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 Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19829
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Registration date : 2011-08-11

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 10:43 am

“His life is expandable. If he dies so be it. If he doesn’t the result will still be the same. I would suggest you do this in the cover of night were no one can see you perform the act.”


“Well I have a map.” She said with a smile. She took out a scroll and unrolled it revealing a map of the Naruto World. “That’s the Sand Village but I don’t think well make it past the desert. There the Leaf is over here but my parents could probably hire their services as well and I heard they are really good.” She then pointed to a small country to the north. “That’s the Hidden Rain. From what I heard it rains constantly so our tracks will be washed up. I say that would be the best option.”
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God of MissCheese
God of MissCheese

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Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 10:48 am

Shiro nodded. Of course he would do it at night. He did not need to be told, after all, this was not his first time to do something like this. "I'll be on my way then", he said, raising an eyebrow to make it a question.


"Good", Misaki said, not sure if it really was good. He had never left the country before. "But don't you think it's safer to stay close? If you go to the academy, won't they ask questions? When you run away, you know you won't have a home, right? Or money? Or food, most of the time?" Muki seemed like she thought everything was more easy then it was actually going to be.

You may be deep, but your grammar sucks.

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19829
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 10:54 am

“Of course, when you complete the act don’t try and find us. We’ll find you.” He then snapped his fingers and the cloaked man from earlier appeared. He touched Shiro on the head and teleported Shiro and only Shiro. The location Shiro would reappear would be the same where he left, his apartment.


“I got money to last me a while. And I’ve been studding about how to catch fish and to find berries.” Then a flash of light filled the apartment. “What’s that!” She said stared that she was busted.
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God of MissCheese
God of MissCheese

Number of posts : 3483
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Registration date : 2010-11-01

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 11:18 am

'Sure you will', Shiro thought to himself, hoping that this was not going to be a trap to rip him off his money. Suddenly he was back at the apartment, wondering if he had really just been to that huge room. Maybe he had been daydreaming? Frowning Shiro went to the living room to start preparations for his job.


Misaki flinched at the light. To alarmed to reply to Muki, he jumped to his feet, gesturing at Muki to make her stay where she was. Slowly he moved towards the door, peeking around the corner into the living room. "Shiro!", Misaki exclaimed, jumping out and at his brother of choice. "Shiro! You've got to get to know someone! I brought a friend! Muki, come here, it's Shiro!", Misaki shouted excitedly.

You may be deep, but your grammar sucks.

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19829
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 11:23 am

The man also touch the chest. The paper bombs and the pictures were then teleported into Shiro’s pocket and he should feel the extra weight pretty soon.


As for Muki she had hidden under the bed. Only when Misaki said it was ok, did she get out. She got out of the bedroom and went into the living room. That was when she saw Shiro. She did a little lady like dip. “Please to make your acquaintance”
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God of MissCheese
God of MissCheese

Number of posts : 3483
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Registration date : 2010-11-01

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 11:30 am

Shiro was startled by the chest but guessed what it was and left it there.
Raising an eyebrow he looked at the girl emerging from Misaki's room.
"A girlfriend?", he asked and a grin slowly spread across his face.
Misaki blushed and did not know what to say while Shiro bowed to Muki.
"Pleasure", he said, grinning even more.
"Aren't you a little young?", he asked the two of them and chuckled.

You may be deep, but your grammar sucks.

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19829
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 11:40 am

They say first impressions are everything. And the impression Muki was getting is that this guy was a jerk. Girlfriend? That was the ridicules thing she every heard. Nonetheless she blushed a little bit. She puffed her checks to try and hide it (can of made it stand out more but she didn’t know that) and to show Shiro she did not approve of the jokes.
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God of MissCheese
God of MissCheese

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Registration date : 2010-11-01

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 11:42 am

Shiro patted Muki's head and grinned down at the little girl. "Okay, so... you're Muki, right? Muki, why don't you take Misaki with you and you do... whatever it was you were doing? I have some work I must attend to." Misaki still stared at his feet, embarrassed by the fact that Shiro had called Muki his girlfriend.

You may be deep, but your grammar sucks.

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19829
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 11:46 am

“Fine” Muki said as she took Misaki’s hand walking him back into the room. She closed the door behind them. “So that was your brother?” She asked kind of scared to see what the other one was like.
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God of MissCheese
God of MissCheese

Number of posts : 3483
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Registration date : 2010-11-01

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 11:51 am

Misaki blushed, he felt that their first meeting had gone wrong, somehow. "He's... not always like that. Maybe he's stressed from his work. He... he's weird sometimes, when he has to work", Misaki apologized and tried to grin.

