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 A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)

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A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)   A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2009 11:01 am

After a day or two of travel Seifukusha had finally made it to the Hidden Leaf Village through the days of the desert and through the forest to reach this place. He had a mission, needed to be done by him. If it wasn't for him thinking that this must be what his God was talking about he wouldn't have done it. However he only believes this is all but a part of what will come, Seifukusha was walking around the streets of Konoha, many citizens were staring at him. They no doubt recognized that he was from the sand. They were all whispering secrets between themselves most likely to be about Seifukusha's presence, quickly word had spread over the village wondering why there is a sand ninja in Konoha. Seifukusha needed to hear about the situation of the leaf village and also if ther ewas any way that the sand could help them out.

That was what Seifukusha was told and this is what He was gonna do. He didn't bother the citizens that didn't seem like ninjas for the obvious reason, they must know nothing about the situation and there would be no need. He would mostly likely go to the Hokage but he had no clue where he was going.
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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)   A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2009 11:08 am

The pepole had bein whispering all the day, but even trhough all the fake rumors hadent reached Miru and Samu.

Seifukusha feelt to strong winds blow from behind on his left and right for a moment befor 2 figures appeard, A young girl that max could be around 17, long jetblack hair, pale skin and katana strabbed to her back. The other was a sligtly taller male with pale skin also, he looked older, early 20`s it seemed, his hair went past the ears to the base of his neck and was pulled back in a short low ponytail, his bangs rammed his face in a some wort charming manner, both was dressed in ANBU uniform, black eyes and a emotionless face. "are you Seifukusha?..the genin the kazekage has sended?..we are ordered to take you to a safe place until the hokage is ready to meet you", the pale girl spoke
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A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)   A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2009 11:13 am

Yea, Here's the scroll I got from the Kazekage as proof of my mission and Identity

Seifukusha said with his eyes closed and his hand searching for the scroll ad then he tossed it towards the woman in front of him. He then began to walk towards them, following them.
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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)   A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2009 11:17 am

Seifukusha could hear the whispers among the adults and elder`s in the crowd"is that them?", "is that man really the uchiha hemit that came back one day along with miru?", "i heard that they live in that old mansion..", and it went on and on

Miru closed her eyes bye it and tighting her knuckles but keept walking, Samu took the scroll and walked on his left side while miru walked in front
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A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)   A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2009 11:29 am

Isuria, Seifukusha's ninja cat was quickly following him. Apparently his ninja cat wasn't walking any faster then him but managed to get back to Seifukusha in time. She jumped upon Seifukusha's shoulder. Children from the streets were looking towards the cat just because how cute it looked. One of the children actually approached Seifukusha. Seifukusha looked at the child, the child was visibly afraid as he was seen shaking.

"Sir... could I play with your cat for a while...?[/b]

The child had asked of Seifukusha

Play? Whats the damn point in playing in this world?! All you would do is waste time to try making everybody's lives easier then before!

Seifukusha screamed at the kid, he was partly annoyed. Isuria scratched Seifukusha's face but hit the metal part underneath the artificial skin of his face, however it didn't made much of a noise so it was barely noticeable. Isuria then jumped off and got into the hands of the kid.

"Don't mind Seifukusha, he's just like that. He doesn't quite mean it."

Isuria spoke, the children were amazed with the cat and were really excited when the child who took Isuria was going towards them.
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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)   A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2009 11:36 am

"Youre life is never going to be easy, if you cant accept all the small facts such as fellings and dead..but no matter how hard you try, the life will always be hard", miru hollow eyes gazed the children, Seifukusha and Isuria befor looking away

"..Miss. Isuria, im sorry to say this, but we hokage exspets you both at the safe spot as soon as possibol". he kneeled down and pattet the child on the head"i promise you can play with the cute kitty when they have spoken with the hokage okay?", he said in a gentel manner
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A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)   A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2009 11:41 am

Yea Isuria, who said you could go out and waste your time?!

Seifukusha said as Isuria was going back jumping unto his shoulder and scratching him even more.

Isuria... That bloody hurt!

Seifukusha said as he moved his right hand to try to hit Isuria but Isuria saw it and jumped unto his head.

Enoguh, let's go now...

Seifukusha said apparently annoyed.
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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)   A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2009 11:45 am

"You should treat you..partner with better manners, She`s just trying to enjoy the life kid", he said ruffling Seifukusha`s hair"or else you turn out like miru..", he said looking at the back of the black haired ANBU lady who apperently was named Miru

Miru closed her eyes and stayed silent as they were comming closer to tranning ground 5
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A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)   A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2009 11:50 am

Do you wanna get killed?

Seifukusha said as the man was ruffling his hair, he didn't really like being touches. Especially by strangers.

