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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shipwrecked (open)   Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 EmptyWed Sep 14, 2011 11:20 pm

"It's not that hard, my affinity is water and I suppose Auntie Lilith can make sure we have a safe trip... But I think you have to discuss this with the others too. Do Tsu and Hide-chan want to get off the island too?" she asked her. True, Konoha was exciting and most of its locals were pleasant. But there was just something about a solitary island that seemed relaxing. Peaceful...but Isamu just remembered something that made her homesick. "I really want to go back. I want to see my parents again, I miss them." Ushio's grave was in Konoha and Kaji's (fake) was in Kiri. She had to go back, back to her parents. The young girl had made up her mind. "I will leave, soon and eventually."

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PostSubject: Re: Shipwrecked (open)   Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 EmptyThu Sep 15, 2011 6:57 pm

" are you kidding Tsu and I have always wanted to leave after our parents died " she said hugging the girl tightly to her chest. "you'll take us out of here wont -" she blinked and held the girl back " Boat .... Lilith ?" Ama was seriously confused.

--Meanwhile back at Uzumaki Mansion--

Tsukuyomi knocked on the door, he was amazed at the renovations Isamu had done. "She must have some serious summon help" he muttered looking at the outside walls. If he ever followed through with his plan of unification he would ask the paled eyed girl to join him.

Kaji looked up, Isamu wouldn't knock so there was no need to put on his second skin. He opened it and was surprised to come face to face with a red head. "Hello" he said looking down at the man.

Tsukuyomi looked up at the paled eyed man "Er... who... where .... you look like her" he stammered taking a step back. This guy had to be Isamu's father, the eyes were the same the hair was around the same shade of brown and the skin was about the same complexion.

Kaji cursed this guy must have been one the the twins Isamu mentioned. He looked at tsukuyomi and scowled " Ill have to tuck you away, it would break her heart to know I hadn't died" he threw up his hand and sent tsukuyomi of the island.

(( Tsu is now in Kirigakure ))
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shipwrecked (open)   Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 EmptyThu Sep 15, 2011 7:08 pm

Isamu laughed and nodded. "Of course I will. We can leave as soon as you want, but let me tell my tenants. Some people are staying over at my place. It would be rude to leave them here without telling them. Meet me at the beach later, near the big head-shaped rock, and bring what you need, okay?" Isamu grinned and got up. She bowed and started to run back to the house. Once there, she opened the door and looked around. Azrael was there, perfect. "Um, hello! I was going tn tell you that I... I'm leaving the island, there's a boat out by the beach. Would you like to come with us?" she asked him.

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Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shipwrecked (open)   Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 EmptyThu Sep 15, 2011 7:43 pm

Kaji was lucky he saw Isamu off in the distance, he melded into his second skin. Once she arrived he listened to her talk of leaving, he nodded slowly. He hoped she wouldnt journey to Kirigakure, if that man found her questions would be asked. He would make himself known when she was older and able to understand his reasoning and the circumstances around his death and rebirth.

"Excellent I would like to return to Yu" Azrael said ruffling her hair
Samael appeared behind Isamu " Ah so you found the present I left you " he said crouching down to her level. He was smiling he had just sent his lackey up to wake lilith, kajis mutterings had reached his ears and he thought it was an interesting.


He walked through the wall of the room where Lilith was napping. The shade growled he hated Samael for making him do this. It reached out with a frozen hand and shook her " I am here to deliver a message " he seethed. He had been serving the Samael since his death long ago and he hated being the middle spirit between the two. He after all had a history with both of them.
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shipwrecked (open)   Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 EmptyThu Sep 15, 2011 7:58 pm

Isamu smiled and nodded as Azrael affectionately rubbed her hair. When Samael appeared, she blinked and backed away a little. Being close to him made her uncomfortable, to say the least. "We'll be leaving later on. I'm going back to Konoha to visit my mother," she said, which made her smile shrink a little. She missed her mother and the talks they had. The bedtime stories, the trips to the field and the beach... She wished she was still alive.