Shiro started working out a plan for his upcoming job. He would finish it tonight, there was no need for wasting time.

You may be deep, but your grammar sucks.

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19829
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 11:56 am

Muki pulled out a pocket watch from he pocket. He eyes wide. “We got to go or my parents will freak!” She said. School was almost going to be out. She franticly picked up the map and rolled it back up.
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God of MissCheese
God of MissCheese

Number of posts : 3483
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Registration date : 2010-11-01

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 11:57 am

Misaki sighed, then nodded.
"I'll walk you back if you want me to?", he asked, curious to meet her parents.

You may be deep, but your grammar sucks.

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19829
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 12:01 pm

“Ok, but we got to hurry.” She ran over to the door and opened it. “Come on!” She reached her hand over for Misaki to take.
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God of MissCheese
God of MissCheese

Number of posts : 3483
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Registration date : 2010-11-01

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 12:23 pm

Misaki hurried and took her hand. The two of them ran past Shiro without even looking at him. "Can we still make it?", Misaki asked, worried Muki might be in trouble because of him.

You may be deep, but your grammar sucks.

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19829
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 12:27 pm

“I think so. Let’s just hope we don’t met them while we are still on our way” She said. She started running through the main streets as they didn’t have time to take the long way. Her heart was pounding both from the running and the possibility that they could get caught. They made it to the school unseen by her parents but someone else was at the school waiting. It was Tsukiakara he got there early to pick up Misaki. “Misaki, what are you doing? Aren’t you supposed to be in school.” The surprised Tsukiakara said.
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God of MissCheese
God of MissCheese

Number of posts : 3483
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Registration date : 2010-11-01

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 12:31 pm

Misaki cussed when he saw Tsukiakara but he was a skilled liar and hoped to find an excuse. "We had to bring something to town. For our teacher. An urgent errand", he said, glad that being breathless gave him an excuse to pause and think between the sentences.

You may be deep, but your grammar sucks.

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19829
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 12:37 pm

“Oh, what was it?” Tsukiakara asked sort of buying into the lie. “It was a book from the library. Our teacher forgot to stop there to get it.” Muki said playing along with the lie. She held up a book to prove it to Tsukiakara. “Well you better hurry inside. Schools almost out and your teacher is going to want her book.” Tsukiakara said convinced.
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God of MissCheese
God of MissCheese

Number of posts : 3483
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Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 12:39 pm

Misaki nodded quickly and grabbed Muki by the wrist, dragging her inside.
They waited outside the classroom until the bell rang and the lesson was over.
"That was so close", Misaki said, sounding excited.

You may be deep, but your grammar sucks.

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19829
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 12:46 pm

“I know” She gave a little giggle. They walked back outside where Tsukiakara was waiting. “Ready to go now Misaki.” he asked.
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God of MissCheese
God of MissCheese

Number of posts : 3483
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Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 1:14 pm

"I'm ready! See you tomorrow, Muki", he said and gave her a wave before he walked over to Tsukiakara. "Shiro's already home, he's working", Misaki said, without noticing he was giving himself away.

You may be deep, but your grammar sucks.

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19829
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 1:23 pm

“Is he now. Did you met him on the way to the library?” Tsukiakara said still believing Misaki’s lie.
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God of MissCheese
God of MissCheese

Number of posts : 3483
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Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 1:28 pm

Misuki froze for the blink of an eye, noticing that he had almost blown his own cover. "Yeah. We saw him. We stopped to talk to him, but only for a minute", he lied. It felt bad to lie to Tsukiakara. This was the first time Misaki noticed lying could feel bad and he was surprised by it.

You may be deep, but your grammar sucks.

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19829
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 1:35 pm

They finally arrived back at the apartment. Tsukiakara opened the door to let Misaki home. “We’re back Shiro” he called out.
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God of MissCheese
God of MissCheese

Number of posts : 3483
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Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 1:41 pm

"Mmh", Shiro mumbled, while he was drawing a map of the house, leaving marks and numbers so he knew where to put the seals and in which order to check the rooms. It was going to be more difficult and risky than he had first thought but he did not doubt he would make it safely. "How's things?", Shiro asked without looking up.

You may be deep, but your grammar sucks.

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Master Incubus of Smut

Number of posts : 19829
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-08-11

Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature)   Death Sword Scroll (May get Mature) - Page 23 EmptyWed Nov 16, 2011 1:48 pm

“Oh fine. I’m thinking about making a quick dinner then heading off to bed.” He siad as he walked into the kitchen. “So what is it that your looking at Shiro”
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