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 The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted*

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The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* Empty
PostSubject: The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted*   The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* EmptyThu Nov 19, 2009 11:35 am

Rengikou walked into the leaf village along with his new found army, a small smirk on his face came up as he looked upon the sand shin obi Zane, he began to laugh seeing the boy reminded him of him self, bending over backwards to get his villages trust, only to have them spit in his face.

Rengikou-”Shut the gates Demon, Let the Death begin.”

Rengikou’s eye’s moved upon Zane once more as he began to walk forwards, Zane pulled out his large sword getting into a defensive stance after hearing what Rengikou had said.

Zane-”This may not be my village… But I can’t let you kill them all, It’s not right, no human should be killed in vein, your fight has no point.”
Rengikou-”Boy, my fight to kill this village is the whole point, you’r just a unlucky fellow who would of lived for a few more days, be it you were in your own village.”
Zane-”I wont allow it!”

Zane began to run at the man, with great speed at that, The sword in his hands began to glow as Zane jumped into the air slamming the sword into the ground where Rengikou was, the solid mass that was Rengikou had dissapperd, no where to be seen, till about 10 feet away the body of Rengikou began to come up out of the ground, as if it was once with it.

Rengikou” you have no idea what you have gotten your self into Boy”

Rengikou ran at Zane, his fist missing Zane, but only to have a Clones fist hit him in the stomach, the force of the hit brought blood to the mouth of Zane, his body lifting into the air as more clones began to run at him.

Zane did the sign’s for Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Missile, Aiming his mouth towards the clones, the flames began to consume them and destroy them , feeling the chakra begin to grow Zane could feel that Rengikou had been keeping his chakra down, as the flame continued to destroy the clones, more and more clones began to run from the brush, as if they were hiding and were ready to fight.

Zane’s body landed on the ground, holding his ribs he looked up to see a large sharp spike flying to his face, in a sudden his life flashed before his eyes, the times with his father, the time before his mother was sick, and his grandfather giving him his armor. As time flashed back a Large Puppet landed in front of the earth spike destroying it, in the air could the figure of Shinn could be seen soaring through the sky.

As Shinn Landed he looked at Zane and smiled
Shinn-“Can’t let an outsider be the only one defending my village”
Shinn pulled a scroll from his back and slamming it on the ground. It was as if his hand went into the scroll, grabbing something his hand began to pull back out holding the head of his puppet Azura.
Shinn-”it’s time to even out this fight”
Azura and his shield puppet stood next to each other as Rengikou laughed to him self knowing this just became a bit more fun. Zane ran along the right as Azura ran to the left, the shield puppet ran along the middle so it could defend both the puppet and Zane.

*more to come in part 2*
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The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted*   The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* EmptyThu Nov 19, 2009 11:53 am

Zane leaped into the air and sent his sword down at Rengikou, stopping the blade with his hands he looked up to Zane to mock him, but before he could Azura had shoved 2 blades into his stumac, Rengikou moved back from the sword and ripped the puppet off him.

Rengikou-”Forbidden Jutsu_Multi Water Clone Jutsu”
Coming from the lake’s body of water tens of dozens of clones began to run out of the water and Rush Shinn, notcing this Shinn looked at Zane and yelled “ Be ready to end this fast, I’m about to use a lot of chakra” Shinn Made each puppet a string to his fingers as he released his last and strongest puppet the Azura Angel. The puppet had one wing and hovered in the air watching the water clones. Rengikou had been in the back preparing for another forbidden jutsu. Zane began to rush past all the water clones, feeling the lighting from the puppet in the sky clearing a way for him, Zane lifted the heavy sword into the air and began to attack Rengikou, caught off guard Rengikou had to dodge instead of keep the forbidden seals in motion.

Zane-“I’ll Kill you…you…you…skum!”
Rengikou” You’re a foul, your only delaying me, if you were any good ninja you’d know that the boy behind you is using his puppets to defend you, his eyes can’t be every where, thus he knows this is his death, he’s giving you time to defeat me, at the cost of his life.”

Zane kept swining, though his eyes caught the 100’s of clones rushing at Shinn, it was to late, all his puppets were defending Zane, there was no way for any one to get to him to defend him, and Zane knew that Shinn’s skill’s were honed with distance. Zane brushed the thought off and only yelled “THANK YOU LEAF NINJA!” Zane’s Sword kept swining at Rengikou till he decided it was useless, If the boy from the leaf was willing to give his life, then so was Zane. Zane Turned to watch the leaf Village nin Shinn get stabbed multiple times by the clones, the whole time he had a smile on his face, as if he was laughing in the face of death.”