Lilith sat up and glared at the being until it let go of her. "What," she hissed. "Do you want?"

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Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shipwrecked (open)   Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 EmptyThu Sep 15, 2011 8:17 pm

Azraels face fell at the mention of Ushio's grave. while he had not loved her as much as he had when he was the vessel of the Angel opposite him now but there was still a tiny bit of love left. It pained him to see his daughter sad and he wished he could comfort her in his true form without her throwing a fit or going completely insane.

Samael looked at the girl and kept his smile "Well its good you'll be getting off this island because a meeting of immortals will be going on here"


The Shade pulled back his hood revealing a pale face and frozen blue eyes. Muddy brown hair fell to his shoulders and he scowled at her. "Lilith the king of Hell Samael invites you to a gathering of Immortals " Adam said rolling his eyes, this was the worst job ever.
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shipwrecked (open)   Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 EmptyThu Sep 15, 2011 8:26 pm

"Okay. I have to remind myself to get some sunflowers and dango on the way to her grave," she said dreamily. Isamu loved her mother, who had always been there, who had never wanted her to get hurt, physically or emotionally. Her mother may have been hated by everyone else, especially her father, but Izzy didn't. She started to walk to the beach with a lazed expression.

Somewhere down in the Underworld, Ushio's soul blinked and smiled. "My baby," she whispered. She gently shook her pinky and the red string came off. She had no love for Kaji left, at least none romantic. He was the father of her child, and maybe a friend, but no, she did not have a single spark left for him.

Lilith blinked at the familiar face. "Oh it's you. Yeah, yeah, I'll come, just get out of my room," she sighed. Isamu was leaving the island, which meant she had the chance to carry out her plan, once this meeting was over. Lilith smirked, she had always wanted a few more servants.

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Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shipwrecked (open)   Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 EmptyThu Sep 15, 2011 9:41 pm

Kaji glanced down at his finger and frowned, the thread of fate was gone. He sighed and walked back into the house. Samael watched him 'that kid really has no idea what he wants' he thought following him back into the mansion.


Adam rolled his eyes "Im just the messenger" he said before retreating. He hoped this retreat would be like pulling teeth for the queen of demons.
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shipwrecked (open)   Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 EmptyThu Sep 15, 2011 10:15 pm

Lilith got up and stretched a little. She touched her neck and frowned. Ah, it had been some time since her breakup with Samael. Sure, her heart healed over and there would always be a spot fo him in the friend category, she felt a little lonely. She wanted someone to go to bed with, someone to cuddle and cling onto and love. Maybe she would find one back in Konoha. She sighed and went downstairs, where the two other men waited. "When are we getting started? I...have a feeling I need to get back to the mainland." At this, she too was confused. She had never had 'hunches' before, not like this. She scratched her pinky finger as she waited, also reading a childrens' book. Which reminded her, "Samael, can you come visit Kou some time?" she asked with a friendly smile. "He's quite the charmer."

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Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shipwrecked (open)   Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 EmptyThu Sep 15, 2011 11:22 pm

Samael turned and grinned " All in good time my dear " he said sitting down in a chair.
Kaji looked at them both " get start-" he was cut off as a lightning bolt crashed through the roof. Samael grinned they were arriving, the immortals who had shitty relation ships like him and lilith.

Zeus scowled his and looked at the three in the room " Oh joy its Angels and the so called demon queen " he said sitting down in one of the many chairs.
Kaji blinked he had a vague idea of who this guy was, it was a demon Named Zeus who was one of many Demons that came from the union of earth and sky. "er... I should-" he started but was cut off by Samael.
"You stay" the fallen said to Kaji, he smiled at Zeus "thank you for joining us the others will be arriving within the next hour or so"
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shipwrecked (open)   Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 EmptyFri Sep 16, 2011 12:20 am

There was the strum of a harp and then appeared sweet-natured Parvati. She smiled and came over to sit next to Lilith. "Shiva isn't coming today, so I'm subbing in. How's Kou?" And so, the two girls chatted on and on, as mothers would. In through the door came others, some friendlier to Lilith, some to Samael. Eventually, even Hel came.

