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 Leaving the light, entering the darkness. (Open to all)

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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

Leaving the light, entering the darkness. (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Leaving the light, entering the darkness. (Open to all)   Leaving the light, entering the darkness. (Open to all) EmptyThu Feb 11, 2010 1:47 am

"okaa-sama..were you going?..", the little shiro sobbed, watching her kaa-sama, pack up 2 pair of exstra clothes, a brush, 1 pair of socks, some important scrolls, etc, into a black back pack. "..Okaa-sama is going to live with you oto-sama, shiro...", The uchiha hermit, samu, said, holding the 2 year old uchiha girl`s hand. "..Hai", miru said, taking out the akatsuki cloak from a hidden spot in the closet. Miru couldt be happy in the mansion anymore, she would of cause come and visit her family, but the memories of the little over-happy chibi-girl, and her stubborn akuma danna, haunted her memories. Miru did miss toshi alot, she hoped she would return to her one day, but she couldt affort waiting for long, since genesis had already put his plans to work, besides, toshi had probably forgotten all about her since she had all her friends and lovers who only cared for her.
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Yuudai Uchiha
Yuudai Uchiha

Number of posts : 5548
Age : 28
Location : That... is an exelent question.
Registration date : 2009-09-22

Leaving the light, entering the darkness. (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leaving the light, entering the darkness. (Open to all)   Leaving the light, entering the darkness. (Open to all) EmptyThu Feb 11, 2010 1:52 am

((Me bored+Open topic= me joining. Hope you don't mind ^.^))

Yuudai was walking through the mansion and passed Miru's room and heard what she was saying. He walked backwards until he was looking at the door and knocked on it.
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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

Leaving the light, entering the darkness. (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leaving the light, entering the darkness. (Open to all)   Leaving the light, entering the darkness. (Open to all) EmptyThu Feb 11, 2010 1:58 am

Befor yuudai could knock, a small pale hand stopped him. Jaschu was standing outside the door. His palm was on the frame, his head bowed down so his semi-long spiky black bangs coverd his already handsome young face. The 4 eyar old uchiha boy, bit his lip, befor saying. "...They even got her..okaa-sama...because of him she is leaving.."
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Yuudai Uchiha
Yuudai Uchiha

Number of posts : 5548
Age : 28
Location : That... is an exelent question.
Registration date : 2009-09-22

Leaving the light, entering the darkness. (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leaving the light, entering the darkness. (Open to all)   Leaving the light, entering the darkness. (Open to all) EmptyThu Feb 11, 2010 2:09 am

"Because of who?" he asked the boy. He figured it was someone in the akatsuki or something. He was going to try to convince Miru to stay... somehow. Though his chances were very slim to none he was gonna try anyway. This time he knocked on the door, "You shouldn't leave Miru." he said.
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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

Leaving the light, entering the darkness. (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leaving the light, entering the darkness. (Open to all)   Leaving the light, entering the darkness. (Open to all) EmptyThu Feb 11, 2010 2:28 am

Samu opend the door and looked down on the younger uchiha, his gaze emotionless as always, he was the only adult uchiha who wasent apart of akatsuki, despite his grandfather being madara. "..she has made up her mind...", he said coldly, oppening the door fully.

Miru had her back turned to them as she dragged the cloak onto her body
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Yuudai Uchiha
Yuudai Uchiha

Number of posts : 5548
Age : 28
Location : That... is an exelent question.
Registration date : 2009-09-22

Leaving the light, entering the darkness. (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leaving the light, entering the darkness. (Open to all)   Leaving the light, entering the darkness. (Open to all) EmptyThu Feb 11, 2010 2:37 am

"Miru, Toshi still needs you. The only reason you think she doesn't like you is because you're very strict. Like she has to stay in the mansion, thats impossible for someone like Toshi. You shouldn't be sad if she does break that promise, you shouldn't have made her make it in the first place. You know she has to be outside. Why did you try to keep her in the mansion anyway?"
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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

Leaving the light, entering the darkness. (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leaving the light, entering the darkness. (Open to all)   Leaving the light, entering the darkness. (Open to all) EmptyThu Feb 11, 2010 2:43 am

"..i never did...she hates me now...she always did...i cant live in lonleyness anymore, i have to remove the treat from my family...even if it means i have to use the sealing scroll on myself.."
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Yuudai Uchiha
Yuudai Uchiha

Number of posts : 5548
Age : 28
Location : That... is an exelent question.
Registration date : 2009-09-22

Leaving the light, entering the darkness. (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leaving the light, entering the darkness. (Open to all)   Leaving the light, entering the darkness. (Open to all) EmptyThu Feb 11, 2010 8:50 am

"... Fine... I see you've made up your mind, but I'm telling you, Toshi needs someone like you in her life. You're like her mother to her, though sometimes she might not show you that she loves you she still does. She always has, a while ago me and her got attacked by deamons and she got a huge chunk of fleash ripped out of her back because of it. She didn't want to worry you so she said she didn't want to go to the hospital, eventough the wound was very bad."
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Leaving the light, entering the darkness. (Open to all) Empty
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