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 the meet on the tranning grounds

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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

the meet on the tranning grounds Empty
PostSubject: the meet on the tranning grounds   the meet on the tranning grounds EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 2:06 am

miru fell to her knees and her sweat was rolling down her pale and clean face, she took her long blackhair on her back she had put up in a loose ponytail and looking at the tranning dummys and logs she had used to train her tai-jutsu and genjutsu, she formed a small handsign and her saringan disappeard from her eyes that turned deep black now.
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the meet on the tranning grounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: the meet on the tranning grounds   the meet on the tranning grounds EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 2:16 am

Vaash came along towards the training grounds himself as well, he doesn't have a sensei yet or anything he just came out of the academy. Vaash was bored seeing as there was nothing to do, so he left for the training grounds. Once he arrived there, he saw a Konoha Ninja there that fell to her knee's. Vaash not really caring just went alongpassing through and pretending that nobody is there and went towards a tree. He then punched it, kicked it and continued at a nice rhytm. He was slightly sweating from his forehead as he continued to practice his taijutsu strenght on the tree, bugs were crawling out of the tree and that's what got Vaash scared. He started to sweat a lot more as a bunch of them got revealed probably due to all the banging that Vaash was making at the tree.

Damn it!

Vaash insantly backed off and got goosebumps. He just doesn't like insects.
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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

the meet on the tranning grounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: the meet on the tranning grounds   the meet on the tranning grounds EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 2:36 am

Miru lifted her head and heard his footsteps, she walked over towards the sound only to see a boy around her age, with a pretty face and pale skin, she watched him abit befor checking her ANBU uniform was setting correct and looked at him again"anything wrong?"she asked
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the meet on the tranning grounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: the meet on the tranning grounds   the meet on the tranning grounds EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 3:49 am

That's none of your concern.

Vaash responded to the voice he heard not botheringto see who spoke went back to his busniess, he was just backing off from the tree where a bunch of insects were crawling out. Note to self, stay away from trees Then Vaash looked around him only to see about millions of tree's. That's gonna be hard then He thought with a little bit of sweat came from his forehead.

Vaash went near a dummy, and then continued his training at Taijutsu, as he was doing before he was kicking and punching the dummy with only power. He wasn't planning on training anything else but only his strenght pretty much. He continued to punch and kick the dummy and then there was a insect crawling behind his shirt. Vaash kinda noticed it, he did notice that something was touchng his back but he only thought that it was only his imagination.

Suddenly he stopped kicking and punching the worn out dummy to grab what was behind his back.


He threw the bug at a tree by pure reflex and along with the reflex he threw a Kunai knife at the insect that was thrown which didnb't have enough time to even hit the tree just yet got followed by the Kunai knife and then when the insect hit the tree the Kunai hit the insect directly. But the impact was strong and a few bugs fell from the tree.

God damn it!

He then threw Shurikens strapped along with exploding tags that were to be detonated in ten seconds and once the shurikens acquired their target area they've exploded due to the exploding tags.


Vaash said that while he was sweating, not from moving his hands so much but mostly his fear of insects, and they're were a bunch of them.
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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

the meet on the tranning grounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: the meet on the tranning grounds   the meet on the tranning grounds EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 4:20 am

Miru was surprising unharmed even she had bein were the shuriken`s exsplodesing(sorry my bad englishxD)had hit, she walked up to him,knlled in front of him and signed"learn to control you anger"she brused a little spider out of his hair and stood op, she took one of her hands in fornt of him to help him up
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the meet on the tranning grounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: the meet on the tranning grounds   the meet on the tranning grounds EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 4:30 am

OOC: Ok I have no what you mean by helping "Him up" if your referring to me, I have never even fallen. My character wans't angry FYI. He was just scared out of his mind.

IC: Vaash grabed her hand and pulled himself up.

Thanks... I guess...

Vaash said a bit confused, not knowing whatever just happened. He tried his best to keep his cool and just because he said thanks to her he though he might as well introuce himself.

I am Hyuatu Vaash.
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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

the meet on the tranning grounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: the meet on the tranning grounds   the meet on the tranning grounds EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 4:36 am

ooc:whups guess i miss read thought he had laid himself up against a tree or something since he was sweating but nvm that now

Miru looked awhile on him befor letting go of his hand, "i am..miru uchiha and you welcome.."
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the meet on the tranning grounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: the meet on the tranning grounds   the meet on the tranning grounds EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 4:43 am

Suddenly the face of Vaash turned to be serious.

A Uchiha....