Zane reached into his pocket and Shoved a knife straight into his chest and ripping it down. “Ikeda Family Curse!” The Chakra in Zane’s body began to grow larger and larger. “On this Day, I die, But I’ll bring you with me, or at-least give the Advantage to others, I don’t have much left, one more attack before I die…”

Zane Extended his Chakra to his Sword and began to rush “This is my most powerful attack”

Zane jumped into the air shoving his sword into the ground, as he did the chakra began to flow to the dragon veins in the ground causing a small eruption, quickly after Sand began to fly into the air, millions of swords littered the air as they flew to Rengikou, Dodging as many as he could the swords came to fast piercing his body, Limping Rengikou stood watching the boy as he laughed “not…enough…boy”

Zane Fell face first as he watched the Swords explode in Rengikou, blasting him Several feet into the air and forcing him to land near some trees, Rengikou wasn’t near death but he was very injured. With his dieing breath he let out a sigh. “I’m sorry mother… I couldn’t get you your medicine, Atleast soon… our family will be no longer outcast for on this day I helped an ally… and soon I will see you mother…healthy.” With that being said the Sand littered battlefield went quite, the drenched and bloody body of shinn laid still, a smile on his face, his puppets scattered on the field near zane. Zane laying face first in on the ground laid still to, his body drained of blood from the self inflicted wound.
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Number of posts : 409
Registration date : 2007-11-05

The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted*   The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* EmptyThu Nov 19, 2009 12:04 pm

*Rock Lee was enjoying a nice bowl of ramen at the ramen shop when suddenly two ninjas that where garding the Leaf village gate that day appeared,sweating and breathing heavily:"Lee you must follow us there is a fight at the gate,and if we saw it clearly two of the boys that where trying to defend the village are dead!" Rock Lee threw away hes ramen bowl and he pushed away hes chair..Hes face was cold as ice,he already threw hes chunin west on the ground:"Lead me to this killer!" The two ninjas just jumped into the air and started running towards the gate..Rock Lee followed them,on hes way to the gate he had a bad feeling about a big fight will happen.Lee and the two ninjas got to the gate and when he saw two boys lying dead on the ground he was terrified..He recognized one of the, it was that arrogant boy that Rock Lee wanted to fight the day before...Rock Lee looked at the man standing 10 feet from them,but he ignored him..He approached Shinn and he picked up his lifeless body and carried it to a near by tree where he placed him..He did the same thing with the other boy.Rock Lee than looked at the guy that killed them and said:"Who are you,and what kind of monster are you?"
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The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted*   The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* EmptyThu Nov 19, 2009 12:09 pm

Rengikou slowly stood up laughing, "You don't remember me Lee... do you, Then let me refresh your memory, I am a ghost in this villages mind."

Rengikou got to his feet and wiped some of the dust off his body as his eyes went to Lee as he spoke again. "6 years ago, I was the one who picked you up, and showed you the art of the raining leaf, and you don't remember me....or has the Hokage's influence been so strong, that me and my father were never spoken of again, you people killed my father, and that day you killed my soul!"

Rengikou began to laugh again lookin at lee "DO YOU KNOW WHO THIS MONSTER IS NOW!"
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Number of posts : 409
Registration date : 2007-11-05

The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted*   The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* EmptyThu Nov 19, 2009 12:16 pm

*Rock Lee stood in silence..Silence was never louder.. Rock Lee remembered him.Rock Lee remembers that day like it was yesterday,but he never thought that the guy that was standing right infront of him would ever become a monster like this:"Heh.. Lee sighed " the boy i remember from that day isnt the boy the boy that i am standing in front of today,that was a different person.A person with a heart and eyes that just had to be opened so they could see how this world is beautiful.Dont blame this village for everything that happened,blame yourself.Why did two innocent boy had to day today because of your anger towards this village?Why? Rengikou... I knew it was you,thats why i asked,because in my heart,i knew that you will come one day to avenge your fathers death..but i didnt think it will be this way.." Rock Lee was staring at the ground when a tear fell down from his face on to the face of the boy named Shinn
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The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted*   The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* EmptyThu Nov 19, 2009 12:20 pm

"There Death is only the beginning Lee, soon you will be dead along with all the others, and not only the leaf, but all villages, I am the bringer of death, I am the End of humanity. "

Rengikou pulled a pair of Nun-chucks from his pack and throw them to lee, with a nice smirk on his face he laughed. "These are for you, they were bought before this village turned it's back on me, on me and my family!"