A young man came in, blond hair and striking blue eyes. Well, blue eye and an eye patch. Beelzebub smirked. He came over and sat on Lilith's other side. "So I heard about your trip to the club last night."
"I see you've gotten over him."
At that, Lilith chuckled. This prompted Beelzebub to shrug and run his finger over her spine through the back of her thin, black sundress as she continued to discuss sex moves with Parvati.

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Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shipwrecked (open)   Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 EmptyFri Sep 16, 2011 1:27 am

Samaels jaw clenched as he saw Beelzebub walk over to lilith, Kaji looked at him "Whats going on?" he asked the fallen. Samael sighed as the final Demon entered the Mansion, Eros. The room fell silent " Hello friends You have all been selected to participate in a little experiment" the Primordial god said smiling. "You all have one thing in common your love lives are shit" eros said brushing his dark red hair out of his eyes.

Kaji looked to the door " Ill just be going " he said before eros shook his head. The red head stopped him " Oh no Kaji Nara your staying here "
Kaji groaned "But why I dont-"
"Oh yes you do, your fate thread is gone" said Eros wagging his finger at Kaji.

" I was going to summon up the Shades of all the lovers of this group but the Island wouldnt be able to hold them all" He said looking about the room.
"You all squandered my gift and now this next month with your ex's or estranged spouses will be my personal revenge and hopefully you'll at least be friends with these people" he said grinning. "you'll spend the next couple of days just hanging out getting to know each other" Eros explained while little cupids flitted around handing the room assignments

"You will have room-mates, there will be no swapping" eros said popping a heart shaped lollipop into his mouth. He let this sink in, Eros was born from Chaos his siblings were The Creator, Death and Earth. None of them matched him in terms of Power and His siblings loved him so Eros didnt fear a rebellion. He chuckled as some of the little 'Gods' screamed in Outrage at their assigned room-mates. 'all good things come from chaos' he thought watching them.
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shipwrecked (open)   Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 EmptyFri Sep 16, 2011 2:21 am

Lilith blinked and shrugged. She had no beef with Samael. He got to bed Hel, she had some tasty human tail to pounce on once she got off the island. Beelzebub, however, sighed. Oh great, just great. He had to make friends with his...exes. That would mean he wouldn't have much time to claim his next conquest, Lilith, who was surprisingly not as easy as he hoped she was. But at that, he smirked - challenges like this were fun. There was a pop and Ushio appeared, sitting in Lilith's lap. She blinked and looked around. "Oh!" She had been with only demons for the past few years, and this was quite a surprise. But meh, if Lilith was there, she guessed there would be no harm in participating. The mother of demons didn't mind either, she just wondered who her roommate was going to be. If it was Samael, she wasn't sure how she would handle being sexiled when he brought girls in.

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Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shipwrecked (open)   Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 EmptyFri Sep 16, 2011 2:53 am

Kaji froze, he was still in Azraels form so she wouldnt know him. Eros blinked "right well now that your all here and have a copy of the room-mate list I shall leave you for now" and he vanished. A second later his head appeared floating in the air "Oh I forgot while you all are here your powers are stripped and you all are Mortal and for you Ushio Kuroda, your alive" he grinned and vanished once more.

There was an uproar from some of the demons who had been kings of their groups. Zeus was looking sad in the corner, he had been paired with Thor. Samael was Bunking with Lilith and Kaji was sharing a room with Ushio. Hel smiled and approached Beelzebub "Well looks like we are bunking together" she said to him with a sigh. She looked at Her father trying to smooth talk Venus and shook her head, he was such a nerd.

