12:54 pm

"And you call yourself a swordsman?" Ate scoffed "No wonder Valley nin and the land of Rivers aren't even on the map in terms of strength of arms, they dont seem to train their ninja properly. I've seen twelve-year-old genin from Konoha and Suna put up more of a fight than this... not once have i seen them give up. Come to think of it, i dont think i've ever fought anyone from the Valley. Maybe its because they didn't think they could handle going up against a bunch of swordsman with barely any control over chakra in Iron-Country... maybe our introverted administration are better than i thought..." Ate proclaimed, staring the boy hard in the eye, giving him a glare that had seen almost a thousand people die, both friend and foe. There was nothing in the genin's look that could trump his own, not now, not ever.
Pointing at the ground next to the boy, he sent a real kinetic-bolt this time, spraying mud everywhere, scorching it into dirt and vapour.
"FUCKING.HIT.ME!" he bellowed again.
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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19847
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Training in the Mist Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training in the Mist   Training in the Mist EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 12:59 pm

That was it. Tsukiakara grasped the hilt of his side sword and drew it out in rage. It was glowing blue and it illuminated the look of hate in Tsukiakara’s eyes. He new this sword to very well kill him but he was so angry at the moment he didn’t care. “I’ll give you far warning now. One touch of this sword can be lethal. Prepare your self. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”. He jumped into the air to try a diagonal slash on his left shoulder.
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Training in the Mist Empty
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