Rengikou put a hand over his face laughing quite loudly. "This village will regret the day...The day they took my soul, the day they made me this monster."
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Number of posts : 409
Registration date : 2007-11-05

The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted*   The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* EmptyThu Nov 19, 2009 12:25 pm

*Rock Lee grabbed the nun-chucks from the ground and he threw them in the air..Then Rock Lee stood into his fighting stance and yelled:"No,Rengikou..this is the day when you will regret for all that you did,i will make you suffer Rengikou,and i will kill you with your own weapon...anger!!" Just when Rock Lee finished hes speech the nun-chucks fell into hes arms and he rushed towards hes enemy.Rock Lee jumped into the air and disappeared in a puff of smoke.After a few second he reappeared behind Rengikou aiming the nun-chucks at his head:"Take this you monster!!"
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The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted*   The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* EmptyThu Nov 19, 2009 12:27 pm

"A monster that has learned more then one villages tricks" Rengikou began to lower him self into the ground, dodging the nun chucks as the last of his body was now one with the earth, 10 clones began to come up from the ground surrounding Lee as they all began to speak at once " Lee, you can't make me suffer.... I already am suffering, I need to be dead, I understand this, but...that doesn't mean i will go along with it" The clones all began to run at lee each sending a diffrent attack at the boy.
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

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The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted*   The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* EmptyThu Nov 19, 2009 12:34 pm

Asmodeous Akuma was watching the scene, hidden by his loyal demons. He knew Rengikou would protect himself. That's why the demon didn't challenge him. Plus, it would be too much work. Asmo had successfully managed to forge a temporary mental bond with him through his demons, and it was as good as if they were talking face to face. "What are your orders, sir?"

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The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted*   The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* EmptyThu Nov 19, 2009 12:35 pm

Rengikou's real body was hidden deep underground as he opend his eyes he began to speak to the demon. "Keep every one out of this fight, on our side or not, Lee has earned a fair fight"
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Number of posts : 409
Registration date : 2007-11-05

The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted*   The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* EmptyThu Nov 19, 2009 12:39 pm

"Just because you are suffering doesnt mean that all the villages suffer because of your foolish fathers death!!He deserved to die because he betrayed hes village and all the people in it,just so he could satisfy hes need Rengikou!And you will,when i finish with you be placed beside your father!" Rock Lee jumped and he landed behind one of the clones.He grabbed hes nun-chucks from both sides and he started strangling the clone.One of the clones kicked the other one in the face and it disappeared.Rock Lee quickly sweep the clone off hes feet and landed a punch into hes face making him explode like the other one.Now,Lee had 8 other clones rushing towards him:"Now see just a little bit of my taijutsu power!!Guy sensei,thank you for this!LEAF GREAT SPINNING WIND!" Rock Lee placed hes leg in front of him and started twirling around and kicking the clones..After a few second when the dust came down,Rock Lee was standing in hes fighting stance:"Whats next?"
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted*   The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* EmptyThu Nov 19, 2009 12:45 pm

"Yes, sir." Asmo, still skillfully hidden, weaved a stream of handsigns. There was a great poof, in a circle, around the area. Barricades of demons were surrounding the three, so closely-knit, there were no holes. Said demons looked beastly and hungry, as if they'd eat anyone who tried to come near them. "Like that?"

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The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted*   The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* EmptyThu Nov 19, 2009 12:47 pm

Rengikou began to come out of the ground, his arms crossed as his face was very angry. "You know nothing of my father lee, your sensei is a fool for letting you think your a ninja, you have less skill then most of the village, your an out-cast, a fool, and most of all your worthless!" Rengikou put his hands together and began to flood the area. "you know just as much as I, that if help doesn't come for you, you will die!"
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Number of posts : 409
Registration date : 2007-11-05

The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted*   The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* EmptyThu Nov 19, 2009 12:53 pm

*Rock Lee looked around himself and the area started to flood.Rock Lee threw hes nun-chucks on the ground and he grabbed a little bottle from hes pouch.. Rock Lee smelled what was in the bottle and then he drank it:"Oooh,this sake is good it will give me a boost,if you know what i mean." Rock Lee took another big sip from it and threw it away:" r-ready f-for some action!" Rock Lee was trying to get into hes fighting stance but every time he tried he fell on the ground.Then after a few seconds Lee fell on the ground face first yelling:"Ooops!"
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The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted*   The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* EmptyThu Nov 19, 2009 12:59 pm

A Large Explosion came from behind Lee, as demons flew every where, a tall figure began to walk down the path heading to them, the figure was that of Reki Senju, the Strong Chakra began to fill the area as if gravity picked up. "Lee.... good to see you again, and not dead, I see I made my return home in time, Handle your fight i'll make sure these weak Nin don't bug you. "