Im allowed to be the way I wanna be, I only have one goal in this world after it's done I can die without anything stopping me! This world is filled with nothing but hatred. It would be better if humans never existed in the first place!
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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)   A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2009 11:52 am

"...even a bad human is company..than being alone..", as they entered the tranning ground samu sat down under a tree but miru keept standing"..come here..i need to do some standart checks on you.."
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A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)   A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2009 11:55 am

What? Standard checks? What kind of Cr~

Seifukusha stopped as he realized it's a mission possibly relating it to his God so he might as well abide it.

Fine, do your standard check.

Seifukusha said as he walked towards them and stopped to get a standard check by them.
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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)   A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2009 11:59 am

Miru simply made a small nod, she did some handseals aand finished in a bird sign, her black eyes turned red with 3 black spots surronding her black purpill"..stand still"

Samu watched the 2 with a raised eyebrow but remained were he was
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A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)   A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2009 12:01 pm

Take all the time you want...

Seifukusha standing still on his left part but the right part was at least moving a bit.
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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)   A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2009 12:07 pm

"..Uchiha Style: All seeing eye!", the 3 spots begang to spin really fast and miru made eyecontact with him. Seifukusha could feel his body, well flesh part, began to get tired and heavy but miru had her hands on his shoulders, preventing it from falling to the ground, the genjutsu seach through his mind, body and chakra network to find any sign of transformation, thoughts that would put the village in danger and if he was being controled
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A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)   A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2009 12:10 pm

The hel~

Suddenly Seifukusha could feel the flesh part of his body weak, however he lifted his mechanical arm and moved it forward to push Miru away from him, he felt as if he was being read and he didn't like this at all.
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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)   A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2009 12:12 pm

Miru let a little chakra flow into her right arm and locked her hand around his wrist, preventing him from moving the arm"..move to much and i rip it off..", her voice was emotionless and he could feel her chakra being more focused now
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A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)   A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2009 12:25 pm

Tk... Fine, have your damn way. I don't see any bloody point.

Seifukusha said as he calmed down, and heard Isuria laugh.

What's so damn funny!?

"First time your listening to someone else besides the Kazekage, even in this situation you would let your arm get ripped off."

Isuria said as she continued to laugh.

"I think your getting your first crush~"

Isuria shut it!

"Eh, your face is all red!"

She continued to laugh.

The damn redness is from my anger, besides she's threatening to rip my arm off!
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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)   A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2009 12:31 pm

"..would you keep quiet?..i dont wish to put you to sleep...", miru formed a handsign with her free arm and begang seaching for some unatureal chakra, there had bein attemps to hide enemy chakra inside spies chakra vessels
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A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)   A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2009 12:38 pm

Seifukusha as well as Isuria both stopped and kept still.
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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)   A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2009 12:43 pm

Miru let go of his arm and straight up her back, even through she was grown for her age Seifukusha still was a few inches(sp?) higher than her"..nothing wrong..", her sharingan turned off
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A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)   A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2009 12:47 pm

So yea, can we go meet the Hokage yet?

Seifukusha asked trying his best to control his temper.
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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)   A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2009 12:50 pm

Miru shock her head"not until my raven returns..", the uchiha female sat down on the grass, crossed her legs and slowy formed som handseals

Samu gotoff from the grass and looked towards Seifukusha"you hungry kid?"
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A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)   A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2009 12:56 pm


Seifukusha was visibly irritated

"Now, now Sefukusha, just because he called you kid, don't get mad after all you are a kid..."

Shut it Isuria! Your supposed to be on my side!

"There's sides now?"

Sefukusha got even more mad but went back to his question and simply shrugged no, no telling what the Kazekage would do if he tried anything.
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Number of posts : 4121
Age : 29
Registration date : 2009-06-05

A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)   A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2009 1:01 pm

Samu let out a sigh"Miru only is 16, but she has done what most joinins couldt had done in her life..i call pepole on how they act..and to me you a little brat..", he said with a teasing smink over his face
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A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)   A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2009 1:13 pm

Sefukusha didn't seem that irritated much, in a way he did want to kill him but in another way he didn't. Cause first of all it would be proving his point of him being a brat. Besides the Kazekage would get angry at him if he did anything aggresive so he just left it at that and just sat down, he then pulled the sleeve of his left arm up, revealling a mechanical arm for it didn't have artifical skin,

Gee, no wonder it felt weird, she took off a screw...

Seifukusha said in a low tone as if talking to himself while he looked into one of his jeans pocket for a screw and found one and replaced it.

"You okay Seifu?"

Isuria asked Seifukusha as she was worried, she had seen what pain he was in when his mechanical equipment were all broken off.

Yea Isuria... I'm alright, don't worry won't let the same thing happen again.
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A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all)   A Reconnaise Mission In Progress (Open to all) Empty

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