Kaji looked down at the paper 'this wont be awkward, no not at all... I mean not twenty minutes ago she cut the red thread of fate'. Samael grinned this was going to be fun, and maybe if he played his cards right he might just get back on Liliths good side.
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shipwrecked (open)   Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 EmptyFri Sep 16, 2011 3:04 am

"I'm alive? Yay!" Ushio cheered and waved her arms happily, making Lilith and Parvati laugh. Even as she just came back from her underorld prison, she was cheerful and joyous. Untarnished. Ushio hummed happily and swung her legs as she sat in Lilith's lap. Parvati looked up, she had to go meet her roommate so she excused herself. Lilith played with the newly-resurrected Kuroda a little before looking around the room. "Do you know who to go to, Ushio-chan?" she asked her. Ushio nodded and pointed to the only man in the room who had no soulmate. True, Kaji's little finger was the only one bare, other than hers. She knew who he was, even without the second skin. Lilith smiled and let the girl approach him before she herself had to go to Samael. "Okay, ground rules first. If you sexile me, give me food before you lock me up, no girls in the room when I'm sleeping, and clean out any traces of intercourse, even smell, when you're done, understand?" she asked him straight. Lilith knew he wouldn't keep his pecker in his pants, but he didn't have to rub it in her damn face. Beelzebub looked at Hel and smirked. A plot played in his mind. "Hello there...this experiment will be fun, don't you think?" He would make sure Lilith forgot all about her own soulmate, her so-called other half.

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Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shipwrecked (open)   Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 EmptyFri Sep 16, 2011 3:39 am

Hel shrugged " Well I have to spend one month watching Samael try and get back with Lilith and my father try and score with every female here" she sighed "Plus Eros stripped our powers". She looked at Him for a minute "your actually pretty cute with your little eye patch" Hel said pinching his cheek affectionately.

Samael blinked rapidly "Oh come on you assume to much Lilith, do whatever you want" he said looking about. He looked down at her "Hows it feel being mortal again" he asked switching topics.

The Azrael skin had faded after Eros left and he stood there looking down at his feet. One month living with Ushio, what would come of it. 'nothing' he told himself 'nothing at all' he thought glancing over at Ushio.
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shipwrecked (open)   Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 EmptyFri Sep 16, 2011 3:52 am

"Ack..damn that Loki. He gave me a box last month, it had a brimstone and sulphur explosion and got into my eye," he said, sighing. He wished it had come from something manly like battling a lion or something, but no. "Anyway, do you feel about Samael?"

Lilith looked down at her chest and cupped herself. Being post-pregnant, mortally, now allowed her slightly bigger boobs. "Bigger," she said happily. "Bouncier. What about you, anything different?"

Ushio smiled and approached Kaji happily. "Hello there!" she greeted cheerfully. "How have you been, Kaji-kun? Is it okay if I call you Kaji-kun? Danna is a bit weird.."

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PostSubject: Re: Shipwrecked (open)   Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 EmptyFri Sep 16, 2011 4:19 am

Hel chuckled " that sounds like daddy "she brushed her hair back behind her ear. how did she feel about samael, well he was a really good time in bed. Hel Shrugged "honestly I dont care for him mainly his the snake between his legs" yup samaels only good quality seemed to be his pole.

Samael felt around everything seemed intact "oh my wings are gone, I rather liked those". 'Wait a minute... oh kami' his ass was firmer. "Nope nothing different about me" He said scratching the back of his heck

Kaji nodded "yeah thats fine" he said sheepishly. He looked at her "well I guess we should fin this room we will be sharing" he said looking away quickly.
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shipwrecked (open)   Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 EmptyFri Sep 16, 2011 4:32 am

"Mmm...well, how about this then, you can take Samael and I take Lilith." He looked over at the demon with her little black dress and bouncy bosom and legs up to her ass and licked his lips. "Win win, right?"

"Oh really? I kinda hoped your butt would get a bit rounder, I like meat on my men," she teased and laughed. It was true Lilith loved ass on her lovers, but he wasn't a lover. At least, was an ex. She smiled up at him. "Wanna look at baby pictures of Kou?"

"Okay then. I hope we get twin beds, or maybe we can share a king bed." Ushio went over the sheet of paper and checked the number of the room allocated. "...69?"

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PostSubject: Re: Shipwrecked (open)   Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 EmptyFri Sep 16, 2011 4:49 am

Hel blinked "the month we are here things are different but once its over well" she shook her head. the trouble wasnt worth it, Samael was stronger and their the deal they had was enough. "I have the Winter Solstice and thats perfectly fine with me" she said getting up and heading to room 33.