Rengikou let out a sigh as he began to form Hundreds of water clones and began to form the earth around them into a dome to keep every one else out.
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Number of posts : 409
Registration date : 2007-11-05

The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted*   The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* EmptyThu Nov 19, 2009 1:02 pm

*Rock Lee looked up and saw hundreds of water clones rushing towards him.As he tried to get up a few time he just decided to sit down and he started to mumble:"Oooh this is so boring i should have stayed sober but nooo,Rengikou..." After a few seconds of talking into hes beard Rock Lee fell a sleep
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted*   The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* EmptyThu Nov 19, 2009 1:04 pm

Asmo frowned, and did the specific handseals again. The demons that were blasted away fell back in place, missing parts replaced by new demons. He kept his hands at the ready, eyeing the newcomer. So, who the hell was he. "Who's this? Is he a big threat to us? Any new orders?"

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The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted*   The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* EmptyThu Nov 19, 2009 1:04 pm

Rengikou's clones began to rush Lee, one of them landing a kick on his side sending him in the air, Another clone Leaped up and punched him straight into the water, the water began to form chains on lee to hold him under water. "Drown....old friend"

Rengikou sent his thoughts to the Demon. "Stay away from him, He is apart of the Senju clan, he was raised to hokage some day, and probably stronger then a few of us, so we'll need to get most our force to fight him. It's Reki Senju, He's the 2nd hokages Grandson, and if you didn't notice I just gave him a large amount of water to work with."
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Number of posts : 409
Registration date : 2007-11-05

The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted*   The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* EmptyThu Nov 19, 2009 1:14 pm

*Rock Lee woke up and he saw water chains where forming around him.When he tried to escape them drunk,Rock Lee stumbled and he fell on to the ground.He got up looked around him and he sighed:"M-m-man you are b-boring im g-g-going home.# Rock Lee turned around he he walked towards the earth gate.When the clones tried to attack him,Rock Lee drunk started throwing kicks in the air vanishing the clones easily.The attacks of the drunken fist are very powerful and even the best Taijutsu master would have difficulty dealing with the unpredictability of the whole fighting style.Rock Lee then stumbling rushed towards Rengikou and he for the third time fell on the ground sleeping.
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The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted*   The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* EmptyThu Nov 19, 2009 1:16 pm

"your a foul, letting a outside substance alter your state of mind.." Rengikou pushed his hands together as he began to make a small coffin over Lee. "if you will not drown then sleep forever!" The Coffin began to sink taking Lee with it to a depth of 10 feet
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The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted*   The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* EmptyThu Nov 19, 2009 1:26 pm

Rock Lee woke up,this time he was sober,the sake started to ware off.Rock Lee stood up and he jumped into the air jumped right out of the coffin that Rengikou made for him.Rock Lee ripped of his greend suit and he threw it in the ground showing hes strong body.:"That was the drunken style Rengikou,even tho you think it is pathetic,it is one of the greatest taijutsu techniques.So you can sigh as much as you want but now,i will be bringing this fight to an end."INITIAL LOTUS!FIRST GATE OPEN!" While he was yelling Rock Lees muscles started to rise and he started to unwrap hes bandages.Rock Lee than rushed towards Rengikou and launched a kick to hes jaw sending him right into the air.While he was falling face first towards the ground,Lee appeared behind him and used hes bandages to hold hes opponent,Rock Lee started to spin round and he threw Rengikou towards the ground.
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The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted*   The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* EmptyThu Nov 19, 2009 1:29 pm

"Dont forget...." Rengikou's body didn't hit the ground, it was absorbed into the ground as water clones began to fill the dome again as the original body stayed underground.
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Number of posts : 409
Registration date : 2007-11-05

The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted*   The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* EmptyThu Nov 19, 2009 1:37 pm

*Rock Lee landed firmly on the ground still worn out from the attack.Lee was breathing heavily but he was able to stand on hes feet:"Huh..if thats not enough,then i guess opening another one,wont be a problem!" Rock Lee somewhere deep inside knew that he was about to do a attack that was close to a suicide,but he didnt care,he just wanted to get rid of Rengikou:"Ok,here it goes!PRIMARY LOTUS,3 GATES OPEN!!" Rock Lees muscles started to get bigger and bigger and he could feel the powers inside of him,hes face was read like the devils.Rock Lee rushed towards Rengikou and launched a high-speed kick to hes face.
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Number of posts : 421
Registration date : 2007-11-05

The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted*   The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* EmptySat Nov 21, 2009 9:35 am

*Dont forget Reki isnt approved Wink*
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PostSubject: Re: The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted*   The Epic Story line *no one join till part 2 is posted* Empty

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