Vaash didn't really like Uchihas that much, but he didn't seem to mind her. She didn't say anything about him about the day that he came to the Konoha Village in bloody rags unlike all the other people he met up with so he was happy. Vaash's hands were red, probably due to beating tree's up and then panicking over a bunch of insects that he claims that were coming after him He just smiled, something that he doesn't do very often in front of people.
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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

the meet on the tranning grounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: the meet on the tranning grounds   the meet on the tranning grounds EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 4:57 am

Miru looked at little confused on him when he said her last name, but it was normal since not many knew there even was a uchiha left in the village, only the hokage a few medics in the hospital and her ANBU squad so ppl normal got serious or afirad when they heard it, but when he smiled she smiled sofly back"want me to take a look on you hands?"
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the meet on the tranning grounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: the meet on the tranning grounds   the meet on the tranning grounds EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 5:13 am

Nah, they're alright. I'll heal them later

Vaash told her, he was slightly happy.
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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

the meet on the tranning grounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: the meet on the tranning grounds   the meet on the tranning grounds EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 5:16 am

miru put her hands on her slim hips and made a small nod"okay i guess..."she pulled her ponytail out and look at him again"i havent seen you around here"
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the meet on the tranning grounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: the meet on the tranning grounds   the meet on the tranning grounds EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 5:19 am

Probably because I just got out of the academy

Vaash just smiled once more, hoping that she wouldn't say anything concerning about what like everybody else practically knows. At least the kage know and a few ANBU.
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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

the meet on the tranning grounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: the meet on the tranning grounds   the meet on the tranning grounds EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 5:23 am

Miru looked at him"oh yea that..hokage-sama told me a little about you.."*she looked abit around and saw all the damage*2but you are quite strong for a genin heh"
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the meet on the tranning grounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: the meet on the tranning grounds   the meet on the tranning grounds EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 5:32 am

I'm not strong

Vaash said that, he truly believed that he wasn't strong. He doens't care much about become the Hokage or ranking up the Jounin or anything fo that. All he cares about is surpassing in strenght to anybody in the entire village. Suddenly Vaash felt a little headach and he seemed a little greener on his face, this wasn't like vaash. He never gotten sick before so he doesn't really know what's happening to himself but he seems to be alright.
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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

the meet on the tranning grounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: the meet on the tranning grounds   the meet on the tranning grounds EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 5:40 am

Miru looked abit on him" felling okay?"she puts her hand gently on his head*
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the meet on the tranning grounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: the meet on the tranning grounds   the meet on the tranning grounds EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 5:45 am

Of course!

Vaash said that suddenly

Of course I'm Ok! Sure I've never felt sick before but it's not so bad!

Vaash said that wish a big smile with his eyes close, then his eyes popped wide open, and he spat out blood.
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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

the meet on the tranning grounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: the meet on the tranning grounds   the meet on the tranning grounds EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 5:52 am

miru placed her hands on her hips again"i see i see.."she picked him up over her shoulder and begang walking"my home is close nearby.."
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the meet on the tranning grounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: the meet on the tranning grounds   the meet on the tranning grounds EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 6:01 am

Alright... going somewhere agasnt my will... isn't the first time that happened to me...

Vaash was saying that, mostly because he didn't want to go into someone else's home. He gotten himself many thoughts over what would happen if he would be there. He didn't like it.
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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

the meet on the tranning grounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: the meet on the tranning grounds   the meet on the tranning grounds EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 6:06 am

miru looked a little at him"im just going to heal you hands and give you some late lunch.."she turned away from the main war and begang walking down the streets in the uchiha disrect
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the meet on the tranning grounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: the meet on the tranning grounds   the meet on the tranning grounds EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 6:10 am

Vaash looked at the other around, he didn't really like this place. Bunch of uchiha's all around the place, he didn't like most Uchihas.
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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

the meet on the tranning grounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: the meet on the tranning grounds   the meet on the tranning grounds EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 6:19 am

occ:theres no other uchihas lol itachi killed most of the clan exsept sasuke and miru i was allowed to makexD

miru was walking towards the biggest hourse there looked like mroe of a small mansion
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the meet on the tranning grounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: the meet on the tranning grounds   the meet on the tranning grounds EmptySat Jul 25, 2009 3:37 am

OOC: Lol alright... Don't see how's that possible but oh well.

IC: Vaash didn't like this, its where most of the Uchiha's lived in. He can swear that he smells the lot of them. Maybe because he's so near to Miru but he chose to ignore the fact and blamed it on all the other Uchihas.
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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

the meet on the tranning grounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: the meet on the tranning grounds   the meet on the tranning grounds EmptySat Jul 25, 2009 4:49 am

OOC:we dont follow the manga soxD

Miru placed him on a flat madrass and slided one of the doors and looked down on him"ill be back on in a moment"she stepped otu and slided it back, Vaash could see sevral pictures of the uchiha clans family and that this was the main house of the leader and his family
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the meet on the tranning grounds Empty
PostSubject: Re: the meet on the tranning grounds   the meet on the tranning grounds Empty

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