Samael gulped, he was facing lilith but if she got a side view. He knew about her fetish, turn on for her yes, worked in his favour yes but she liked the Idea of pegging. He sat down quickly "yeah yeah show me" he said just as quickly.

Kaji groaned 'curse you Eros' he thought. "Room .... 69, yeah that's ours" he said sighing.
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shipwrecked (open)   Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 EmptyFri Sep 16, 2011 4:57 am

"Oh pooh, you're no fun, Hel," Beel said sulkily with a pout as he followed her up to the room. Twin beds? Thank you Eros. "Are you telling me you don't plan to bed him this month at all?"

"Oh, but I left them upstairs in our room...well, might as go! Come on, Samael!" Lilith smiled and took his hand. She dragged him all the way upstairs to room 666. On the bed, sheets crumpled, was a big, black, leather-bound album. Lilith hopped onto the mattress and pat the space next to her, inviting him to sit next to her.

Ushio smiled and held her hand out to him. Old habits die hard. "Shall we go?" she asked him gently. She wanted to talk with him.

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PostSubject: Re: Shipwrecked (open)   Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 EmptyFri Sep 16, 2011 5:19 am

Hel sighed " why waste my time, there are plenty of people to fool around with on this island". It was true the males out numbered the females, this was her time to get to know other non underworld god and demons. Odin had banished her to the Underworld since she was a child of Loki and well Hel had only met a few men in her life time. Hades was taken, Lucifer was take, Azazel was in a flaming cell, Dionysus was taken and Beel had never even looked her way. Samael had been her lover and she was content with that, if she could met someone better what the hay she would release him from the deal.

Samael was glad she had not seen his backside, he hurriedly sat down next to her. "I really try to visit but ... even with three kings something is always going wrong in the underworld" he said looking at the album.

Kaji reached out and took her hand. "lets go" he said leading her to the room.
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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shipwrecked (open)   Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 EmptyFri Sep 16, 2011 11:26 am

"Awwww make time for your only son, Samael. He's very popular in his class." Lilith opened up the album and showed him a picture of Goru and Kou on their first day at the ninja academy. "They wanted to go, even though they didn't have to. Something about human feelings and relationships. I think he just wanted to go because he wanted to get stronger, and so did Goru." Lilith laughed merrily as they looked at more pictures of Kou, sometimes baby Izzy and him too. "He's having a birthday party in a few months, will you please come, Samael? Please?" she asked, smiling up to him warmly.

Once they were in the room with the twin beds, Ushio turned to Kaji, eyes bright. "How's Izzy?" she asked him. He was the one alive and free, she had been imprisoned underground. "Is she eating well? No fights? No boys?"

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PostSubject: Re: Shipwrecked (open)   Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 EmptyFri Sep 16, 2011 11:38 am

Samael smiled "yeah Ill be there" he said looking at the white haired boy in the picture. Another reason he had avoided seeing kou was lilith, he had not been sure she had wanted him around the boy.

Kaji rubbed the back if his neck nervously. How to explain the absence from their daughters life "Ushio you may want to sit down" he said motioning to one of the beds.

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Nakashima Kuroda
Nakashima Kuroda

Number of posts : 18267
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-08-22

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PostSubject: Re: Shipwrecked (open)   Shipwrecked (open) - Page 9 EmptyFri Sep 16, 2011 2:24 pm

"He says he doesn't like anyone yet, but he does get lots of admirers." Lilith smiled and laid on her stomach as she flipped over the pages and went over the pictures. "Hey Samael," she said. "Mmm... I'm sorry I made the breakup messy. I should have let you go easily instead of causing so much drama. I really should have seen that you didn't want to settle down. Will you forgive me?" she asked, and looked up at him. Would he forgive the mistakes she made unto him?

Ushio blinked and sat down. "Um... Okay," she said, confused. "Kaji, what's wrong? Is Izzy in trouble? Is she okay? Is something wrong with our baby?"

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